In each episode of the Thinking Biblically and Beyond podcast, we will tackle scholarly and secular issues related to a specific topic or text and explore the c...
A long awaited episode... We'll be diving into an overview of some of what we can, and can't, know about the historical Paul and try to unravel some of the mystery around Paul as a (utterly and endlessly fascinating) historical figure. Should be a good one!
How Were Paul's Letters Collected?
In this episode, we'll cover the main theories that scholars propose for how Paul's letters may have been collected. Hint: It's complicated!
The Earliest “Christian” Text
Join us as we dive into the earliest document of the New Testament, Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians (~50 CE). In this episode, we will survey some of the big historical issues in the letter and explore some modern-day parallels.
Did Slaves Write the New Testament?
When we think about the authorship and production of the New Testament corpus, we often don't think about the people who were actually tasked with first writing down the text itself. Taking inspiration from the recent work done by Candida Moss on the subject (see her newly published 2024 book, "God's Ghostwriters"), this episode will explore the possibility that enslaved people were the ones who, by and large, were responsible for these monumental tasks.
The Gospel of John and the ‘Johannine Community’
The Gospel and Letters of John are some of the most unique and interesting texts in the New Testament. Join us as we explore the idea of a ‘Johannine community’ and take a deeper look at the texts that have come to form what scholars call the Johannine corpus (the Gospel of John + the 3 letters of John).
In each episode of the Thinking Biblically and Beyond podcast, we will tackle scholarly and secular issues related to a specific topic or text and explore the complex and fascinating history of the biblical corpus!