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FluentFiction - Welsh

Podcast FluentFiction - Welsh
Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second languag...

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  • Letters from the Past: Unraveling Secrets of a Hidden Bunker
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Letters from the Past: Unraveling Secrets of a Hidden Bunker Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-14-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fore oer o Chwefror, canodd gwynt y gaeaf drwy goedydd parc Bute.En: On a cold February morning, the winter wind sang through the trees of parc Bute.Cy: Roedd Cathays a heolydd Caerdydd wedi'u gorchuddio ag eira manion.En: Cathays and the streets of Caerdydd were covered with fine snow.Cy: Wrth gerdded tuag at y mynedfa i'r bwncer cudd, roedd Rhian yn penderfynu tynnu ei het fonet am fwy o wres.En: As she walked toward the entrance to the hidden bunker, Rhian decided to remove her beanie for more warmth.Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod argyfwng yn y gwaith hwnnw, ond roedd y stori a'i disgwyliai'n bwysicach.En: She knew there was an emergency at work, but the story awaiting her was more important.Cy: Mewn pen draw arall, roedd Glyn yn plymio i feddwl am ddirgelion cudd ei hoff le.En: Meanwhile, Glyn was diving into thoughts about the hidden mysteries of his favorite place.Cy: Roedd e'n meddwl am straeon cymheiriaid a thrallodau'r rhyfel.En: He thought about the stories of comrades and the tribulations of war.Cy: Wrth fynychu'r daith hnawn, roedd e'n cynhesu wrth adael iddo'i hun gael ei amgylchynu gan bethau oedd unwaith yn fyw a'i glecio.En: As he attended the afternoon tour, he warmed up by letting himself be surrounded by things that were once alive and captivating.Cy: Safai Rhian a Glyn gyda'i gilydd ym mynedfa'r bwncer.En: Rhian and Glyn stood together at the entrance of the bunker.Cy: Roedd golau cyfyngedig a'r arogl o ddamp yn llenwi'r awyr.En: Dim light and the smell of dampness filled the air.Cy: "Gobeithio'n well gen i o fewn," meddai Rhian yn ysgafn, gan edrych ar Glyn.En: "I hope it's better inside," Rhian said lightly, looking at Glyn.Cy: Gan fynd drwy ddrysau trwm o ddur, roeddent yn gadael i'r distawrwydd eu hamgylchynu.En: Passing through the heavy steel doors, they allowed silence to envelop them.Cy: Ar ôl ambell funud, fe stopiodd goleuadau'r arweinlyfr sydyn, a chyfnewidiad na wyddent oedd hynny a rhywbeth nad oeddent yn ei weld bob dydd.En: After a few moments, the guide's lights suddenly stopped, an exchange between what used to be and something they didn't see every day.Cy: "Dwi'n mor flinedig," meddai Rhian.En: "I'm so tired," Rhian said.Cy: "Ni allwn ni edrych ymlaen ymhellach. Dim signal ffôn yma."En: "We can't look forward much more. No phone signal here."Cy: "Beth am i ni edrych o gwmpas?" awgrymodd Glyn, gyda gwen fach.En: "How about we look around?" Glyn suggested with a small smile.Cy: "Gallai fod rhywbeth rhagorol ar ben draw'r coridor hwn."En: "There might be something remarkable at the end of this corridor."Cy: Felly dechreuon nhw grwydro, pob un o feddwl ar eu helw a'r golled oedd yn aros am eu hargyfwng.En: So they began to wander, each pondering their profit and the loss that awaited their emergency.Cy: Roedd y mapiau ar y wal yn dweud straeon am flaenoriaethau a'u hysbrydoliaeth i gyd o fewn mowldau drwg eu blas.En: The maps on the wall told stories of priorities and their inspiration within unpleasant molds.Cy: Nid cyn hir cawsant bentwr o lythyrau cudd o wladwriaeth gynt.En: Not long after, they found a pile of hidden letters from a former state.Cy: Rhyfeddod Rhian wrth ddarllen rhai o gyfarchion trugaredd a phoen yr adran.En: Rhian marveled as she read some of the compassionate and painful greetings of the department.Cy: "Mae'n hawdd anghofio mai pobl go iawn oedd yn wynebu'r rhyngryn," meddai'n ddyddargaeledd.En: "It's easy to forget that real people faced the conflict," she said thoughtfully.Cy: "Mae pob llythyr yn daith," ychwanegodd Glyn, gan ofalu am y geiriau ei darllen.En: "Every letter is a journey," Glyn added, taking care with the words he read.Cy: "Ond tswn i'n dioddef ac yn llawen hefo nhw hefyd."En: "But I'd endure and rejoice with them too."Cy: Rwyf yn feirniadol ac nid oedd dim sain arall yno heblaw eu llais a'r awel o'r dreiglo.En: Something remarkable had happened to them, something they had never appreciated before.Cy: Ni ddigwyddodd hyn o'r blaen. Roedd rhywbeth anghyffredin wedi digwydd iddynt erioed gwerthfawrach fyth.En: As night came and the time to wait for other attendees to come to their rescue, an increasing connection formed between Rhian and Glyn.Cy: Wrth i'r nos ddod a'r amser i ddisgwyl mynychwyr eraill yn dod i'w hachub, datblygodd cysylltiad cynyddol rhwng Rhian a Glyn.En: Their gestures turned into comfort and their voices into another story's letters.Cy: Roedd eu hymgrymiadau yn troi'n gysur a'u lleisiau yn llythrennau stori arall.En: As the doors unlocked, they moved toward the light with new hope.Cy: Wrth i'r drysau ddadglowg, roeddent yn symud tuag at y golau gyda gobaith newydd.En: From their experience, they learned that stories aren't destroyed by being passed over human lives, working with presence, not error, and enduring genuine emotions.Cy: O'u profiad, roeddent wedi dysgu bod straeon heb eu difa wrth eu torri dros fywydau dynol, gweithio gyda phresennoldeb nid gwall, a dioddef emosiynau gwirioneddol.En: The next month's sixteenth was now marked on the calendar, one for entirely different stories.Cy: Roedd troedle'r ail bymtheg gwell wedi'u nodi ar y calendr nawr, un ar gyfer straeon cwbl gwahanol.En: The night of Halloween had waited for its after chamber.Cy: Roedd noson Galan Gaeaf wedi aros am ei siambr ôl.En: The new testimony had made a footprint in unwavering friendship.Cy: Roedd y dystlwaith newydd wedi gwneud troedle mewn cyfeillgarwch diamau.En: Rhian was filled with a newfound definite passion, while Glyn had more space than ever to encompass further.Cy: Roedd Rhian wedi ei lenwi gydag angerdd pendant newydd fyth, tra bod Glyn wedi mwy o le fyth i gynnwys bellach.En: The house was empty, but they, at least now, were filled with boundless hope. Vocabulary Words:cante: canoddbunker: bwnceremergency: argyfwngcomrades: cymheiriaidtribulations: trallodaudim: cyfyngedigdampness: dampenvelope: amgylchynucorridor: coridorwander: crwydropondering: meddwlunpleasant: drwg eu blascompassionate: trugareddrejoice: llawenattendees: mynychwyrgenuine: gwirioneddoltestimony: tystlwadunwavering: diamauboundless: di-rigolremoval: tyniadexchange: cyfnewidiadmarveled: rhyfeddodencompass: cynnwysendure: dioddefengulf: gorchuddiocaptivating: glecioawaiting: disgwylgreeting: cyfarchionprofit: elwmold: mowldau
  • Love's Journey: A Magical Valentine's Day in Snowy Eryri
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Love's Journey: A Magical Valentine's Day in Snowy Eryri Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-13-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yng nghanol llonyddwch gwanwyn y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd y coed henffurf hynafol wedi'u gorchuddio mewn mantell o eira disglair.En: In the stillness of spring in Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, the ancient, gnarled trees were covered in a mantle of glittering snow.Cy: Tasai rhywun yn edrych yn fanwl, byddai'n gweld trywyddau traed o dan ganghennau'u derw swynol.En: If someone looked closely, they would see footprints under the enchanting oak branches.Cy: Gareth, Megan, a Rhiannon a oedd yn teithio ar hyd y llwybrau hyn, yn chwilio am antur newydd yn y diwrnod arbennig hwn.En: It was Gareth, Megan, and Rhiannon who were traveling along these paths, searching for a new adventure on this special day.Cy: Gareth oedd y cyntaf i ddechrau sgwrs.En: Gareth was the first to start a conversation.Cy: "Megan," meddai, "beth am i ni ddringo i'r fan orau, fel ein bod ni'n gallu gweld popeth?"En: "Megan," he said, "how about we climb to the best spot so that we can see everything?"Cy: Roedd Megan yn taro'n syth ag ysbryd anturiaethus.En: Megan was immediately struck with a spirit of adventure.Cy: "Dw i'n barod y tro hwn, Gareth. Dim ond i'r copa uchaf fydd yn ddigon," meddai'n chwerthin am nad oedd hi'n hepgor yr her.En: "I'm ready this time, Gareth. Only the highest peak will do," she said, laughing because she wasn't shying away from the challenge.Cy: Ond roedd Rhiannon, sydd bob tro'n synnwyr cyffredin y grŵp, yn pryderu am y tywydd.En: But Rhiannon, who is always the common sense of the group, was worried about the weather.Cy: Roedd treigl yr eira'n dod yn fwy coeth a'r gwynt yn chwimio rhwng y coed yn mynd yn grws.En: The falling snow was becoming more refined, and the wind was now weaving brusquely between the trees.Cy: "Beth am edrych ar y map, gareth?" awgrymodd hi, "Mae'r llwybrau yma'n gallu bod yn beryglus pan mae eira mor drwchus."En: "What about looking at the map, Gareth?" she suggested, "These trails can be dangerous when the snow is so thick."Cy: Er gwaethaf y gwynt sy'n chwerw, roedd Gareth yn benderfynol o fynd â Megan i fan arbennig; roedd wedi cynnig y syniad amlwg er mwyn ei serchiadau.En: Despite the biting wind, Gareth was determined to take Megan to a special place; he had suggested the obvious idea in light of his affections.Cy: Roedd e wedi breuddwydio am y funud hon, ond roedd y tywydd yn ei orfodi i ail-ystyried.En: He had dreamed of this moment, but the weather forced him to reconsider.Cy: Wrth i'r cyflwr gwaethygu, penderfynodd Gareth: "Mae angen stopio fan hyn, annwyl. Rydym ni angen sicrhau ein bod ni'n ddiogel."En: As the conditions worsened, Gareth decided, "We need to stop here, my dear. We need to make sure we are safe."Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw ddarganfod hen dderwen, gan ymddangos fel cawr tawel dros y tirwedd gwyn, penderfynodd Gareth fuddsoddi ym mhrif benderfyniad ei fywyd.En: As they discovered an old oak tree, appearing as a quiet giant over the white landscape, Gareth decided to invest in the main decision of his life.Cy: Gafaelodd ar law Megan dan cysgod y goeden a thawelodd ei feddyliau.En: He took Megan's hand under the tree's shadow and quieted his thoughts.Cy: "Megan, y fan hon, yr eiliad hon... Dw i eisiau i ti fod yn rhan o bob diwrnod sydd i ddod," meddai'n daer.En: "Megan, this place, this moment... I want you to be a part of every day that comes," he said earnestly.Cy: Er ei syndod, gwenodd Megan, deimlad mawr tu hwnt i weddill yr eira oer.En: To his surprise, Megan smiled, a feeling overwhelmingly filling beyond the rest of the cold snow.Cy: "Ydw," atebodd hi, gan ddal eto lawn o ymdrechion meithrin.En: "Yes," she replied, fully embracing his efforts.Cy: Gareth wedi dysgu bod gwir ramant yn mae hanfod sydd yn y mynegi meddyliau.En: Gareth had learned that true romance lies in the essence of expressing one's thoughts.Cy: Mae'r lleoliad ddim mor bwysig â'r hyn rydych chi'n ei rannu.En: The location is not as important as what you share.Cy: Roedd y derwen hir sydd wedi gweld canrifoedd o hyfrydwch a'n tyfnodau, nawr yn llonydd dyst i gariad newydd.En: The long-standing oak that has witnessed centuries of joy and sorrows was now a silent witness to new love.Cy: Roedd Rhiannon wedi gwylio'r cyfan yn dawel, yn hapus dros ei ffrindiau, gan deimlo'r brynhawn yn troi i mewn i gogoniant newydd.En: Rhiannon had watched it all quietly, happy for her friends, feeling the afternoon turn into a new glory.Cy: Roedd diwrnod Valentine wedi dod yn syniad perffaith o gariad a menter, er gwaethaf yr heriau a ddaeth mewn ffordd anarferol.En: Valentine's Day had become a perfect idea of love and adventure, despite the challenges that came in an unusual way. Vocabulary Words:stillness: llonyddwchancient: hynafolgnarled: henffurfmantle: mantellglittering: disglairfootprints: trywyddau traedenchanting: swynoladventure: anturstruck: tarohighest peak: copa uchafshying away: hepgorcommon sense: synnwyr cyffredinweaving: chwimiobrusquely: yn grwsrefined: coethdetermined: benderfynolaffections: serchiadaureconsider: ail-ystyriedbiting: chwerwspecial place: fan arbennigquieted: taweloddearnestly: yn daerembracing: dal etoessence: hanfodcenturies: canrifoeddwitness: dystjoy: hyfrydwchsorrows: tyfnodauunusual: anarferoladventure: menter
  • A Valentine in Cardiff: Carys Finds Courage and Connection
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Valentine in Cardiff: Carys Finds Courage and Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-12-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae hi'n Dydd Sant Ffolant, a mae Carys yn eistedd wrth fwrdd bach yng nghornel caffi clyd yng Nghaerdydd.En: It's Valentine's Day, and Carys is sitting at a small table in the corner of a cozy café in Cardiff.Cy: Mae'r lle yn gynnes, gyda golau meddal yn goleuo'r ystafell, sŵn sïon ymarferol pobl yn clwstio, a'r arogl o goffi newydd ei fragu yn llenwi'r aer.En: The place is warm, with soft light illuminating the room, the practical hum of people chatting, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.Cy: Mae Carys yn edrych o gwmpas, eu dwylo ychydig yn nerfus ar ei lap.En: Carys looks around, her hands a little nervous on her lap.Cy: "Bydd popeth yn iawn," oedd geiriau Elin, ei chyd-letywraig, cyn iddi adael.En: "Everything will be fine," were the words of Elin, her roommate, before she left.Cy: "Rho’r gorau i ti, Carys.En: "Do your best, Carys.Cy: Dwyt ti ddim ar dy ben dy hun.En: You're not on your own."Cy: "Roedd y geiriau hynny yn gyson yn ei meddwl.En: Those words are constant in her mind.Cy: Mae'r esgidiau llawr llydan yn y caffi yn sïo wrth i Gareth agosáu at y bwrdd.En: The broad floor shoes in the café whisper as Gareth approaches the table.Cy: Mae'n wên disglair ar ei wyneb, ond hefyd mae'n ceisio cuddio rhywbeth yn ei lygaid – pryder tywyll, oedd Carys ddim yn gallu gweld i ddechrau.En: There's a bright smile on his face, but there's also something hidden in his eyes – a dark anxiety that Carys couldn't see at first.Cy: "Shwmae Carys," mae Gareth yn dweud yn garedig, tra’n eistedd.En: "Shwmae Carys," Gareth says kindly, while sitting down.Cy: Mae ei suedd yn araf ac yn eofn.En: His approach is slow and bold.Cy: "Mae'n hyfryd dy weld di yma.En: "It's lovely to see you here."Cy: ""Shwmae Gareth," mae Carys yn ateb, yn ceisio cyffwrdd awyrgylch gytûn yn ei llais.En: "Shwmae Gareth," Carys replies, trying to touch a harmonious tone in her voice.Cy: Ond mae ias yn fyw o'i fewn.En: But there's an alive shiver within her.Cy: Beth os bydd her merw o dawelwch?En: What if there's a cold challenge of silence?Cy: Maen nhw’n archebu diodydd.En: They order drinks.Cy: Mae Gareth yn dewis cappuccino, tra mae Carys yn menyn i gael latte.En: Gareth chooses a cappuccino, while Carys opts for a latte.Cy: Mae gwynt y rhew ar y stryd wedi gwaredu ei ffordd o'r tu allan.En: The chilly wind on the street has found its way inside.Cy: Tra bod y defnynnau cyntaf o gawl pêr yn rhoi eu gorau glas i'w cynnal, mae Carys yn penderfynu bod yn onest.En: As the first drops of warm soup do their best to sustain them, Carys decides to be honest.Cy: "Gareth," mae'n dechrau'n ofalus, yn lenged i ddod dros y ddraenen o llawer o fewn.En: "Gareth," she begins cautiously, navigating through the thorn of much within.Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud rhywbeth.En: "I have to tell you something.Cy: Dw i'n un ychydig braidd yn nerfus am hyn i gyd.En: I'm a little bit nervous about all of this."Cy: "Mae Gareth yn ysgwyd ei ben yn ganiatáu ar unwaith.En: Gareth shakes his head in immediate agreement.Cy: "Ha, dw i’n deall hynny.En: "Ha, I understand that.Cy: A dwyn i'n argyhoeddedig o'r un beth.En: And I’m convinced of the same thing.Cy: Mae bron i mi fod yn poeni am fy swydd.En: I almost worry about my job."Cy: "Mae hynny'n ei synnu.En: That surprises her.Cy: Yn sydyn, maen nhw'n dechrau siarad am waith, am freuddwydion, am y bastard o ofni'r anhysbys.En: Suddenly, they begin talking about work, about dreams, about the dread of fearing the unknown.Cy: Mae'n ddoniol sut gall pobl ddod at ei gilydd trwy eu bregusrwydd.En: It's funny how people can come together through their vulnerabilities.Cy: Pan rydyn ni'n gafod golwg Gareth yn taflu darlun o ofnau tebyg, mae hynny'n nosi Carys.En: When Gareth projects a glimpse of similar fears, it soothes Carys.Cy: Mae ei gragen yn ymddangos, ac yna edrych arno, mae'n teimlo ledaeniad o ysgafnder.En: Her shell appears, and then looking at him, she feels a spreading lightness.Cy: Mae awyr deimlad hamddenol yn esgowtsio'r ddau, fel gwirionedd wedi'i wasgaru, dramatig ac eto’n llethu.En: An air of relaxed feeling guides the two, like a scattered truth, dramatic yet overwhelming.Cy: Mae Carys yn feiddgar ar y diwedd i ddweud, "Beth am wneud hyn eto?En: Carys boldly says at the end, "How about we do this again?Cy: Ei ail-drefnu?En: Reschedule?"Cy: "Mae gwên fawr Gareth yn disgleirio, "Yn wir, bydda i wrth fy modd.En: Gareth's big smile shines, "Indeed, I'd love that."Cy: "Maen nhw'n gadael y caffi, gyda'r eira yn dechrau disgyn yn ysgafn iddo gwrw eu llwybr, deimlo gafael newydd ar ogyfeillion posibl a phas cyfnewid canhwyllau, yn gwybod wrth wynebu’r byd gyda mwy o obaith a hyder.En: They leave the café, with the snow starting to fall gently to blur their path, feeling a new grip on possible friendships and exchanged candles, knowing they face the world with more hope and confidence. Vocabulary Words:cozy: clydilluminating: goleuoaroma: aroglnervous: nerfusconstant: cysonbroad: llydanwhisper: sïokindly: caredigharmonious: gytûnshiver: iaschilly: rhewcautiously: ofalusthorn: ddraenendread: bastardvulnerabilities: bregusrwyddglimpse: golwgsoothes: nosishell: cragenlightness: ysgafnderscattered: wedi'i wasgaruboldly: beiddgarreschedule: ail-drefnublur: cwrwgrip: gafaelexchanged: cyfnewidcandles: canhwyllauconfidence: hyderwarm: cynnesapproach: agosáuslow: araf
  • From Snow-Draped Streets to Digital Dreams: A Family's Shift
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Snow-Draped Streets to Digital Dreams: A Family's Shift Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-11-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Y diwrnod oedd yn oer, gyda'r eira newydd yn claddu strydoedd Caerdydd.En: The day was cold, with the fresh snow burying the streets of Caerdydd.Cy: Ystod y Gaeaf, roedd busnesau teuluol fel un Gareth yn brwydro i oroesi mewn byd sy'n newid yn gyflym.En: During the winter, family businesses like Gareth's were struggling to survive in a rapidly changing world.Cy: Roedd Gareth, entrepreneur profiadol, yn cadw pwyslais ar drefn draddodiadol.En: Gareth, an experienced entrepreneur, maintained an emphasis on traditional order.Cy: Ond roedd ei ferch, Rhian, yn gweld y posibiliadau newydd cyflwyno gan farchnadoedd digidol.En: But his daughter, Rhian, saw the new possibilities offered by digital markets.Cy: Rhian oedd yn ffrind i bob teclyn a gwahanol raglenni cyfrifiadurol, y fath oedd caru technegau newydd a'r datblygiadau cyffrous a ddigwyddai yn y Welsh Tech Hub.En: Rhian was a friend to every gadget and different computer programs, loving new techniques and the exciting developments happening at the Welsh Tech Hub.Cy: Roedd ganddi syniadau gwyllt, yn llawn gweledigaethau i weddnewid busnes y teulu, ond collodd amynedd pan nad oedd ei dad yn gweld y byd drwy'r un lens wag.En: She had wild ideas, full of visions for transforming the family business, but she lost patience when her father couldn't see the world through the same open lens.Cy: Rhwng y ddau oedd Emrys, brawd Gareth, yn trio sicrhau bod heddwch yn y teulu.En: Between the two was Emrys, Gareth's brother, trying to ensure peace in the family.Cy: Roedd diwrnod San Ffolant yn nesáu, ac roedd Rhian wedi cynllunio i chwalu ei meddyliau ar y bwrdd mewn ffordd penodol.En: Diwrnod San Ffolant (Valentine's Day) was approaching, and Rhian had planned to spread her ideas on the table in a specific way.Cy: Paratôdd gyflwyniad cudd, gan obeithio gyrru’i dad i weld mantais digideiddio.En: She prepared a hidden presentation, hoping to drive her father to see the advantage of digitization.Cy: Ond, trwy y nosweithiau oer, roedd croesair arall gan Gareth, yn ystyried gwerthu'r busnes i osgoi sgarmes.En: But, through the cold evenings, there was another concern for Gareth, considering selling the business to avoid a skirmish.Cy: Gyda'r prynhawn wedi cyrraedd, roedd yr adeilad yn Hwb Tech Cymru yn frwd o egni.En: As the afternoon arrived, the building at the Hwb Tech Cymru was buzzing with energy.Cy: Rhoddai'r ystafelloedd gwydr brafddelwedd uwch-dechnoleg, gyda sŵn bywiog syniadau newydd yn gyson.En: The glass rooms gave off a high-tech image, with the lively sound of new ideas constantly present.Cy: Yn eu cyfarfod teuluol, roedd y tensiynau'n uchel.En: In their family meeting, tensions were high.Cy: Rhoddodd Rhian ei chyflwyniad, yn syllu'n benderfynol i lygaid ei thad.En: Rhian gave her presentation, staring determinedly into her father's eyes.Cy: "Gweler," meddai hi, "dyma’r dyfodol."En: "Look," she said, "here is the future."Cy: Roedd emosiwn yn ystwytho wrth i'r gwirioneddau personol ddod i'r golwg.En: Emotion shifted as personal truths came to light.Cy: Gareth yn edifarhau, "Nid wyf am golli'r hyn a adeiladwyd gan ein cynhefsydd.En: Gareth lamented, "I don't want to lose what was built by our ancestors.Cy: Ond, dydw i ddim eisiau diystyru’r dyfodol chwaith."En: But, I don't want to disregard the future either."Cy: Cafodd Emrys faes sefydlog ar y bwrdd: “Pam na allwn geisio gychwyn ar brosiect peilot?En: Emrys found a stable ground at the table: “Why can't we try to start a pilot project?Cy: Rhian, gad i ni weld y pwerau newydd.En: Rhian, let us see the new powers.Cy: Gareth, byddaf yn monitro ym mhob cam.”En: Gareth, I will monitor every step.”Cy: Cafwyd cytundeb.En: An agreement was reached.Cy: Cytunodd Gareth i roi cynnig ar syniadau Rhian, gyda'r tri ohonynt yn sylweddoli pwysigrwydd cydweithio.En: Gareth agreed to give Rhian's ideas a chance, with all three of them realizing the importance of collaboration.Cy: Yn y diwedd, roedd Gareth wedi ehangu ei orwelion, yn derbyn newid fel cwreiddyn newydd, tra Rhian wedi dysgu gwerth amynedd wrth gyflwyno syniadau newydd.En: In the end, Gareth had broadened his horizons, accepting change as a new foundation, while Rhian learned the value of patience when introducing new ideas.Cy: Gyda Emrys yn ennill mwy o hyder, roedd ganddo bictiwr o’i rôl fel arweinydd yn tyfu.En: With Emrys gaining more confidence, he had a growing picture of his role as a leader.Cy: Roedd eira’n parhau i gwympo y tu allan, ond o fewn yr hwb, roedd y teulu wedi dod o hyd i ffordd newydd o symud ymlaen, gyda thraddodiad a’r arloesedd yn cyd-fyw.En: The snow continued to fall outside, but within the hub, the family had found a new way forward, with tradition and innovation coexisting.Cy: Roedd yr arwyddion o ddyddiau gwell iawn i ddod.En: The signs of much better days were very evident. Vocabulary Words:burying: cladduentrepreneur: entrepreneuremphasis: pwyslaisgadget: teclyntechniques: technegauvisions: gweledigaethaupatience: amyneddskirmish: sgarmesbuzzing: brwdtensions: tensiynaudeterminedly: benderfynollamented: edifarhaudisregard: diystyrupilot project: prosiect peilotcollaboration: cydweithiohorizons: orwelionfoundation: cwreiddynspread: chwaluadvantage: mantaishidden: cuddafternoon: prynhawnglass rooms: ystafelloedd gwydremotion: emosiwntruths: gwirioneddauancestors: cynhefsyddstable: sefydlogensured: sicrhautransformed: gweddnewidelder: hydergrowing picture: pictiwr yn tyfu
  • Love and Laughter in the Snow: A Valentine's Day Surprise
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Love and Laughter in the Snow: A Valentine's Day Surprise Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-10-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar ddiwrnod oer ym mis Chwefror, roedd eira'n disgyn yn araf dros Barc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog.En: On a cold day in February, snow was slowly falling over Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog.Cy: Roedd yr aer yn lân ac yn fras.En: The air was clean and brisk.Cy: Wrth fynd i mewn i'r maes parcio, roedd Gareth yn edrych yn benderfynol, gyda craith o bryder yn ei lygaid.En: As he entered the parking lot, Gareth looked determined, with a hint of worry in his eyes.Cy: Roedd wedi cynllunio suprise arbennig ar Ddydd Sant Ffolant i Seren.En: He had planned a special surprise for Valentine's Day for Seren.Cy: Roedd hi'n diwrnod olaf Symposiwn Rhyng-gwladol Paratholi rhai adegau clomics.En: It was the last day of the International Symposium, preparing occasional comics.Cy: Roedd Seren, sy'n benderfynol ac yn naturiol, yn awyddus i ddarganfod y llwybrau y mynyddoedd.En: Seren, who is determined and naturally inclined, was eager to explore the paths of the mountains.Cy: “Dwi’n methu aros i weld be sy’n y farchnad,” meddai Seren yn gyffrous, ei thrwyn goch gan yr oerfel.En: “I can’t wait to see what’s in the market,” said Seren excitedly, her nose red from the cold.Cy: Daethant i farchnad fach, lle'r oedd y farchnad leol yn fywiog gydag aroglau o gaws hyd a lled, bara ffres, a gwahanol gymysgeddau o sudd afal pwmp.En: They arrived at a small market, where the local market was lively with aromas of cheese everywhere, fresh bread, and various blends of spiced apple juice.Cy: Roedd y stondinau'n llawn o gynnyrch lleol, o lysiau ffres i felysion cartref.En: The stalls were full of local produce, from fresh vegetables to homemade sweets.Cy: "Rydych chi'n edrych ar abwyd arbennig," dywedodd Gareth yn ddiymhongar, ei galon yn llawn gobaith.En: "You're looking at a special bait," said Gareth unassumingly, his heart full of hope.Cy: Nid oedd Seren yn sylweddoli fod Gareth wedi llunio cynllun arbennig.En: Seren didn’t realize that Gareth had devised a special plan.Cy: "Os cymerai lwybr arall i Seren sef y gobaith hwnnw yw newid ai hi."En: "If I took another path for Seren that hope is to change her."Cy: “Gareth, gad i ni bedlera’r llwybr newydd hwn,” awgrymodd Seren, yn canu bron, wrth bwyntio tuag at llwybr gwyntog, lle'r oedd coed yn gael eu gorchuddio â chotiau eira.En: “Gareth, let’s explore this new path,” suggested Seren, almost singing, pointing towards a winding path where trees were covered with coats of snow.Cy: Gwelodd Gareth y cyfle i gasglu eitemau ar gyfer y picnic, gan ddweud yn dawel: "Iawn, gad i ni weld ble mae'n arwain."En: Gareth saw the opportunity to gather items for the picnic, quietly saying: “Alright, let’s see where it leads.”Cy: Wrth iddynt ddilyn y llwybr, dechreuodd Gareth casglu nwyddau: bara ciabatta ffres, cacennau cri, caws Caerffili a photel fach o sudd afal pwmp.En: As they followed the path, Gareth began to collect goods: fresh ciabatta bread, Welsh cakes, Caerphilly cheese, and a small bottle of spiced apple juice.Cy: Roedd i hidden barrug ym mhob pen mesil.En: There were hidden frosts in every direction.Cy: Wrth i'r duo cymeryd nap, cyhoeddodd Seren yn sydyn fel pendil, bod llwybr oedd yno.En: As the duo took a nap, Seren suddenly announced like a pendulum that there was a path there.Cy: Pan gyrhaeddon nhw awyr agored o olygfa eira osgimiaethus, erbyn hyn dechreuodd gochdrwyth, un o bryder yn ei le sageig gwyn fel eira rhwd.En: When they reached an open snowy vista, now beginning to glow red at dusk, one worry settled in its white snowy cage.Cy: Aeth Gareth i wneud ei gam.En: Gareth went to make his move.Cy: Dangosodd iddo'r ardal, ac arhosodd ar ryw grib mynydd.En: He showed her the area and paused on some mountain ridge.Cy: Y ffordd hon, oedd yflir golygfa ble roedd newid wedi ymddangos.En: This way, was the clear view where change had appeared.Cy: Seren troi feddwl inn'n orllyd eisoes yn ei golygfan.En: Seren turned her mind already engulfed in the scenery.Cy: Daeth Gareth â'r bwyd allan o'i sac backpack, gan daenu blanced fach i lawr ar y llawr snowog.En: Gareth brought out the food from his backpack, spreading a small blanket on the snowy ground.Cy: "Seren, mae yna rywbeth i ti," meddai, yn tynnu cerdyn o'i gôt.En: “Seren, there’s something for you,” he said, pulling a card from his coat.Cy: Roedd wedi ysgrifennu bwriad ei galon a'r hyn cla gwaithedwi, yn gobeithio y byddai'n golygu mor fwyn i Seren.En: He had written his heart’s intent and what he dared, hoping it would mean so much to Seren.Cy: Ymddygodd Seren y golygfa a'r syniad, ei llygaid yn symud chwythedig y bwyalch.En: Seren absorbed the view and the gesture, her eyes moving with delight like an owl.Cy: "Gareth... mae hyn yn ofnadwy," atebodd gyda gwên fawr, wedi ei chyffroi gan y feddylgarwch gryf Gareth.En: "Gareth... this is wonderful," she replied with a big smile, thrilled by Gareth's strong thoughtfulness.Cy: Arhosodd y ddau ar y llwyfan, yn ceisio gwneud y mwyaf o rôl y byd eira, yn gollwng sawl awr mewn boster teimladau, hyfforddi ar dirwedd syfrdanol a phethegor cegin.En: The two stayed on the platform, trying to make the most of the snowy world, spending several hours in an emotional poster, training on the stunning landscape and culinary matters.Cy: Drwy fynd gyda'r llif, dysgodd Gareth na fydd rhaid i bopeth fod yn berffaith i greu dangosiadau arbennig.En: By going with the flow, Gareth learned that not everything needs to be perfect to create special moments.Cy: Wrth i Seren fwynhau’r funud, bychana ar yr un lle, sylweddolodd pa mor werthfawr oedd eu hap a'u hwyl a theimlodd faint o ddigwyddiadau y mae’r syniadauoriaeth feichiadu yno.En: As Seren enjoyed the moment, pausing in that same place, they realized how valuable their fun and spontaneity was and felt the weight of the events fueled by such creative imagination there.Cy: Felly, yn y Bannau Brycheiniog gorchuddiedig eira, roedd y ddau yn dathlu dydd Sant Ffolant gyda'i gilydd, yn fwynhau ymdeimlad o rhamant perffaith, er iddynt nad bod yn wreiddiol y bore hwnnw.En: So, in the snow-covered Bannau Brycheiniog, the two celebrated Valentine's Day together, enjoying a sense of perfect romance, even though it hadn't been the original plan that morning. Vocabulary Words:brisk: brasdetermined: benderfynolsymposium: symposiwncomic: clomicseager: awyddusaroma: aroglblend: cymysgeddunassuming: diymhongarwinding: gwyntogvista: golygfapause: arhosoddridged: cribdare: gwaithedwiowl: bwyalchthrilled: cyffroipost: bosterspontaneity: hwylcreative: beichiaduromance: rhamantfall: disgynnaturally: yn naturiolpath: llwybrfrost: barrugglow: goleuointent: bwriadmovement: symudiadculinary: phethegorventure: mentergather: casgluspontaneous: spontaneiwst

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