Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain...
Iain Dale talks to Rene Levanchy about the life of the Athenian tyrant PisistratusSigned copies of THE DICTATORS can be ordered here
192. Xi Jinping – China, (2012-)
Iain Dale talks to Cindy Yu, the host of the Chinese Whispers podcast about the life and rule of President Xi Jinping of China. Signed copies of THE DICTATORS can be ordered here
191. Antonio de Oliveira Salazar – Portugal, (1932-68)
Iain Dale talks to Salazar’s biographer, Thomas Gallagher about the man who ruled Portugal for 36 years
190. Francisco Franco – Spain (1936-75)
Iain Dale talks to historian Simon Heffer about the Spanish dictator, General Franco, who, after prevailing in the Spanish civil war, ruled Spain for the best part of 40 years.
189. Idi Amin – Uganda, 1971-79
Iain Dale talks to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown about the man who ruled her homeland, Uganda, and whom she also met.
About Presidents, Prime Ministers, Monarchs & Dictators
Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain Dale’s book The Prime Ministers: Three Hundred Years of History. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne and Henry Pelham to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, these podcasts provide a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements. Season Two, gives the same treatment to the 45 US Presidents from George Washington through to Joe Biden, with each episode featuring an interview with the author of the essay about a President in Iain Dale’s book ‘The Presidents’. Season Three contained interviews about the various and varied Irish Taoisigh, whilst the new Season 4 takes you through England and the UK's many Kings and Queens, as featured in Iain's book Kings and Queens: 1200 Years of English and British Monarchs. Season 5 looks at the life of 64 Dictators. Buy signed copies of ‘The Prime Ministers’, ‘The Presidents’ and 'Kings and Queens' & 'Dictators' at