Free Speech, Pig[bleep] and George Orwell’s Purpose
Kyla Guimaraes
Free speech: what is it? Why does it matter? What does its suppression look like and how does it relate to a group of meek animals and power-hungry pigs? This p...
We, over the course of this podcast, have dissected Animal Farm, George Orwell’s letter, as well as the Earth Guardians and the Voting Rights Movement. This episode, we’re going to wrap that all up and finalize not only what we’ve learned, but also the conclusions we’ve come to regarding the relationship between free speech and change, and how that connects to George Orwell’s purpose - and what exactly that purpose is.
Episode 4 - The Earth Guardians and the Voting Rights Movement
So far we’ve looked at free speech and change regarding Animal Farm and George Orwell’s letter. This episode, however, we’re going to look at it from both more modern and historical perspectives, first addressing the Eath Guardians, a group of young people and kids who sued the US Government over climate change,and then looking at the Voting Rights Movement, which is all about speaking up so one can have the ability to have a voice in US Elections.
Episode 3 - George Orwell’s Purpose
What was George Orwell’s purpose for his novel, Animal Farm? Was it only meant to be an allegory to the Russian revolution, or was there another aspect to it? This episode, those are exactly the questions we’ll be discussing, as we dive into George Orwell’s purpose through a discussion, comparing and contrasting his letter to Dwight MacDonald from 1946 with Animal Farm and his purpose for the book.
Episode 2 - Free Speech and its Suppression Through Animal Farm
Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, demonstrates successful revolutions... and ones that weren’t so successful. As we look deeper into this book, we’ll examine how exactly free speech and change connect to these revolutions and lack of revolutions, ultimately addressing free speech and it’s suppression, as well as its relationship with change.
Episode 1 - Free Speech: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters.
Learn about free speech with this episode, which will detail what free speech really is: how it works, why it matters and what it’s suppression looks like.
About Free Speech, Pig[bleep] and George Orwell’s Purpose
Free speech: what is it? Why does it matter? What does its suppression look like and how does it relate to a group of meek animals and power-hungry pigs? This podcast, we will explore and discuss the relationship between free speech and change by looking at Animal Farm, George Orwell’s letter, and past and present events.