Temptations this Christmas? 3 ways to steer clear...
Do you struggle with s3xual sin and want to have a peaceful Christmas, temptation free? Well, that may not be realistic, but there here are 3 ways to allow your familiar brokenness to become an access point for the Christmas mystery.
The truth may hurt but will never harm -- the Church and gender dysphoria w/ Jason Evert
Lived Experience and the Search for Truth https://www.amazon.com/Lived-Experience-Search-Truth-Revisiting/dp/B0DG2PVQ6K
A Meditation on Givenness https://www.communio-icr.com/files/jpii41-4.pdf
The Chastity Project https://chastity.com
"Male, Female, Other?" https://chastity.com/products/male-female-other/
Navigating Gender with Charity & Clarity Course https://courses.chastity.com/a/2147982744/5RBrh2oj
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Don't grasp, rest. w/ Andrew Comiskey
Your sexuality is not your disorder w/Marco Casanova
Event at the Theology of the Body Institute
Desert Stream Ministries
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