The March of the Frogs, Heavy Lifting Stones and Boat Building
Many landowners across Scotland are engaging with large scale restoration projects. One such project, spanning 80 thousand acres, is Wildland, in the Scottish Highlands. They have a 200 year vision to help the land heal, grow and thrive, and Rachel is there to find out more about the project, and perhaps even spot some of birds of prey who are thriving in this landscape.HippFest, a silent film and live music festival based in Bo’Ness, is back this March, and one of the filmmakers, Moira Salt, has developed a silent film focusing on Scotland’s canals. Mark met up with her alongside the Forth and Clyde Canal to find out what exactly inspires her about these waterways.Bridgend Farmhouse is a community owned organisation in Edinburgh, focusing on a creating a sustainable and welcoming space for learning, eating and exercise. Helen Needham met with John Knox, who is Chair of the Board at Bridgend, to find out more about the philosophy behind the organisation.For villages on the West Coast of Scotland, boats and sailing are often part of the traditional way of life. However, in Plockton, the local high school is playing a key role in keeping this tradition alive, through teaching the heritage craft of boat building. Mark went along and spoke to some of the students about what learning this craft meant to them.Frogs and toads have begun to emerge all across Scotland, coming out of hibernation and entering the breeding season. But how can we tell which is which, and how can we get involved in their conservation? We speak to Nature.Scot Reserve Officer Danny Bean about how we can keep an eye out for our native amphibians.The Braemar Highland Games Centre is home to one of the world’s most famous lifting stones – the Inver Stone. Mark visited to hear the history behind the stone, where the traditions of lifting stones first began.In an excerpt from this week’s podcast, Rachel is joined by Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill, to find out about how their love of wild swimming began, and how that has grown through their BBC TV Series Jules and Greg’s Wild Swim