If you’re currently interested in pursuing a career in Physiotherapy or are a current Physiotherapy student like myself then this podcast is for you! My name is...
In this weeks episode I ask Claire (@claire.physiolife) a trauma and orthopaedic physiotherapist and Becky (@thewellbeingphysio) an MSK physiotherapist your questions that were sent in on Instagram! They both discuss their physiotherapy journey as well as answer questions ranging from what they would tell their student self to what they look for in a student as a clinical educator!!
DISCLAIMER: All matters discussed are personal opinions and experiences only.
Instagram- @bella_physifit
Facebook/Twitter- @TphysioCast
The low down of applying for band 5 Physiotherapy jobs
In this weeks episode I am joined by James an MSK physiotherapist, Abbey a 3rd year student from The University of Winchester, Rob a 3rd year student from Sheffield Hallum University and Katy a 3rd year student from Brunel University of London. We discuss our tips and experiences of applying for band 5 Physiotherapy jobs including personal statement writing and interviews! + what employers are looking for! If you’re coming to the end of your degree and thinking about your next steps this episode is for you!!
Studying Physiotherapy outside of the UK
The Student PhysioCast goes GLOBAL (Netherlands, Australia and Malaysia)!! In this weeks episode I am joined by Oisin (@oisinlally11) and Calum (@calumwhxte) who study physiotherapy at Fontys University of Applied Science in the Netherlands, Lawrence (@lawsofphysio) who studied at The University of Sydney and Justin (@physiotherapist_justinkong) who is currently studying in Malaysia!
We discuss what lead them to studying physiotherapy, how their application system works to study physiotherapy and how their courses are structured!! I would definitely recommend if you are interested in studying overseas!
DISCALAIMER: Confidentiality is maintained throughout as appropriate. All matters discussed are based on personal experiences only.
Instagram- @bella_physifit , Twitter/Facebook- @Tphysiocast
Why you should befriend OTs!
In this weeks episode I am joined by Gillian ( @gill_optrehab ) a qualified OT and 1st year MSc physiotherapy student, Shay ( @shaygordon.fit ) a 2nd year student from the University of Birmingham, Georgia ( @georgiajones16 ) a 3rd year student from Manchester Metropolitan University, Rachel ( @rmhsportsmassage ) a 2nd year MSc student from Robert Gordon University and Aishwarya ( @aishwarya_c09 ) a 1st year MSc from King's College London. We discuss the similarities and differences between occupational therapy and physiotherapy, why this professional relationship is so important to have, and the importance of working within an MDT as a PT!!
DISCLAIMER: Confidentiality is maintained throughout as appropriate. All points mentioned are based off personal experiences only.
Instagram: @bella_physifit
Facebook/Twitter: @Tphysiocast
No you cannot have a massage
In this weeks episode I am joined by Loretta ( @loretacarron ) a 2nd year from The University of East Anglia, Ella (@_ellamitchell /
@emitch_physio ) a 2nd year from St George's University of London, Izzie ( @Izziotherapie ) a 3rd year student from The University of Coventry and Carl ( @mskphysio101) a recent graduate from The University of East Anglia. We discuss the stereotypes that are associated with physiotherapy vs what physiotherapy actually is from our experience. We touch on how we decided physiotherapy was what we wanted to study at university, our current favourite areas and also some less known about specialities of physiotherapy including: Hippotherapy, Pelvic Health, Animal Physio and physio for patients with learning disabilities.
DISCLAIMER: Confidentiality is maintained throughout this recording where appropriate. All comments made are based on personal experiences only.
Instagram- @bella_physifit, Facebook/Twitter- @Tphysiocast
If you’re currently interested in pursuing a career in Physiotherapy or are a current Physiotherapy student like myself then this podcast is for you! My name is Isabella and I am a final year student studying in London - I will be discussing all things Physio. Including application, placement and university experiences, tips and tricks and sharing my passion for the profession!! Alongside fellow student physios from different years and universities as guest speakers!