Welcome to the 'Full of It' podcast. Before you make any assumptions, and guess that this podcast is just two cocky birds talking, I want to tell you what this ...
This is a huge topic to navigate, and as such, it is impossible to cover every nuance within an hour. So, the aim of today's episode is to increase awareness of disordered eating behaviours and the most prevalent eating disorders. As a nutritionist, Fiona has observed some of these behaviours in prospective clients but it is important to note that it is outside her professional scope of practice and so clients with eating disorders will always be referred to clinical specialists. In her role within mental health, Ber has worked with patients suffering with eating disorders and highlights some of the disordered behaviours that, if left untreated, may develop into eating disorders. We will follow up this conversation with part II next week where we will delve further into this topic. If you have been impacted by any of the content we have discussed today or if you are recognising some of these behaviours in your own life, you can contact www.bodywhys.ie for information on how to get more help & support in this space.
What Does Gratitude Practice Actually Do For Us?
This week, we are discussing gratitude - now before you roll your eyes, myself and Ber want to share how gratitude has been an incredibly powerful force in our lives. We will walk you through what gratitude practice is....and what it isn't ... And we will share some of the ways you can't begin to incorporate it into your daily practice. We refer to 'research' a bit in this episode. And while many of you might not be interested in the behind the scenes reading on this topic, I'm guessing that some of you are as nerdy as we are. So follow the links below if you would like to see some of the research we looked through ahead of today's episode. For more information on 'Gratitude' from the perspective of positive psychology (and a little easier to read compared to a research paper) head to Positive Psychology .com https://positivepsychology.com/neuroscience-of-gratitude/The Cultivation of pure altruism via gratitude: A functional MRI study of change with gratitude practice. Karns et al, 2017. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/human-neuroscience/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00599/full?trk=public_post_comment-textThe effects of gratitude expression on neural expression. Kini et al, 2016. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053811915011532
The Slippery Slope From Busy To Overwhelm
This week, we have a conversation about what happens in our nervous system when our alarm systems are telling us that we are overwhelmed. We speak about the layers of cognitive, physical and emotional business and how they can build to make us feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Exploring the power of honesty
In this weeks episode, we explore the idea that not speaking our minds can actually contribute to us feeling stuck. Growth comes through being honest, most of all, with ourselves - we discuss what that may look like and how have we learned to navigate it without fear of conflict.
Do we really need a NEW ME for the NEW YEAR
Welcome to the 'Full of it' Podcast - It's a little tongue in cheek, but for those of you who know us, you'll know the name is appropriate. In this first episode of the podcast, we discuss real change. What does it actually look like? Does it fit with the 'New Year/New Me' vibes...or is that just setting us up for failure. Instead, we take a closer look at the steps you might consider being curious about if you feel change is on the cards for you.
Welcome to the 'Full of It' podcast. Before you make any assumptions, and guess that this podcast is just two cocky birds talking, I want to tell you what this pod is really about. 'Full of it' is an honest collection of conversations based around psychology, human behaviour, and the ups and downs of life. With over 50 years of experience working in the health (physical and mental) industry between us, we share our honest reflections on every day issues, as well as offering some different perspectives on some of the barriers that come up in the ups and downs of life.