There are hundreds of Doctor Who episodes and stories out there and we intend to watch them all! Not just that – We’ll watch, review, discuss, debate, rate and ...
Myriad single tears later, an old man takes credit for the women doing all the work in this season finale
N186 The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Sutekh's back and Kate just had a flapjack, as RTD lines up a plethora of mysteries that surely all will be explained in the next and final episode of the series, surely
N185 Rogue
Doc cranks the flirting up to Fifteen while some posh birds hatch a plan for homicidal Bridgerton cosplay
B098 Eleventh (11th!!) Anniversary Bloopers
Holy Bananas and Cheesecakes, how can we still be blooping after eleven years?!
N184 Dot and Bubble
White-power walkers are too busy influencing to notice the epic slugfest around them
There are hundreds of Doctor Who episodes and stories out there and we intend to watch them all! Not just that – We’ll watch, review, discuss, debate, rate and praise and/or poke holes in every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the 1963 pilot. That’s right; we’re beginning with William Hartnell and then working our way forward through time, episode by episode and Doctor by Doctor. In parallel, we’re also reviewing New Who, starting with Eccleston in the 2005 revival. At the time of writing this, we’re already well into the Tom Baker and Peter Capaldi eras! From comparing Dalek and Cybermen military strategems to ranking companions by hairstyle, we’ve got it covered.