Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as intervie...
Jono Bacon and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which Jeremy is sadly unwell (get well soon Jezza!) and so we in theory look at the latest news but actually spend three quarters of the show on one topic! This is what happens when there’s no Jeremy to keep us on track. Including: [00:00:00] Intro […]
3×68: In The Abysmal Sea
Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we are back, back again, Bad Voltage is back, tell a friend, and we look back a little at the big things that happened in 2024’s tech world: [00:00:00] Intro [00:02:19] Social Media 2024 [00:26:19] Drones in NY [00:30:28] The UK is over […]
3×67: Drunk From The Wrong Grail
Jono Bacon and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which there is a particularly excellent shirt, a particularly absent salting of the conversation with, y’know, actual facts and that from Jeremy, and: [00:00:00] Intro [00:02:19] CrowdStrike: how half the computers in the world went down (with thanks to abadidea for research) [00:28:41] Reddit might paywall […]
3×66: Return of the Mack
Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we return after an unplanned hiatus, there is a squirrel in your car (not a euphemism), and: [00:00:00] Intro [00:04:16] The US government demands that Bytedance sell TikTok, or do they? There’s lots going on in this case, and it leads into lots […]
3×65: Not Evenly Distributed
Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we look to the year ahead (well, the 10 months ahead) and predict what will happen in the tech industry and the world in 2024. 2024’s predictions: [00:00:00] Intro [00:02:49] Jeremy: Sundar Pichai will not be CEO by end of 2024 [00:06:55] Jeremy: […]
Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as interviews and reviews. The show is presented by Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge.