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FluentFiction - Welsh

Podcast FluentFiction - Welsh
Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second languag...

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  • Mystic Glow: Unveiling Legends of Castell Dinas Brân
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mystic Glow: Unveiling Legends of Castell Dinas Brân Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-03-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: O dan len y sêr, safodd Castell Dinas Brân yn grand ac yn unig, gorffwys ar ben y bryn fel gwarchodwr cyfrinachau’r oesau.En: Under the blanket of stars, Castell Dinas Brân stood grand and lonely, resting atop the hill like a guardian of secrets from ages past.Cy: Edrychai’r castell, â’i gerrig llychlyd, dros ddyffryn Llangollen, tra oedd clwydir yr eira'n araf yn cryfhau.En: The castle, with its weathered stones, looked out over the Dyffryn Llangollen, while the snowdrift slowly grew stronger.Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn hŵylio drwy’r muriau’n chwythu'n oer ac yn llym, fel ryw hen wrach yn canu hen ganeuon niwl.En: The wind whistled through the walls, blowing cold and sharp, like some old witch singing ancient fog songs.Cy: Roedd Gwilym ar fin dringo'r allt, ei lygaid yn cael eu tanio gan straeon bore oes ei dad-cu, straeon am oleuadau hud a hanesion y tylwyth teg o'r amseroedd a fu.En: Gwilym was about to climb the slope, his eyes ignited by the early morning stories of his grandfather, tales of magical lights and folklore of the fairies from times gone by.Cy: Yn ei gwmni roedd Carys, gwynep amheus gyda'i camerâu, barod i ddal delweddau syfrdanol tra'n chwalu'r chwedlau o flaen ei lens.En: Accompanying him was Carys, a skeptical face with her cameras, ready to capture stunning images while shattering the myths before her lens.Cy: "Paid â disgwyl rhywbeth arall heblaw gwynt a rhwyll," pwysleisiodd Carys, ei geiriau yn llithro allan mewn niwl bach o anadl yn y rhew.En: "Don't expect anything other than wind and mist," Carys emphasized, her words slipping out in a small fog of breath in the frost.Cy: "Mae pob lle fel hyn yn cael rhyw chwedl."En: "Every place like this has some kind of legend."Cy: “Wel," atebodd Gwilym gyda gwybedyn o gyffro, "bydd yn werth gweld beth bynnag a gawn ni. Mae'r glowyn yn dyfolaeth."En: "Well," replied Gwilym with a buzz of excitement, "it'll be worth seeing whatever we find. The glow is in the future."Cy: Roedd yr eira'n rhewi, yn crensian dan eu traed wrth iddynt ddringo.En: The snow was freezing, crunching under their feet as they climbed.Cy: Roedd yr haul wedi hen ddiflannu, a dim ond eu fflachlampau’n goleuo’r ffordd drwy’r adfeilion, wrth chwilio am unrhyw arwydd o oleuni dirgel.En: The sun had long disappeared, and only their flashlights illuminated the path through the ruins, as they searched for any sign of mysterious light.Cy: Wrth i'r noson blygu tuag at hanner nos, fe ddigwyddodd rhywbeth.En: As the night bent towards midnight, something happened.Cy: O ganol y muriau wywo, ymddangosodd golau meddal, balch ac anhraethadwy.En: From the midst of the worn walls, a soft, proud, and indescribable light appeared.Cy: Gwilym a Carys, â’i holl benlinioc yng nghyferbyniad eu credoau, stopiodd mewn syndod.En: Gwilym and Carys, with their entire contrasting beliefs, stopped in amazement.Cy: “Ai dyma yw e?” chwipiodd Carys yn agored, ei lygaid yn crwydro rhwng oleuni'r fflachlamp a'r golau gorchuddiedig.En: "Is this it?" Carys snapped openly, her eyes wandering between the flashlight's beam and the veiled light.Cy: Roedd Gwilym yn llawn gyfaredd, bron yn anadlu.En: Gwilym was full of enchantment, almost breathless.Cy: "Edrych!" wnaeth e wthio ymlaen, cyffro'n suddo’n ddwfn yn ei lais.En: "Look!" he urged, excitement sinking deep into his voice.Cy: Roedd y golau yn cydgynhesu yng nghanol y cae, fel petai'n creu ffurf dynol yn codi a dirgrynu; anwyldeb oedd yn denu ac yn dyrus ar yr un pryd.En: The light gathered warmth in the middle of the field, as if forming a human shape that rose and shimmered; an allure that was both inviting and unsettling.Cy: Yn dawel, cerddodd y ffigwr golau o'u blaenau, fel petai’n arwain y ffordd.En: Silently, the light figure walked ahead of them, as if leading the way.Cy: Gwnaeth y ddau ddilyn, eu gwyntoedd wedi'u dwysáu gan atgasedd yr oerfel drosodd arnynt.En: They both followed, their breaths intensified by the resentment of the cold overtaking them.Cy: Yn ddiefelyg, daethant at ran coll o’r adfeilion, yn guddiedig o olau’r dydd ac yn guddiedig o olwg dynol.En: Unerringly, they came upon a hidden part of the ruins, concealed from the light of day and from human sight.Cy: Dyma lle roedden nhw’n dod o hyd i'r siambr ddofn â'i drigfanau anghyfarwydd.En: It was here they found the deep chamber with its unfamiliar dwellings.Cy: Dewisodd Carys, ei amlwgdeb yn canu mewn symudiadau hudolus o’r camera, ddal delweddau difyr o'r hen greiriau a'r cerrig sy'n storïo'r gorffennol.En: Carys, her prominence singing in the magical movements of the camera, chose to capture fascinating images of the ancient relics and stones that storied the past.Cy: “Does dim myth gyda’r datguddiadau yma,” mudodd Carys, ei llygaid yn llawn hedflas anghrediniaeth.En: "There’s no myth with these revelations," murmured Carys, her eyes full of incredulous wonder.Cy: Yn y dawdd gwelw'r golau, teimlai Gwilym nerth o ganiad o ddychmyg.En: In the pale glow of the light, Gwilym felt a power of imaginative cadence.Cy: Wedi hynny, cerddodd y ddau i lawr, eu profiad yn uno’r straeon a'r gwirionedd.En: Afterward, the two walked down, their experience uniting the stories and the truth.Cy: Roedd yr hyder o fewn Gwilym wedi'i gerust, ond ymdeimlad o werth gwrando ar y chwedlau yn parhau.En: The confidence within Gwilym was reassured, but a sense of the value of listening to the legends persisted.Cy: Erbyn i Carys sylwi ar ffurf newydd o barch tuag at hanes, fe ddileuodd amheuaeth ynddi.En: By the time Carys noticed a new form of respect towards history, doubt within her had been erased.Cy: Ger y môr o ddyffryn Llangollen, yng nghanol adfeilion yr oesau, roedd un porth arall wedi agor – porth i antur ac ymffrost.En: Near the sea of Dyffryn Llangollen, amidst the ruins of the ages, another gate had opened—a gateway to adventure and pride.Cy: Wrth i nhw bwyllog ddynesu at ben y dyffryn unwaith eto, roedd hi’n glir iddynt i'r golau goch a welwyd yn nyfnderoedd Castell Dinas Brân ddim ond erchwyn y stori.En: As they cautiously approached the edge of the valley once again, it was clear to them that the red light seen in the depths of Castell Dinas Brân was only the fringe of the story. Vocabulary Words:blanket: lenguardian: gwarchodwrsecrets: cyfrinachauweathered: llychlydsnowdrift: clwydir yr eirawhistled: hŵylioslope: alltsizzling: gyfareddskeptical: amheusmagnificent: grandchamber: siambrunfamiliar: anghyfarwyddrevelations: datguddiadauincredulous: anghrediniaethimaginative: dychmygcadence: caniadconfidence: hyderresentment: atgaseddprominence: amlwgdebancient: henfolklore: hanesionflashlights: fflachlampauilluminated: goleuounerring: diefelygconcealed: cuddiedigruins: adfeilionincredulous: anghrediniaethshimmered: dirgrynuallure: anwyldebcaptured: ddal
  • Peril in the Snow: A Journey Through Eryri's Winter Landscape
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Peril in the Snow: A Journey Through Eryri's Winter Landscape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-02-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Rhew oer oddi wrth y gwynt, a thirwedd brydferth Cymru wedi’i orchuddio gyda blanced wen o eira — felly oedd y golygfa yn Eryri.En: Cold frost from the wind and the beautiful landscape of Cymru covered with a white blanket of snow — this was the scene in Eryri.Cy: Roedd Rhys a Carys wedi bod yn cynllunio eu taith am wythnosau.En: Rhys and Carys had been planning their trip for weeks.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn awyddus i brofi ei fod yn gallu copïo gyda amodau’r gaeaf.En: Rhys was eager to prove he could cope with the winter conditions.Cy: “Cawn ni fynd ymlaen, Carys!En: “Shall we go on, Carys?"Cy: " meddai Rhys wrth iddynt sefyll ar ddatws garw y llwybr.En: said Rhys, as they stood on the rough terrain of the path.Cy: Defnyddiodd Rhys ei ysfa adfeilgar i wthio ei farch henaf yn eich blaen, er bod y gwynt yn dalach.En: Rhys used his stubborn determination to push his old steed forward, even though the wind was strong.Cy: "Dylwn ni fynd yn ôl," dywedodd Carys yn galed, gan ddechrau poeni am Rhys.En: “We should go back," said Carys firmly, starting to worry about Rhys.Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn cryfhau ac roedd y tywydd yn troi'n gwaeth.En: The wind was strengthening and the weather was turning worse.Cy: "O, 'dw i'n iawn!En: “Oh, I'm fine!"Cy: " Rhoddodd Rhys gwên fawr iddi, ond roedd hi’n fwy o geisiad na geiriau.En: Rhys gave her a big smile, but it was more an attempt than words.Cy: Wrth i'r chwibanet grynu, gwynt y mynyddoedd top y llwybrau gyda'r ffordd.En: As the whistle howled, the mountain winds swept the top of the paths along the way.Cy: Fodd bynnag, roedd Rhys yn barod.En: However, Rhys was ready.Cy: Ar ôl oriau o gerdded ar hyd y llwybr, dechreuodd Rhys fynd yn araf.En: After hours of walking along the trail, Rhys began to slow down.Cy: "Rydw i'n teimlo’n oer," gweithiodd i'w gyfaddef, annhebygol i’w arfer.En: "I'm feeling cold," he reluctantly admitted, uncharacteristically.Cy: Roedd Carys yn sylweddoli bod rhywbeth yn anghywir.En: Carys realized something was wrong.Cy: Roedd pob syllu yn dangos pryder wrth ei weld y dirwasgiad ar wyneb Rhys.En: Every glance showed concern as she saw the strain on Rhys's face.Cy: "Mae’n rhaid i ni gael lloches," meddai Carys, yn awyddus i ddal Rhys cyn iddo syrthio.En: "We need to find shelter," said Carys, eager to catch Rhys before he fell.Cy: Ceisiodd Rhys i fwrw ymlaen, ond cyn i’t cysgodion mae ei lygaid yn dechrau cael ei chael.En: Rhys tried to press on, but before he could, shadows began clouding his eyes.Cy: Goruwchledodd Carys a chymrodd ei braich.En: Carys overtook and took his arm.Cy: "Dewch," meddai.En: "Come on," she said.Cy: Roedd y goleuni'n pylu, ond roedd Carys’n cofio sgyrsiau'r mapiau a'r si lamp ar bedwar y morglodd y caban bach cyfforddus o fewn cyrraedd yr awr.En: The light was fading, but Carys remembered the map discussions and the lamp she had spotted at four at the comfortable little cabin within reach of the hour.Cy: Gyda phob cam, roedd yr oerfel yn treiddio i asgwrn Rhys.En: With every step, the cold pierced into Rhys's bones.Cy: Ond, diwethaf, ni welodd Carys y caban ar draws y ddraig gwyn.En: But at last, Carys saw the cabin across the white dragon.Cy: Yr haul melyn, a’r darn arbennig oedd yn golygu hinderware ar frestgog Rhys ar uchder y gwenyn.En: The yellow sun, and the special pattern meant a badge on Rhys's chest at the bees' height.Cy: Dewisodd Rhys galonnog wrth deleru llonydd wrth ymyl y tân, roedd Carys yn gosod blancedau am ei fwyn ac yn gwresogi ei ddwylo oer.En: Rhys gratefully rested by the fire, while Carys wrapped blankets around him and warmed his cold hands.Cy: "Beth bynnag mae eich yn ei wneud, bydd o gymorth," meddai Rhys, gan ddiolch i hi am ei gallu a pherthynas.En: "Whatever you're doing, it helps," said Rhys, thanking her for her ability and companionship.Cy: Wrth i ŵyn agos agos ddod ar ôl ag arwyddion fiord, ceddoc byd ac oedd, roedd y nafyf Rhys.En: As the lambs nearby followed with signs of the fjord, everything was, and it was right.Cy: Yn sydd ac arbennig bellach tua yr oedd Carys wedi golygu ei hun ag ynddo am amcanserau ac oedd e wedi dysgu gwerthfawr y rhagweld priodol.En: Carys had taught herself with care and understood its valuable purpose, and Rhys had learned the worth of proper foresight.Cy: "Diolch, Carys," ymchwilie ac e mewn nad oedd ei gymorth yn newydd bellach ei hun.En: "Thank you, Carys," he inquired, realizing her help was no longer unfamiliar to him.Cy: Roedd Rhys erbyn hyn yn deall mai mae cydweithio mae Rhys a Carys yn gweld yr hafan wyddoedd, a meddiannu priodwedd iron yn gwneud y bywyd yn lliniaru noson gartref nifer.En: By now, Rhys understood that working together, he and Carys found the haven of knowledge, and possessing certain attributes made life at home many nights easier.Cy: Ar ôl y digwyddiad, wrth iddo droedio’n araf gyda'i gilydd i lawr y llwybr, roedd Rhys wedi dysgu gwerth y doethineb ac yn addo byth i adael balchder dod â pherygl iddynt eto.En: After the incident, as he slowly trod back down the path together, Rhys had learned the value of wisdom and promised never to let pride endanger them again.Cy: Roedd y gaeaf yn baradwys hardd ond peryglus, a ddiolchodd Rhys fod Carys yno i’w hachub.En: Winter was a beautiful but perilous paradise, and Rhys was thankful that Carys was there to save him. Vocabulary Words:frost: rhewlandscape: tirweddblanket: blancedstubborn: adfeilgardetermination: ysfaterrain: datwsstrengthening: cryfhauhowled: chwyrnuswept: sweidrouncharacteristically: annhebygolconcern: prydershelter: lochesshadows: cysgodionfaded: pylulamp: lampcabin: cabanpierced: treiddiodragon: draigpattern: darnbadge: hinderwarerested: ddewisiwydknowledge: wyddoeddacross: ar drawscompanionship: perthynasfjord: fiordforesight: rhagweldwisdom: doethinebperilous: peryglusparadise: paradwyssaved: achub
  • Catching Adventure: The Quest to Reclaim a Seagull's Prize
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Catching Adventure: The Quest to Reclaim a Seagull's Prize Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-01-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar dydd gaeaf gwyntog yn Rhossili, roedd y môr yn ferw a'r awyr yn drwchus o gymylau a'r haul yn brin.En: On a blustery winter day in Rhossili, the sea was boiling, the sky thick with clouds, and the sun scarce.Cy: Rhoddai'r gwynt oer gyffyrddiad hallt i bawb a oedd yn cerdded y traeth.En: The cold wind added a salty touch to everyone walking the beach.Cy: Wrth gerdded ar hyd yr arfordir gyda’i ffrindiau, Eleri a Gethin, roedd Dafydd mewn byd arall - yna digwyddodd rhywbeth annisgwyl.En: As he walked along the coast with his friends, Eleri and Gethin, Dafydd was in another world – then something unexpected happened.Cy: Yn sydyn, fe hedfanodd gwylan haerllug heibio iddynt, yn codi ei ffôn sy'n disgleirio fel arferol.En: Suddenly, an audacious seagull flew past them, snatching Dafydd's phone that usually glistened as usual.Cy: Daeth cri o syndod o enau Dafydd, "Fy ffôn!"En: A cry of surprise escaped from Dafydd's mouth, "My phone!"Cy: Rhoddodd y tir cyflawn rewlith ei hun i'r tri chyfaill wrth edrych ar y gwylan ddihangol.En: The whole landscape seemed to freeze as they watched the escaping seagull.Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni ei siwtio," clywodd Dafydd, heb sylweddoli pwy oedd yn siarad tan iddo weld gwên Gethin.En: "We have to chase it," Dafydd heard, not realizing who was speaking until he saw Gethin's grin.Cy: "Mae syniadau gennyf."En: "I have some ideas."Cy: Pennaethant i'r clogwyni serth, lle roedd y gwylan bellach, yn pacio ymlaen gyda’r ffôn yn sgleinio yn ei big.En: They headed to the steep cliffs, where the seagull was now, parading with the phone still shimmering in its beak.Cy: Roedd Rhossili yn brydferth yn ei bregusrwydd gaeafol, ond does dim amser i edmygu golygfeydd pan roedd ffôn i’w adfer.En: Rhossili was beautiful in its winter fragility, but there was no time to admire the views when there was a phone to recover.Cy: Esboniodd Eleri gynllun syml ond effro, "Defnyddiwn degan plentyn hardd, rhywbeth disglair."En: Eleri explained a simple yet clever plan, "Let's use a charming child's toy, something shiny."Cy: Byddai fel adduned i’r gwylan.En: It would serve as a lure for the seagull.Cy: Fe wnaeth Gethin frysio i mewn i'r siop fân oriel, gan ddychwelyd gyda’r tegan pysgodyn bach sy'n blincio o blastig.En: Gethin hurried into the small art shop, returning with a small plastic fish toy that blinked.Cy: Gosododd y tri gyfaill ddull i wallgofrwydd o fan saethu eu rhagfynegiad.En: The three friends set up a madcap scheme to outwit the seagull.Cy: Roedd yn stori i'r amseroedd yn dod; eu parar yn erbyn rhyfyg gwylan.En: It was a story for the ages; their stand against the brazen seagull.Cy: Yna, pan oedd y gwylan yn gwylio'r decoy, llwyddodd Dianyffon i fynd mor agos ag yn bosib.En: Then, when the seagull was eyeing the decoy, Dafydd managed to get as close as possible.Cy: Gyda sgrechian gleulaw bydd y gwylan wedi’i ddiddymu, hedfan i ffwrdd, gan adael eu ffôn ar ôl - gyda sgrin wedi cracio wedi goroesi’r mannau.En: With a startled squawk, the seagull took off, leaving the phone behind – the cracked screen had survived the ordeal.Cy: Aethant i sied braf i boethod cocoa a'u hatgofion yn eu cynhesu.En: They went to a cozy shed for some hot cocoa, with their memories keeping them warm.Cy: Wrth sgwrsio, dysgodd Dafydd sut i drefnu’n well, oherwydd y noson orau oedd gyda'i ffrindiau oedd mewn gwirionedd am gael llond llaw o hwyl.En: While chatting, Dafydd learned how to organize better, because the best night with his friends was truly about having a handful of fun.Cy: Roedd Rhossili yn lle oedd yn bywiogi straeon, hyd yn oed yn y gaeaf.En: Rhossili was a place that brought stories to life, even in winter. Vocabulary Words:blustery: gaeaf gwyntogboiling: berwscarce: brinaudacious: haerllugsnatching: codiglisten: disgleiriofreeze: rhewlithsteep: serthfragility: bregusrwyddclever: effrolure: addunedmadcap: dull o wallgofrwyddbrazen: rhyfygdecoy: decoystartled: sgrechian gleulawordeal: mannaucosy: sied braforganize: trefnu’n wellcoast: arfordirunexpected: annisgwylshimmering: sgleinioadmire: edmyguscheme: cynllunshiny: disglairoutwit: fynegiadsurvived: goroesimemories: atgofionchatting: sgwrsioscenery: golygfeyddbeak: pig
  • Neon Dragons and AI Dreams: A Night in Cyber Valley
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Neon Dragons and AI Dreams: A Night in Cyber Valley Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-31-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar noson oer, roedd y dreigiau neon yn chwibanu dros y brifddinas dechnolegol o Cyber Valley.En: On a cold night, the neon dragons were whistling over the technological capital of Cyber Valley.Cy: Roedd yna stori arbennig yn dechrau.En: A special story was beginning.Cy: Roedd Carys a Gareth yn teithio i gynhadledd dechnoleg.En: Carys and Gareth were traveling to a technology conference.Cy: Cynffon o fflachiadau golau o skyscrapiau, pobl yn rhuthro heibio yn chwilio am newyddbethau.En: A trail of light flashes from skyscrapers, people rushing by in search of novelties.Cy: Carys oedd y gyntaf i weld yr adeilad lle'r oedd y gynhadledd.En: Carys was the first to see the building where the conference was being held.Cy: Yn wefr mewnol, roedd hi'n paratoi i gyflwyno ei phrosiect AI arloesol.En: With internal excitement, she was preparing to present her groundbreaking AI project.Cy: Roedd Gareth wrth ochr hi, yn cynnal y ffeiliau a'r cynlluniau—yn fwy cadarn na hi, ond yn llai brwdfrydig.En: Gareth was by her side, holding the files and plans—more solid than she, but less enthusiastic.Cy: Yn porth i'r dechnoleg newydd yma, roedd Rhiannon, newyddiadurwr roes honno'n chwilio am stôrïau cyffrous.En: At the portal of this new technology was Rhiannon, a journalist who was looking for exciting stories.Cy: Y fan yma roedd pobl o bob cwr yn annheir, yn cyflwyno eu syniadau gwych.En: Here, people from all over were presenting their brilliant ideas.Cy: Wrth baratoi, sylweddolodd Carys bod problem gyda'r offer cyflwyno.En: While preparing, Carys realized there was a problem with the presentation equipment.Cy: Mae'n gwneud iddi dybio am y tro cyntaf.En: It made her hesitate for the first time.Cy: 'Roedd peiriant wedi methu, lluniau'n pylu, a dathliadau eraill yn sioe'r rhaglenni orau.En: A machine had failed, images were fading, and other celebrations in the show of the best programs.Cy: "Beth wna i nawr?En: "What will I do now?"Cy: " gofynnodd, tonau o bryder yn codi.En: she asked, waves of worry rising.Cy: "Peidiwch â phoeni," meddai Gareth.En: "Don't worry," said Gareth.Cy: "Rydyn ni yma i helpu.En: "We're here to help."Cy: "Yn y fan hyn, awgrymodd Rhiannon ei bod yn ymdrin â'r sefyllfa trwy ei mwyaeth.En: At this point, Rhiannon suggested handling the situation with her expertise.Cy: "Siaradwch gyda nhw Carys!En: "Talk to them Carys!Cy: Gallem ddefnyddio sylweddol yn lle lluniau.En: We could use description instead of images."Cy: "Cafodd y cwrdd â'r cynulleidfa, a theimlodd ei bod ar don newydd.En: She addressed the audience, feeling like she was on a new wave.Cy: Gyda phwyslais ar ei gweledigaeth a dychymyg, gosod mewn geiriau pwerus, roedd ei olwg technolegol yn taith i'r dyfodol.En: With emphasis on her vision and imagination, set in powerful words, her technological insight was a journey to the future.Cy: Wrth i'r tonnau i mewn, ni chred Carys y canmoliaeth a'r diolchgarwch.En: As the applause came in, Carys couldn't believe the praise and gratitude.Cy: Roedd cyfalafwyr posib yn ymdrin â pherthasoi newydd i'w syniad.En: Potential investors were engaging in new partnerships for her idea.Cy: Yn y diwedd, Carys ddysgu nad oes platen fford diogel.En: In the end, Carys learned there is no perfect safety net.Cy: Weithiau mae tech yn methu, ond gyda chynorthwyydd talentog, mae hyd yn oed y broblem fwyaf yn fyd lleiaf.En: Sometimes tech fails, but with talented support, even the biggest problem becomes the smallest world.Cy: Disgynnodd eira dros Cyber Valley wrth iddynt ymlwybro o'r cynhadledd, gwybod eu bod nhw wedi gwneud peth arbennig heddiw.En: Snow fell over Cyber Valley as they walked away from the conference, knowing they had done something special today.Cy: Roedd cydweithio a hyblygrwydd, nid dim ond gwell tech, yn creu llwyddiant gwirioneddol.En: It was collaboration and flexibility, not just better tech, that created true success. Vocabulary Words:neon: neonwhistling: chwibanutechnological: dechnolegolcapital: brifddinasnovelties: newyddbethaugroundbreaking: arloesolfiles: ffeiliauportal: porthjournalist: newyddiadurwrbrilliant: gwychequipment: offerfailed: methufading: pyluworry: pryderexpertise: mwyaethdescription: sylweddolemphasis: pwyslaisimagination: dychymyginsight: olwgapplause: tonnaupraise: canmoliaethgratitude: diolchgarwchinvestors: cyfalafwyrpartnerships: perthasoisafety net: platen fford diogelflexibility: hyblygrwyddcollaboration: cydweithiosuccess: llwyddiantsnow: eirahorizon: gorwel
  • Heartfelt Connections: Art and Care Unite at Caerdydd Hospital
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Heartfelt Connections: Art and Care Unite at Caerdydd Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-30-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fore oer o Ionawr, y gwynt yn chwythu trwy strydoedd chul Caerdydd, roedd llew o bobl yn prysur fynd a dod yn Ysbyty'r ddinas.En: On a cold January morning, the wind blew through Caerdydd's narrow streets, as crowds of people hurriedly came and went at the city's hospital.Cy: Roedd Llywelyn yn sefyll wrth giatiau'r ward pediatreg, yn gwisgo ei ryw fag coconet a'i gôt.En: Llywelyn stood by the gates of the pediatric ward, wearing his coconut bag and coat.Cy: Roedd disgleirdeb byd dydd Santes Dwynwen yn gorfod ei godi o fod yn llwch llawn gwaith.En: The brightness of Dydd Santes Dwynwen had to lift him from the dust full of work.Cy: Roedd y pediatreg ward yn brysur, ond llawn goleuni a phosteri lliwgar o'r dathliad yn hongian o'r waliau.En: The pediatric ward was busy but full of light, with colorful posters of the celebration hanging from the walls.Cy: Plant yn chwerthin, pelydrau o lawenydd mewn lle syfrdanol o ddifrifol.En: Children laughed, beams of joy in a remarkably serious place.Cy: Aeth traed Llewelyn yn gofalu am yr ystafell, ond ei feddwl yn rhywle arall.En: Llywelyn's feet took care of the room, but his mind was elsewhere.Cy: Roedd teimlad o hiraeth yn ei gysuro y bore hwn.En: A comforting feeling of homesickness embraced him this morning.Cy: Ni fuasai'n hir cyn gweld Carys, gyda chlocswyddion meddyg yn taro'r llawr.En: It wasn't long before he saw Carys, with her doctor's clogs clacking on the floor.Cy: Roedd ei gwallt hufennog yn sgleinio yn y lluminescant golau ysbyty.En: Her creamy hair shone in the hospital's fluorescent light.Cy: Hyd yn oed mewn profiad mor llawn gofid, roedd hi'n sefyll fel seren yn y ceffylau'r drws.En: Even in such a distressing experience, she stood out like a star by the entrance.Cy: "Llewelyn!" gwaeddodd, golwg o gydymdeimlad yn ei llygaid.En: "Llywelyn!" she shouted, a look of sympathy in her eyes.Cy: "Carys, mae'n dda dy weld di," meddai Llewelyn, ei galon yn llawn llawenydd.En: "Carys, it's good to see you," said Llywelyn, his heart full of joy.Cy: Y saboth hwn, roedd colegau yn cwrdd â'i gilydd.En: This sabbath, colleagues were meeting each other.Cy: A ymunodd Eira, yn dod i mewn â'i goluddion meddal a byrddau inc.En: And joined by Eira, entering with her soft gestures and ink boards.Cy: Roedd hi'n dangos serch o gefn gwlad yng nghanol bywyd brysur.En: She brought a touch of rural charm to the busy life.Cy: "Mae'n teimlo fel blynyddoedd," meddai Eira yn llawen, wrth iddyn nhw ymgynnull o fewn cornel eithafol o'r ward, lle mae'r cyffro yn boddi'r emosiwn.En: "It feels like years," Eira said cheerfully, as they gathered in a remote corner of the ward, where excitement drowned emotion.Cy: Wrth y siarad, yn adrodd hen straeon, roedd ganddynt unman ond eu hatgofion i roi cysgod i'r ystafell wag.En: As they spoke, recounting old stories, they had nothing but their memories to provide shade to the empty room.Cy: "Beth ydyn ni'n ei wneud gyda'r holl amser yma?" holodd Llewelyn, yn chwilota am fyfyrdod y tu mewn.En: "What are we doing with all this time here?" asked Llywelyn, searching for reflection within.Cy: Eira, ei strôc wisgal a'i llygad direidus, trwy ffurfio cynllun.En: Eira, with her mischievous eye and a creative flair, formed a plan.Cy: "Beth am greu celf i'r ward? Fy incs i, dy swyddi gofal chi. Gallwn ni wneud rhywbeth ysblennydd."En: "How about creating art for the ward? My inks, your care jobs. We can make something splendid."Cy: Golchodd ychydig o dyndra owyneb Llewelyn.En: A bit of tension washed away from Llywelyn's face.Cy: Roedd cerdded law yn llaw â'i ffrindiau i hwyl a bodlonrwydd.En: Walking hand in hand with friends brought joy and contentment.Cy: "Gwych," meddai Carys, ei llais yn llawn lloni.En: "Great," said Carys, her voice filled with cheer.Cy: Roedden nhw'n trafod hyd y fore, yn sonn am sut y gallai eu doniau ddod a bendith i bobl eraill.En: They discussed throughout the morning, talking about how their talents could bring blessings to others.Cy: Roedd gofal meddygol yn fwy na jyst sgwatio ar y beiciau amserlen; ysbrydoli a chadw'n fyw.En: Medical care was more than just adhering to schedules; it was about inspiring and keeping alive.Cy: Pan adawyd y sain a'r sŵn gweithredol y ward yn gadael bol, roedd Llewelyn wedi codi.En: When the sound and bustle of the ward took a break, Llywelyn had risen.Cy: Mwy cysylltiad nawr, y meddwl llawn dop o fwy o fywyd, roedd serch hapus staff wedi cal llawer o lawniant.En: More connected now, his mind was overflowing with more life; the happy affection of the staff had been rewarding.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw fynd, safodd Llewelyn y tu allan i giât, ei ffrindiau ar bob ochr iddo.En: As they moved on, Llywelyn stood outside the gate, his friends on either side.Cy: "Dyna'n diwrnod i'w gofio," meddai, gan synio am flwyddyn â wyddai o'r blaen.En: "That's a day to remember," he said, contemplating a year he had known before.Cy: Roedd y goleuni o iard yr ysbyty yn ddi-ffael wrth iddyn nhw symud ymlaen, yn barod am hen a newydd i ddod.En: The light from the hospital yard shone flawlessly as they moved forward, ready for both old and new to come.Cy: Roedd Llewelyn wedi dysgu gwerth cydbwysedd rhwng ei swydd a'i fywyd.En: Llywelyn had learned the value of balance between his job and his life.Cy: Roedd adnewyddu ei rym cyn i'r holl orchwylion diofyn syrthio'n gwely bythod.En: Renewing his strength before all the routine tasks fell by the wayside.Cy: Ar ôl hynny, teimlai'n fwy cysylltiedig ac yn barod i addas y pethau bywiog yn ei gilydd yn well.En: After that, he felt more connected and ready to better align the vibrant things within him.Cy: Felly, aeth pobl ifanc y ddinas i'r byd, cario rhiwiad geifr o haul calennig ac ennill y golau eraill ar gyfer dyddiau'r dyfodol.En: And so, the young people of the city went into the world, carrying a ray of New Year's sun and earning other light for the days ahead.Cy: Roedd Dydd Santes Dwynwen wedi'u haddysgu am gariad, ddim jyst rhwng dynion, ond ym mhob gweithred teimlad.En: Dydd Santes Dwynwen had taught them about love, not just between people, but in every heartfelt action.Cy: Tecnoh!En: Tecnoh! Vocabulary Words:narrow: culpediatric ward: ward pediatreghiraeth: homesicknesscreamy: hufennogfluorescent: lluminescantsympathy: cydymdeimladsabbath: sabothclogs: clocswyddiongestures: goluddionink boards: byrddau incrural charm: serch o gefn gwladremote: eithafolrecounting: adroddreflection: myfyrdodmischievous: direidusflair: strôc wisgalsplendid: ysblennyddtension: tyndracontentment: bodlonrwyddadhering: sgwatiobustle: sŵn gweithredolrewarding: llawniantshine: sarsibalance: cydbwyseddrenewing: adnewydduroutine: diofynvibrant: bywiogyearned: syrthio'n gwelyray: rhiwiadheartfelt: teimlad

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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
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