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FluentFiction - Welsh

Podcast FluentFiction - Welsh
Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second languag...

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  • Transcending Roots: Rhian’s Journey to Belonging
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Transcending Roots: Rhian’s Journey to Belonging Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-12-22-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mewn cymuned warchodedig gwych o’r enw Bryn Gwyn, wedi'i leoli yng ngodrau gwyrddion bryniau Eryri, roedd Rhian yn cerdded i lawr prif lôn y gymuned.En: In a beautiful gated community called Bryn Gwyn, located at the green foothills of the Eryri mountains, Rhian was walking down the main lane of the community.Cy: Roedd awel y gwanwyn yn chwarae drwy'i gwallt, ac adleisiodd adar bach yn yr awyr las.En: The spring breeze played through her hair, and small birds echoed in the blue sky.Cy: Roedd sylweddoliad wedi taro Rhian wrth iddi weld posteri lliwgar yn cyhoeddi a digwyddiad garddio i harddu'r gymuned.En: A realization struck Rhian when she saw colorful posters announcing a gardening event to beautify the community.Cy: Roedd hi'n dal i deimlo'n estron - ddim yn rhan o'r gymuned hyd yn hyn.En: She still felt like a stranger—not part of the community yet.Cy: Ond roedd eisiau mynd i’r digwyddiad a bod yn rhan ohono.En: But she wanted to go to the event and be part of it.Cy: Ei dymuniad oedd dylunio gwely blodau trawiadol.En: Her desire was to design a striking flower bed.Cy: Roedd wythnos wedi mynd heibio ers Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant, ac roedd ymdeimlad o Gymreictod yn codi o’r tir.En: A week had passed since St. David’s Day, and a sense of Welsh pride was rising from the land.Cy: Ond roedd Rhian yn gwybod ei bod hi'n rhyionredig ym meysydd garddio.En: But Rhian knew she was inexperienced in gardening.Cy: Roedd cydnabyddiaeth gymharol iawn gyda planhigion.En: She had a relatively superficial knowledge of plants.Cy: Yn waeth, roedd cymydog anhygoel ei hagwedd, Megan, a oedd yn hen law ar y busnes garddio.En: Worse, there was a neighbor with an incredible attitude, Megan, who was an old hand at the gardening business.Cy: Hi oedd bob amser yn arwain yr holl ddigwyddiadau.En: She always led all the events.Cy: Gwnaeth Rhian benderfyniad dewr.En: Rhian made a brave decision.Cy: Penderfynodd fynd at ddiweddar fardd ac arddwr y gymuned, Huw y Garddwr.En: She decided to approach the recently retired poet and gardener of the community, Huw y Garddwr.Cy: Roedd ei syniadau'n fel corwynt o wybodaeth.En: His ideas were like a whirlwind of information.Cy: Roedd ei ffynnon o brofiad yn yr ardd yn drysor.En: His well of experience in the garden was a treasure.Cy: Gyda chyngor Huw, fennodd Rhian gannoedd o gyfrifau Instagram am syniadau.En: With Huw's advice, Rhian scoured hundreds of Instagram accounts for ideas.Cy: Gadawodd ei ddychymyg redeg yn wyllt gyda’i chynllun gwely blodau.En: She let her imagination run wild with her flower bed design.Cy: Daeth y diwrnod mawr, a llifodd y gwygodd o dan yr haul gwyn seithug o byllau euraidd.En: The big day arrived, and the sun shone down on golden pools.Cy: Roedd Megan yno, yn creu argraff gyda pheli mawr o dir a bwcediad planhigion.En: Megan was there, impressing with large bales of earth and buckets of plants.Cy: Ond Rhian... Rhian a ddaeth â rhywbeth unigryw.En: But Rhian... Rhian brought something unique.Cy: Roedd hi wedi plethu elfennau Cymreig yn ei chynllun.En: She wove Welsh elements into her design.Cy: Blewog wynnau’r ddraenog-las a meillion symbolaidd.En: Fluffy whites of the blue-hogweed and symbolic clovers.Cy: Saffrwm ifanc a phabïau hyfryd cochiaidd.En: Young saffron and gorgeous scarlet poppies.Cy: Wrth i'r plant chwerthin ac i'r gwrychoedd ymenydd elfenol droi i'r buddiol, roedd Rhian yn arafu’r ymosodiad geirio a heb ei ddisgwyl gafodd ei flowers bonipeinthedig gan Megan a'i chriccots.En: As children laughed and elemental hedgerows turned beneficial, Rhian slowed down the unexpected verbal attack she received for her painted flowers from Megan and her supporters.Cy: "Dw i’n meddwl bod hyn yn wyneb newydd i'n cymuned," meddai Rhian.En: "I think this is a new face for our community," said Rhian.Cy: Ac wrth i flodau'r coesau hyn brynu llysieuwyr yr llawn llawenydd sglein, chwarddodd pobl.En: And as the stems of these flowers brought herbalists immense joy, people laughed.Cy: Cyn bo hir, roeddent yn chwerthin ac yn chwarae gyda’i gilydd.En: Soon, they were laughing and playing together.Cy: Dros dro, roedd y gwely blodau yn prysur dyfu mewn harddwch.En: Over time, the flower bed grew rapidly in beauty.Cy: Dylai’r coddi bob un ddau flwyddyn gael neuadd o ganmoliaeth a thostio pethau ar hyd y stondin hir.En: Every two years, the event should receive a hall of praise and toast things along the long stand.Cy: Rhoddodd hyn i Rhian y cyfle i ennill cyfeillgarion.En: This gave Rhian the opportunity to make friends.Cy: Ymdeimlad o berthyn a goncro yn beo oddefol.En: A sense of belonging and passive triumph was alive.Cy: Roedd cyfeillgarwch newydd a hyder sai'n sigrwydd tu fewn i'r galon ei llwyddiant.En: New friendships and confident reassurance were within the heart of her success.Cy: Roedd Rhian yn wyneb cymuned yerafeu a thanro ond roedd y conglau coed yn cael ei godi nawr a thros yr amser byr yma roedd yr arddogion hyfryd hyn wedi dod ag iddi.En: Rhian was the face of a vibrant and resonant community, but the tree corners were now raised, and over this short time, these lovely gardens had come to her.Cy: Roedd y gymuned wedi cryfhau Rhian a chodod gross y lan hyd yr ôl i Gwm Edmygedd i gredu pwer fy heigion ei bod wedi prynu cartref.En: The community had strengthened Rhian and had taken her back to Cwm Edmygedd to believe in the power of her talents in buying a home.Cy: Roedd ei thynged yn cael ei chydnabod ac roedd ei talentau yn cyfyngu’r wyneb hen.En: Her fate was recognized, and her talents limited the old face.Cy: Roedd yn falch ei bod bellach yn rhan o ffasgyrfau eu paradwys cudd yn Eryri.En: She was proud to now be part of the hidden paradise in Eryri. Vocabulary Words:foothills: godraubreeze: awelrealization: sylweddoliadestranged: estronsuperficial: rhyionredigincredible: anhygoelbrave: dewrwhirlwind: corwyntscoured: fennoddimagination: dychymygunique: unigrywfluffy: blewogsynergy: symbolaiddsaffron: saffrwmscarlet: cochiaiddhedgerows: gwrychoeddverbal: geiriounanticipated: heb ei ddisgwyllaugh: chwerthinjoy: llawenyddbelonging: berthyntriumphant: goncroconfidence: hyderreassurance: sai'n sigrwyddresonant: yerafeuhidden: cuddstrengthened: cryfhaudestined: tyngedrecognize: chydnabodtalents: heigion
  • The Truth Between Flights: Rhiannon's Revelation to Gareth
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Truth Between Flights: Rhiannon's Revelation to Gareth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-11-22-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar brynhawn gynnar llonydd, roedd Maes Awyr Rhyngwladol Caerdydd yn llawn pobl.En: On a calm early afternoon, Maes Awyr Rhyngwladol Caerdydd was full of people.Cy: Roedd y sŵn clychdro bagiau a siarad teithwyr yn cymysgu â'r arogl cryf o goffi.En: The sound of spinning bags and the chatter of travelers mixed with the strong aroma of coffee.Cy: Gwelodd Rhiannon Gareth, sefyll yn dawel yn y ciw bwrdd ar gyfer ei hediad.En: Rhiannon saw Gareth, standing quietly in the boarding queue for his flight.Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod nad oedd ganddi lawer o amser.En: She knew she didn't have much time.Cy: Roedd gen iddi rhywbeth mawr i'w ddweud.En: She had something important to say.Cy: Roedd Gareth yn ŵr a oedd yn caru ei drefn.En: Gareth was a man who loved his routine.Cy: Roedd bob peth yn ei le.En: Everything was in its place.Cy: Roedd e'n mynd i Lundain am fusnes, ac roedd y daith hon yn bwysig iddo.En: He was going to London for business, and this trip was important to him.Cy: Ond roedd Rhiannon wedi cael gwybod cyfrinach wrth ei thad yr wythnos ddiwethaf, rhywbeth y dylai Gareth wybod.En: But Rhiannon had learned a secret from her father the previous week, something that Gareth should know.Cy: Wedi ystyried llawer, roedd hi'n gwybod fod rhaid iddi ei ddweud iddo nawr.En: After much consideration, she knew she had to tell him now.Cy: Dim amser arall.En: No other time.Cy: “Gareth!En: "Gareth!"Cy: ” gwaeddodd hi, gan redeg tuag ato.En: she shouted, running towards him.Cy: Gwybbai hi y gallai hyn ei ofidio, ond roedd rhaid iddi gymryd y siawns.En: She knew this could upset him, but she had to take the chance.Cy: Trodd Gareth ei ben, gan weld Rhiannon yn dod.En: Gareth turned his head, seeing Rhiannon approaching.Cy: “Beth sydd, Rhiannon?En: "What's wrong, Rhiannon?"Cy: ” Holodd e'n bryderus.En: he asked anxiously.Cy: “Rwy'n mynd i fethu'r hediad.En: "I'm going to miss the flight."Cy: ”“Mae'n bwysig iawn,” ymatebodd Rhiannon, llygaid yn llawn angerdd.En: "It's very important," responded Rhiannon, her eyes full of passion.Cy: “Rhaid i ti wybod am dy deulu.En: "You need to know about your family.Cy: Mae'n bwysig i ti weld dy hun mewn ffordd newydd.En: It's important for you to see yourself in a new way."Cy: ”Roedd Gareth yn amharod.En: Gareth was reluctant.Cy: Roedd amser yn pylu, a galwyd y bwrdd olaf dros y siaradwr mecanyddol.En: Time was fading, and the final boarding was called over the mechanical speaker.Cy: Ond roedd rhywbeth yn ei llygaid yn ei gwneud iddo stopio.En: But something in her eyes made him stop.Cy: “Gareth, dyma ydy'r gwir,” dechreuodd Rhiannon, ei llais yn ysgafn ond cadarn.En: "Gareth, this is the truth," Rhiannon began, her voice gentle yet firm.Cy: “Roedd dy dad yn fab mabwysiedig.En: "Your father was adopted.Cy: Nid oedd hyn yn wybyddus i ti.En: You weren't aware of this.Cy: Roedd yn deulu arall, ond mae wedi newid popeth.En: It was another family, but it changes everything."Cy: ”Roedd Gareth yn sefyll yn fud, ei wyneb yn ddiymateb am eiliad.En: Gareth stood in silence, his face expressionless for a moment.Cy: Roedd yr wybodaeth yn torri ei feddyliad yn ddarnau.En: The knowledge shattered his thoughts.Cy: Roedd byth wedi wybod unrhyw beth fel hyn am ei deulu, ac yn sydyn roedd ei dealltwriaeth o'i hun wedi newid.En: He had never known anything like this about his family, and suddenly his understanding of himself had changed.Cy: Tynnodd Gareth yn ddwfn ar ei anadl, edrychodd ar Rhiannon.En: Gareth took a deep breath, looked at Rhiannon.Cy: “Pam na chafodd neb ddweud wrthyf cyn hyn?En: "Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?"Cy: ” gofynnodd ef, ei lais yn berwi gyda'r cymysgedd o emosiynau.En: he asked, his voice boiling with a mix of emotions.Cy: “Roedd o'n gyfrinach, ond gwnes yn siŵr bod rhaid i ti wybod.En: "It was a secret, but I made sure you had to know.Cy: Ti'n haeddu gwybod,” meddai Rhiannon, yn gobeithio ei fod yn deall pam yr oedd wedi gorfod dweud wrth y gwir.En: You deserve to know," said Rhiannon, hoping he understood why she had to tell the truth.Cy: Roedd y byrdd uchaf olaf yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar brysurion y maes awyr.En: The final boarding was being announced amidst the airport's hustle and bustle.Cy: Roedd Gareth yn edrych yn ôl at y ciw, yna'n ôl at Rhiannon.En: Gareth looked back at the queue, then back at Rhiannon.Cy: Gyda ffocws dwfn ac emosiwn mudiol, cusanodd hi ar ei boch.En: With deep focus and moving emotion, he kissed her on the cheek.Cy: “Dw i'n gorfod mynd,” meddai Gareth yn dawel, cyn mynd ymlaen i ymuno â'r teithwyr eraill.En: "I have to go," Gareth said quietly, before moving on to join the other travelers.Cy: Roedd Rhiannon yn aros yno'r hediad yn codi i'r awyr uwchben.En: Rhiannon stayed there as the flight took off into the sky above.Cy: Roedd hi'n teimlo o ryddhad am ddweud y gwir, ond roedd hi hefyd yn bryderus am beth fyddai'n digwydd nesaf.En: She felt relief from telling the truth, but she was also anxious about what would happen next.Cy: Roedd bywyd Gareth wedi newid, ac unrhyw ddigwydd yn y dyfodol fyddai'n sicr ddim mor union fel roedd e'n ei feddwl.En: Gareth's life had changed, and any events in the future would certainly not be as straightforward as he thought.Cy: Trodd Rhiannon ar ei sawdl, aeth i ffwrdd o'r maes awyr, gan obeithio y byddai Gareth yn dod i ddeall un diwrnod pam roedd angen iddi wneuthur hynny.En: Rhiannon turned on her heel, walked away from the airport, hoping that Gareth would come to understand one day why she had to do this.Cy: Roedd gobeithio y byddai hyn yn ddechrau newydd iddo, un oedd llawn o wirionedd a goleuni newydd.En: She hoped this would be a new beginning for him, one filled with truth and new light. Vocabulary Words:calm: llonyddmixed: cymysguaroma: aroglquietly: tawelchatter: sianelconsideration: ystyriedupset: ofidioanxiously: bryderusreluctant: amharodmechanical: mecanyddolexpressionless: diymatebshattered: torriemotions: emosiynaudeserve: haedduhustle: prysurionbustle: prysurionfocus: ffocwsemotion: emosiwnstraightforward: unionheel: sawdltruth: gwirioneddknowledge: gwybodaethsecret: cyfrinachaware: wybyddusroutine: trefnconsideration: ystyriedadopted: mabwysiedighesitation: amheuaethstartled: synnuexpressionless: ddiymateb
  • Stonehenge: Bridging the Past with Fresh Spring Traditions
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Stonehenge: Bridging the Past with Fresh Spring Traditions Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-10-22-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar ddechrau'r gwanwyn, roedd awyrgylch cyffrous yn dawel gynhesu heibio'r cerrig llawer o flynyddoedd yn Stonehenge.En: At the beginning of the spring, an exciting atmosphere quietly warmed past the stones of many years at Stonehenge.Cy: Roedd y lle hwn yn arbennig iawn i Emrys a'i deulu.En: This place was very special to Emrys and his family.Cy: Roedd yr hen gerrig yn sefyll yn gryno ac yn fawr, fel goleudy wedi'i wneud o stori a hen hanes.En: The ancient stones stood firmly and grandly, like a lighthouse made of story and ancient history.Cy: Roedd golau'r wawr yn newid lliw o lwyd i binc ar y gorwel, yn taflu cysgodol hir dros y glaswellt gwlyb.En: The dawn's light changed color from gray to pink on the horizon, casting long shadows over the damp grass.Cy: Wrth i'r haul godi, daeth Emrys i sylw.En: As the sun rose, Emrys came into attention.Cy: Roedd yn fywgraffydd ifanc gyda chysylltiad dwfn â'i wreiddiau Cymreig.En: He was a young biographer with a deep connection to his Welsh roots.Cy: Ar un llaw, roedd yn teimlo'r cyfrifoldeb i gadw'r traddodiadau teuluol.En: On one hand, he felt the responsibility to maintain family traditions.Cy: Ar y llaw arall, roedd moderniaeth y byd yn herio'r ffyrdd hynafol.En: On the other hand, the modernity of the world challenged those ancient ways.Cy: Roedd ei deulu yn dod ynghyd, Cerys a Gareth, i ddathlu Gŵyl y Gwanwyn gyda seremoni arbennig.En: His family came together, Cerys and Gareth, to celebrate the Spring Festival with a special ceremony.Cy: Roedd hyn yn amser pwysig i'r teulu. Traddodiad i anrhydeddu'r hynafiaid, cysylltu'n ysbrydol â'r gorffennol mabolgamp y dydd.En: This was an important time for the family, a tradition to honor the ancestors and spiritually connect with the past, the hallmark of the day.Cy: Ond roedd sŵn y twristiaid fel storm fach, yn tarfu'r tawelwch sanctaidd.En: But the noise of the tourists was like a small storm, disrupting the sacred silence.Cy: Nid pawb yn y teulu oedd yn rhannu'r ungalon am hyn.En: Not everyone in the family shared the same enthusiasm for this.Cy: Mae rhai yn gweld y seremoni fel hen ffasiwn.En: Some saw the ceremony as outdated.Cy: Ond Emrys nid oedd yn digalonni.En: But Emrys was not disheartened.Cy: Roedd yn gwybod bod rhaid iddo gysylltu â’i deulu mewn ffordd newydd er mwyn dod â phawb at ei gilydd.En: He knew he had to connect with his family in a new way to bring everyone together.Cy: Felly, penderfynodd ystyried yr her a chynnwys elfennau newydd i’r seremoni, rhywbeth esgidiau’r traddodiad, a rhywbeth i apelio’r amheuwyr.En: Therefore, he decided to embrace the challenge and include new elements in the ceremony, something to respect the tradition, and something to appeal to the skeptics.Cy: Wrth iddi'r seremoni ddal ymlaen, daeth y teulu at ei gilydd mewn cylch o amgylch y cerrig.En: As the ceremony continued, the family came together in a circle around the stones.Cy: Roedd Emrys yn cyflwyno ymbilio calon, lle cyflwynodd hud y lle, yn llawn angerdd ac yn llawn hyder.En: Emrys delivered a heartfelt invocation, presenting the magic of the place, full of passion and confidence.Cy: Gwrandodd y teulu a'r twristiaid fel ei gilydd, eu calonnau'n agored i'r profiad.En: The family and the tourists alike listened, their hearts open to the experience.Cy: Roedd yn foment nerthol, eiliad i gofio'r hen ffyrdd tra hefyd yn derbyn y fersiynau gorau o'r newydd.En: It was a powerful moment, a moment to remember the old ways while also accepting the best versions of the new.Cy: Pan ddaeth y seremoni i ben, roedd y teulu wedi symbylu a thanllyd.En: When the ceremony ended, the family was inspired and invigorated.Cy: Roeddent wedi gweld sut y gallai traddodiad greu bont rhwng y gorffennol a’r presennol heb golli ei hanfod.En: They had seen how tradition could create a bridge between the past and the present without losing its essence.Cy: Mewn cydweddiad, addawodd y teulu barhau â'r traddodiad, gan gymysgu’r hen â’r newydd.En: In agreement, the family vowed to continue the tradition, blending the old with the new.Cy: Yn yr oriau olaf y bore, deallodd Emrys fwyfwy fod strwythur y traddodiadau fel carreg, syml ac allweddol, wrth iddo edrych ar y bolyglon crowni crwn, ar dafnodi yn barod i herio'r dydd o'i flaen.En: In the final hours of the morning, Emrys understood more and more that the structure of traditions is like a stone, simple and essential, as he looked at the round capstones, prepared to challenge the day ahead.Cy: Roedd wedi dysgu y gellir esblygu traddodiad tra'n dal y gwrhydfredyniaeth arno.En: He had learned that tradition can evolve while retaining its core essence.Cy: Roedd yn amser i symud ymlaen, gyda llawn hyder.En: It was time to move forward with full confidence. Vocabulary Words:exciting: cyffrousatmosphere: awyrgylchquietly: tawelstones: cerrigfirmly: crynodamp: gwlybbiographer: fywgraffyddroots: wreiddiauresponsibility: cyfrifoldebtraditions: traddodiadaumodernity: moderniaethcelebrate: dathluancestors: hynafiaidspiritually: ysbrydoldisheartened: digalonniembrace: ystyriedinvocation: ymbiliopassion: angerddconfidence: hyderpowerful: nertholinspired: symbyluinvigorated: thanllydtradition: traddodiadblend: cymysgustructure: strwythuressential: allweddolcapstones: bolyglon crownichallenge: herevolve: esblygucore: gwrhydfredyniaeth
  • Springtime Serendipity: Rekindling Connections in Caerdydd
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Springtime Serendipity: Rekindling Connections in Caerdydd Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-09-22-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Y bore hwnnw, roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n llachar uwchben Caerdydd.En: That morning, the sun shone brightly over Caerdydd.Cy: Roedd caffi Freelancer's Home yn brysur.En: Freelancer's Home café was busy.Cy: Arogl coffi ffres a sŵn pobl yn siarad yn llenwi'r lle.En: The aroma of fresh coffee and the sound of people talking filled the place.Cy: Roedd baneri Cymru a deilen cennin Pedr yn addurno'r waliau, yn atgoffa pawb o ddechrau'r gwanwyn a Dydd Gŵyl Dewi a ddaeth yr wythnos ddiwethaf.En: Baneri Cymru and daffodil leaves decorated the walls, reminding everyone of the start of spring and St. David's Day that had come the previous week.Cy: Roedd Carys eistedd wrth fwrdd yn y gornel, yn cael saib o’i gwaith graffig.En: Carys was sitting at a table in the corner, taking a break from her graphic design work.Cy: Er ei bod yn mwynhau bod yn rhydd weithiwr, weithiau teimlai’n unig.En: Even though she enjoyed being a freelancer, sometimes she felt lonely.Cy: Roedd y dyddiau hir yn cynnwys dim ond gwaith a sŵn ei hunan.En: The long days consisted of nothing but work and the sound of her own thoughts.Cy: Yn y funud yna, agorodd y drws ac aeth Gwyn i mewn.En: At that moment, the door opened and Gwyn walked in.Cy: Roedd y lle yn llawn ac nid oedd cefnogaeth ar gael ar unwaith.En: The place was full and there was no immediate seating available.Cy: Edrychodd o gwmpas, ac anerch ei lygaid â Carys.En: He looked around, and their eyes met with Carys.Cy: Roedd yn sŵn o orfoledd, nid yn unig o gwmpas, ond yn ei chroesawu.En: There was a sound of joy, not just around, but in welcoming her.Cy: “Carys!” galwodd e, a gwên ar ei wyneb.En: “Carys!” he called, a smile on his face.Cy: Roedd Carys yn syfrdan.En: Carys was stunned.Cy: “Gwyn! Beth wyt ti'n gwneud yma?”En: “Gwyn! What are you doing here?”Cy: Eisteddodd Gwyn wrth ei bwrdd.En: Gwyn sat at her table.Cy: “Wedi dy weld di yma. Rhyfedd o fyd, yw hi ddim?”En: “I saw you here. Isn't it a strange world?”Cy: Roeddent yn dechrau siarad, yn rhannu hanesion a theithiau diweddar Gwyn ac uchafbwyntiau o fywyd proffesiynol Carys.En: They began to talk, sharing stories and Gwyn's recent travels and highlights from Carys' professional life.Cy: Ond teimlai Carys angen dweud mwy.En: But Carys felt the need to say more.Cy: “Mae teimlo’n unig droeon,” mynegodd Carys, edrych i lawr ar ei chwpan.En: “Sometimes I feel lonely,” Carys expressed, looking down at her cup.Cy: Roedd Gwyn eisiau rhedeg o’r sgwrs honno.En: Gwyn wanted to run from that conversation.Cy: Ond, teimlodd ei lwyth yn llesg.En: But, he felt his burdens lighten.Cy: “Carys… Efallai nad wyf mor rhydd ag y credaf.En: “Carys… Maybe I'm not as free as I think.Cy: Rwy’n meddwl amdanat ti lawer yn ystod fy nheithiau.”En: I think about you a lot during my travels.”Cy: Roedd y geiriau hynny yn gyfleu rhywbeth dwfn yn y ddau.En: Those words conveyed something deep within both of them.Cy: Roedden nhw'n gwybod eu bod yn chwilfrydio am berthynas, ond roedd gwrthdaro rhwng eu dymuniadau.En: They knew they were curious about a relationship, but there was conflict between their desires.Cy: “Sut os ydyn ni’n ceisio cadw mewn cysylltiad?” gofynnodd Carys yn obeithiol.En: “What if we try to keep in touch?” asked Carys hopefully.Cy: “Byddai hynny’n wych,” cytunodd Gwyn, gan sylweddoli y gall cysylltiadau fod yn rhydd-wasgar hefyd.En: “That would be great,” agreed Gwyn, realizing connections could also be liberating.Cy: Pan ddododd amser i adael, roedden nhw’n gwybod bod croesi newydd wedi’i greu.En: When it came time to leave, they knew that a new path had been created.Cy: Roedd cysylltiad wedi ailgynnau, heb ddiffinio’r dyfodol ond hefyd heb ei gau.En: A connection had rekindled, not defining the future but also not closing it.Cy: Y tu allan, roedd yr haul yn dal i ddisgleirio yn llachar, ac am y tro cyntaf ers amser hir, teimlai Carys nad oedd ingdir ar ei hysgwyddau.En: Outside, the sun still shone brightly, and for the first time in a long time, Carys felt no burden on her shoulders.Cy: Roedd Gwyn yn adrodd stori arall i’w hun, un lle nad oedd yn rhaid iddo golli popeth oedd yn bwysig i gadw ei ryddid.En: Gwyn was recounting another story to himself, one where he didn't have to lose everything important to keep his freedom.Cy: Roedd croeso i’r ddau o hyd yn y byd llachar hwnnw.En: Both were still welcome in that bright world. Vocabulary Words:shone: tywynnubrightly: llachararoma: arogldaffodil: cennin Pedrlonely: unigrecounting: adroddrekindled: ailgynnauburdens: llwythwelcoming: croesawuconflict: gwrthdaroavailable: cefnogaeth ar gaelcurious: chwilfrydioconsisted: cynnwyshighlighted: uchafbwyntiauincluding: yn cynnwysexpressed: mynegoddconversation: sgwrsfree: rhyddburden: ingdirliberating: rhydd-wasgarrealizing: sylweddoliimmediate: ar unwaithspring: gwanwynpath: croesiconsisting: cynnwystravels: teithiautable: bwrddavailable: ar gaelmeeting: anerchcelebration: gŵyl
  • Innovate & Inspire: A Collaborative Art Revolution
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Innovate & Inspire: A Collaborative Art Revolution Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Anhwylder haul y gwanwyn oedd yn ymledu dros yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, gan lenwi'r neuaddau mawr, eang â goleuni meddal.En: The disorder of the spring sun was spreading over the Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd (National Museum Caerdydd), filling the large, spacious halls with soft light.Cy: Roedd chwa o hanes yn curo yng ngwaliau'r lle, wrth i'r gorffennol a'r dyfodol gyd-dynnu at ei gilydd yn y lleoliad rhyfeddol hwn, lle cwrddodd celf hynafol ag arloesi cyfoes.En: There was a touch of history beating within the walls of the place, as the past and future intertwined in this remarkable location where ancient art met contemporary innovation.Cy: Yno, mewn un o'r orielau, roedd tri pherson yn eistedd o amgylch bwrdd mawr.En: There, in one of the galleries, three people sat around a large table.Cy: Gareth oedd yr un a dorrodd y distawrwydd gyntaf.En: Gareth was the one who first broke the silence.Cy: Roedd yn awyddus i greu argraff.En: He was eager to make an impression.Cy: "Mae gen i syniad i'r arddangosfa, beth os byddwn yn gosod yr elfennau celf yn y gorneli?En: "I have an idea for the exhibition, what if we placed the art pieces in the corners?Cy: Bydd yn ffordd newydd o weld," meddai gydag egni.En: It'll be a new way of seeing," he said energetically.Cy: Roedd Gareth yn gynhyrchydd uchelgeisiol, yn chwilio am ffordd i wneud ei farc yn y byd celf.En: Gareth was an ambitious producer, seeking a way to make his mark in the art world.Cy: Carys edrychodd i lawr dros ei sbectol, yn amheus.En: Carys looked down over her glasses, skeptical.Cy: "Fe allai hynny wneud iddo edrych yn anniben," meddai.En: "That could make it look untidy," she said.Cy: Roedd hi wedi bod yn gyfarwyddwr celf ers blynyddoedd lawer ac yn amddiffynwr o'r ddefod.En: She had been an art director for many years and was a guardian of tradition.Cy: Roedd Carys yn wyliadwrus o unrhyw newid.En: Carys was cautious of any change.Cy: Yn y gornel, eisteddodd Rhys yn dawel, ei ben yn isel, yn gwrando'n astud.En: In the corner, Rhys sat quietly, his head bowed, listening intently.Cy: Roedd yn artist talentog ond yn tueddu i fod yn swil ac yn amheus o'i waith ei hun.En: He was a talented artist but tended to be shy and unsure of his own work.Cy: Roedd syniadau Gareth yn arddangosfa newydd ac roedd yn gwneud iddo deimlo dros dro.En: Gareth's ideas were a brand new exhibition and temporarily made him feel overwhelmed.Cy: Ond roedd ei ddiffyg hyder yn ei frasu rhag awgrymu dim.En: But his lack of confidence prevented him from suggesting anything.Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn teimlo'n drymach wrth i'r drafodaeth fynd yn ei blaen.En: The atmosphere felt heavier as the discussion went on.Cy: "Mae arddangosfeydd yn gorfod bod yn gyffrous, rhaid i ni newid rhywbeth," meddai Gareth, ei lais wedi'i berswadio.En: "Exhibitions have to be exciting, we have to change something," Gareth said, his voice persuasive.Cy: Roedd yn dal i geisio cosbi ei syniadau newydd.En: He was still trying to enforce his new ideas.Cy: Ond roedd Carys yn dal i sefyll yn gadarn yn erbyn ei awgrym.En: But Carys continued to stand firmly against his suggestion.Cy: "Mae cymaint o risgiau," roedd hi'n dal ati.En: "There are so many risks," she persisted.Cy: Gyda phob dadl roedd y tensiwn yn cynyddu, nes bod Rhys yn codi ei law yn betrusgar.En: With every argument, the tension increased, until Rhys raised his hand hesitantly.Cy: "Be allai gyflwyno fy ngwaith?En: "Can I present my work?"Cy: " oedd ei sylw tawel yn torri trwy'r tyndra.En: his quiet comment cutting through the tension.Cy: Roedd ei gais wedi syfrdanu pawb wrth y bwrdd.En: His request stunned everyone at the table.Cy: Fel arfer yn swil, roedd Rhys yn barod i rannu ei weledigaeth.En: Usually shy, Rhys was ready to share his vision.Cy: Roedd hyn yn chwyth newydd i'r sgwrs.En: This was a breath of fresh air in the conversation.Cy: Roedd Carys yn edrych arno, ei llygaid yn fwy tyner.En: Carys looked at him, her eyes more tender.Cy: Rhoddodd Gareth bumed gymaint o sylw i Rhys, yn synnu ac yn falch o'r newidiadau yn y cyfarfod.En: Gareth gave Rhys his full attention, surprised and pleased by the changes at the meeting.Cy: Gwnaeth hyn i Gareth feddwl, nid yn unig am ei gynllun a'i seflydliad ond faint mae creu celf ar gyfer y cyhoedd yn golygu i Rhys a'u hunaniaeth greadigol.En: This made Gareth think, not only about his plan and establishment but how much creating art for the public means to Rhys and their creative identity.Cy: Yn sydyn, trodd Gareth at Gynulliad.En: Suddenly, Gareth turned to the Assembly.Cy: "Beth os byddwn yn rhoi’r elfen newydd ar y ffrâm, fel rhan o'r gwaith celf ei hun?En: "What if we placed the new element on the frame, as part of the artwork itself?"Cy: " roedd ei syniad newydd yn ysgogol, yn uno eu cydweithredu.En: his new idea was inspiring, uniting their collaboration.Cy: Roedd y cyfarfod yn troi wrth i Carys, gyda phenderfyniad, llygaid ffocws, newid ei feddwl.En: The meeting shifted as Carys, with determination, eyes focused, changed her mind.Cy: "Swyddog, cawn roi cynnig ar hynny, ond mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau cydbwysedd," atebodd, ei llais yn gwerthu traffordd o grefft.En: "Officer, let's give that a try, but we must ensure balance," she answered, her voice conveying a thoroughfare of craft.Cy: Ymlaen i’r awr nesaf, gostyngodd y tensiwn wrth i’r drafodaeth barhau mewn dirgryn mawr o weledigaeth a dychymyg.En: For the next hour, the tension eased as the discussion continued with a great vibration of vision and imagination.Cy: Roedd Rhys, er hynod gynhyrfus, yn dod ar draws ac yn barod i gynnig ei fewnwelediad tawel.En: Rhys, though extremely excited, came across and was ready to offer his quiet insight.Cy: Yn y pen draw, wrth i'r haul fynd yn ei hanterth oedd Carys wedi dangos ei bod yn barod i roi cyfle i'r arloesedd, Gareth wedi dysgu gwerth cydweithio a chydsyniad, a Rhys yn parhau gyda hyder newydd mewn ei waith ei hun.En: Ultimately, as the sun reached its peak, Carys showed that she was ready to give innovation a chance, Gareth learned the value of collaboration and consent, and Rhys continued with newfound confidence in his own work.Cy: Roedd y cyfarfod wedi troi yn ben-blwydd y gwanwyn mewn ffyrnig o liw llachar ar draws wal y cyfarfod.En: The meeting had turned into a spring anniversary with a burst of bright color across the meeting wall.Cy: Idrin ym mai deunydd y dyfodol a oedd wedi'u destun trwy gydweithio balch.En: It was a testament that the future material was destined through proud collaboration. Vocabulary Words:disorder: anhwylderspreading: ymleduspacious: eangintertwined: cyd-dynnuremarkable: rhyfeddolambitious: uchelgeisiolsceptical: amheuscautious: wyliadwrusbowed: iselintently: astudpersuasive: wedi'i berswadiotension: tensiwnhesitantly: petrusgarstunned: syfrdanutender: tynercollaboration: cydweithreduconsent: cydsyniadvision: gweledigaethinsight: mewnwelediadconfidence: hyderburst: ffyrnigcreative: creadigolidentity: hunaniaethbalance: cydbwyseddcriticism: beirniadaethshy: swiltradition: ddefodguardian: amddiffynwrexciting: cyffrousoverwhelmed: dros dro

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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
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