The audition process can make or break a performer's progress. Join Broadway veteran Justin Guarini every week to hear what it takes to stand out from the compe...
Any performer can show up to an audition, but the most successful performers show up to an audition fully centered in the 3 C’s…and when you show up rooted in the 3 C’s you can access that unquantifiable, and mysterious thing that people often call the ‘X factor’. In this episode Justin breaks down the 3 C’s, and even gives you a guided exercise that will help you master one of the most important C’s he talks about.
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Overcoming BAD Readers
In this episode Justin shows you how to avoid the BAD reader trap, and how to create the exact dynamic you want and need in your scenes, no matter who you're in the room reading with!
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The Love I Give. The Love I Receive. The Relationships I Create & Maintain.
What are the keys to true wealth in this business? The love you give, the love you receive, and the relationships you create and maintain. Listen as Justin speaks about an experience at a local High School that brought this concept into clear focus.
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7 Audition Prep Tricks That Will Help You Rise Above Your Competition
The difference between performers with moderate success, and performers with outstanding success boils down to...mastering the basics. The people who go back and reexamine the things they "think they know" are usually the ones who find ways to overcome the things holding them (and most other people) back from the success they deserve.
Listen as Justin breaks down 7 Audition Prep Tips & Tricks that will help you to rise above your competition and increase your odds of getting the job!
If you haven't picked up your digital copy of Justin's best-selling book "Audition Secrets" then head on over to and get yours today!!
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3 HUGE Audition Mistakes...And How You Can Avoid Them
If you haven't gone to and picked up your copy of AUDITION SECRETS the book...then what are you waiting for!?! Get your copy today and snag your free 7-day trial of the Audition Secrets Online Mastermind...the online community that has a ton of amazing resources that help singers, actors, and performers of all kinds OVERCOME NERVES, RISE ABOVE THE COMPETITION AND GET THE JOB!
In this episode, Justin breaks down three major mistakes he's made (and sees a lot of other performers make) in the audition room, and gives you solid advice on how to avoid the traps that can kill your chances of getting the job.
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The audition process can make or break a performer's progress. Join Broadway veteran Justin Guarini every week to hear what it takes to stand out from the competition, avoid common mistakes, and unlock the next level of your musical theater career. Have you ever walked out of an audition room and asked yourself: "I could've done so much better, why was that so terrible?" Justin has too, many times, more than he can remember. So, he started searching for a new way to nail auditions and book more jobs as a performer. Now, each week, Justin brings you valuable insights from his 17 years of success in the entertainment business, along with exclusive interviews and tips from some of the industry's biggest stars, directors, creatives, thought leaders and working actors just like you! The Audition Secrets podcast is your direct line to behind the scenes audition success strategies and insiders, straight from the stages, the audition rooms, and the players to your earbuds.