This episode is one of a three part series on the Fall of the Sasanians, produced in Persian.
Episode 12: One more on Cyrus and the Origins of His Empire
Cyrus and the conquest of Media and Elam.
Episode 11: Kingdom of Anshan and Cyrus the Great
This episode will talk about the Kingdom of Anshan and the historical context of the rise of Cyrus. It will also retell the story of the birth of Cyrus as told by Herodotus and provides a corrective.
Episode 10: the World that Cyrus Conquered
This is a survey of the world in which Cyrus started his career. A look at the Mediterranean World, China, Central Asia, and then the Mesopotamian context for the rise of Cyrus.
Episode 9: the Disappearing Kingdom: Medes and the Median Empire
History of Iran podcast, episode nine. On the Herodotian narrative of the Median Empire and modern scholarship's correctives to it.
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