Manga-O-Rama: Mansect by Shinichi Koga from Living the Line + Smudge, Tank Chair V2, Hirayasumi, Orochi V2, Tree of Death: Tomotsuhegui V3, and Dandadan, Barfly, Where Monsters Lie: Cull-De-Sac, Big Jim and the White Boy, Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis, Aquaman, plus a whole mess more!
11 O'Clock Comics Episode 963
Dust to Dust, Dan Da Dan, DC-O-Rama: Metamorpho: The Element Man, The Atom Project, and Justice League Unlimited, Hirayasumi, Ain't No Grave, Mary Tyler Moorehawk, Deadpool/Wolverine, The Serpent in the Garden: Ed Grey and the Last Battle for England, plus a whole mess more!
11 O'Clock Comics Episode 962
In the Garden of Earthly Delights by Rich Tommaso from Floating World, Crime-O-Rama: Vertigo Crime's Noche Roja and Gilt Frame by Matt and Margie Kindt from Dark Horse, Absolute Wonder Woman and Hayden Sherman, Alan Moore and The Great When, Dynamite's Jonny Quest, Jae Lee, Dan Mora and Superman, Mark Waid, plus a whole mess more!
11 O'Clock Comics Episode 961
Processing: 100 Comics That Got Me Through It by Tara Booth from Drawn & Quarterly, New Gods, Absolute Batman, Absolute Superman, Happyland, Rocketfellers, G. I. Joe, Transformers, Batman & Robin: Year One, Illustrators Super Special: The US Warren Artists, Barfly, The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born, Milo Manara's Caravaggio, plus a whole mess more!