Dig into science with climate experts.
Interviews and conversations with world-class scientists, hosted by Stephen Outten and Ingjald Pilskog.
Stephen Outt...
In the latest episode of the Bjerknes Podcast, experts debate the future of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a crucial component of the global climate system. Listen to colleagues discussing the AMOC in a measured and thoughtful manner.
There is an ongoing debate among scientists regarding the potential collapse or slowdown of the AMOC. Both scientific support and contrasting views can be found among colleagues at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. In this new episode of the Bjerknes Climate Podcast, host Stephen Outten discusses these two viewpoints with Andreas Born and Marius Årthun.
Eivind Heldaas Seland og Kikki Kleiven har skrevet bok om klimahistorie. Her forteller de om middelalderens varmeperiode, om temperaturfallet under den lille istiden og om hvordan klimakriser har skapt både stagnasjon og nye idéer.
Eivind Heldaas Seland er professor i historie ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Kikki Kleiven er direktør ved Bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning og førsteamanuensis ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Meike Becker og Ingunn Skjevlan - Deepwater acidification
Predicting algae blooms - a new tool in our arsenal
Phd-student Edson Silva at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center is talking with our host Stephen Outten, Senior researcher at the Nansen center, about one of the newest tools in our predicting arsenal, an algae bloom predictor. Trained on the coast of north Norway, it can be a great support for managing our costs, but it can be retrained for usage anywhere.
Support and editing by Ingjald Pilskog, associate professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Not so green transition
In Bergen mid-March, the climate festival Varmere, våtere, villere (Warmer, wetter, wilder) filled three floors in Bergen over three days, for talks and debates on climate change and necessary solutions.
Devyn Remme, PhD Candidate, at the Center for Climate and Energy Transition (CET), University of Bergen, works in research of the social and environmental consequences of the transition to electric cars from a global perspective.
At the festival she was in the "Around the World with Climate Science" to talk about her research and experience as a climate researcher. She joins host Ingjald Pilskot in the festival podcast booth.
Dig into science with climate experts.
Interviews and conversations with world-class scientists, hosted by Stephen Outten and Ingjald Pilskog.
Stephen Outten is a researcher at Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. Ingjald Pilskog is an associated professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and connected to the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.