Welcome to Eagles, Globes, and Anchors the strategically-minded podcast of the Marine Corps War College, covering the intersection of strategy, security, and wa...
Eagles, Globes, and Anchors -- 45. An Annotated Guide to Tactics
This is episode 45 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guest is Olivia Garard. Dr. Johnson's guest discusses her new book, An Annotated Guide to Tactics: Carl von Clausewitz's Theory of the Combat, available from MCUPress at https://www.usmcu.edu/Outreach/Marine-Corps-University-Press/Books-by-topic/MCUP-Titles-A-Z/An-Annotated-Guide-to-Tactics/. Marine Corps University works to advance the legacy of Marine Corps warfighting excellence through a forward-thinking military academic institution that delivers world class education to develop professional leaders.
Eagles, Globes, and Anchors - 44. The Rise and Decline of U.S. Military Culture Programs
This is episode 44 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guest is Dr. Kerry Fosher, MCU's Director of Research. Dr. Johnson's guest discusses her new edited volume, The Rise and Decline of U.S. Military Culture Programs. Marine Corps University works to advance the legacy of Marine Corps warfighting excellence through a forward-thinking military academic institution that delivers world class education to develop professional leaders.
Eagles, Globes, and Anchors - 42. MCU Arctic Symposium
This is episode 42 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guests are Col. Brian Cole, MCU's Marine Corps Reserves Chair; Lt.Col. Joern Qviller, Norwegian Army and faculty at the Command and Staff College; and Dr. Lon Strauss, Associate Professor of Military History at the Command and Staff College. Marine Corps University works to advance the legacy of Marine Corps warfighting excellence through a forward-thinking military academic institution that delivers world class education to develop professional leaders.
Eagles, Globes, and Anchors – 41. On Contested Shores
This is episode 41 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guests are Timothy Heck and Brett Friedman. Dr. Johnson's guests discuss their new edited volume, On Contested Shores. Marine Corps University works to advance the legacy of Marine Corps warfighting excellence through a forward-thinking military academic institution that delivers world class education to develop professional leaders.
Eagles, Globes, and Anchors - 40. Marine Corps Doctor of Philosophy Programs
This is episode 40 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guests are LtCol Matthew Lundgren from the PHDP-Strategist track, and Maj Ezra Akin from the PHDP-Technical track, to discuss the development and utilization of the Marine Corps' PhD Program. Marine Corps University works to advance the legacy of Marine Corps warfighting excellence through a forward-thinking military academic institution that delivers world class education to develop professional leaders.
Welcome to Eagles, Globes, and Anchors the strategically-minded podcast of the Marine Corps War College, covering the intersection of strategy, security, and warfare. You can follow the Marine Corps War College on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at @mcwarcollege. Check out our website at https://www.usmcu.edu/mcwar/