'effortless parenting' because you deserve a calmer home
annett, effortless parenting
You are going to hear about a parenting approach that is neither punitive nor permissive.
Parenting is a journey and every mother, father and caregiver wishes...
Introduction to ‘effortless parenting’ podcast.
My name is annett, mother of two children and passionate follower of the teachings of Alfred Adler, Rudolf Dreikurs, Jane Nelsen and Byron Katie.
In this brief introduction you will hear why this refreshing parenting approach is different and effective.
It addresses, beliefs, thoughts and feelings behind our children’s behaviour.
This Adlerian approach allows parents to embrace boundaries with love and respecting parent, child and the situation a the same time.
I am Positive Discipline Parent and Classroom Educator based in Ireland.
About 'effortless parenting' because you deserve a calmer home
You are going to hear about a parenting approach that is neither punitive nor permissive.
Parenting is a journey and every mother, father and caregiver wishes that there was somebody external who could reassure them along the way.
What I will offer you are perspectives of different parenting styles and their long-term effects, bearing in mind the future adult we would like to see thriving through this world.
Conversations are meant to inspire you, dig deeper and serve as food for thought and what parenting would be like if it was effortless?
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