I am a transgender woman, an Educational Psychologist, and a scientist published many times over in the field of gender diversity thanks almost entirely to some...
'Tr***y tr***y tra**y, I don't care, you want pe****s in women's bathrooms' We ponder stigmatising language and what happens when people begin to internalise stigma. It's a wild world out there but thankfully we're not alone. It's Classroom Psychology!!!References: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x4m8fTy9t4yTVDr9zjumGcb4L8R3gGhmLhLxJ0Cf9TY/edit?usp=sharing
Episode 38: Trans Q&A, talking puberty blockers, hospital rooms, religion, and bodily autonomy.
Researchers from California got in touch to ask a series of fascinating questions, so I thought we'd try something a little different, as we get into sommething a little more personal, and a little cozier. It's Classroom Psychology!
Episode 37: Transgender brains
'...to say therefore I am a woman is just a betrayal of language' We tackle the question of gendered brain development and wonder what kind of brains transgender folk have. This field is beyond Cora's skills to understand... and it shows. But we're in this together, it's Classroom Psychology!
References: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x4m8fTy9t4yTVDr9zjumGcb4L8R3gGhmLhLxJ0Cf9TY/edit?usp=sharing
Episode 36: Puberty blockers and IQ
There are a handful of studies that look at the relationship between GnRHa and cognitive development, in terms of IQ and executive functioning. We find that these studies, as weak as they are, are alarming but that the model of care your country endorses creates very different implications for these findings. Let's get into it together in Classroom Psychology!
References: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x4m8fTy9t4yTVDr9zjumGcb4L8R3gGhmLhLxJ0Cf9TY/edit?usp=sharing
Episode 35: A holiday message from Cora
The holiday season can be really challenging for gender diverse folk, and this year, given the year it has been, it's particularly difficult. So Cora offers a little holiday message for her gender diverse kin out there, and we look forward to next year together, and remember that we are working together to create a world where everyone, everyone, can find a place to belong.
I am a transgender woman, an Educational Psychologist, and a scientist published many times over in the field of gender diversity thanks almost entirely to some truly outstanding trainees and colleagues.
On Classroom Psychology we take the questions asked by public figures, even those posed as confident declarations, and we look to the scientific literature to find answers.
Join me, and together we'll create a society where everyone can find a place to belong.