Genealogy podcast covering family history, research, tips, stories, interviews and more. Stories and interviews with people from the UK, USA, Australia, New Zea...
Join Matt Brown and I as we discuss London and Londonist, lots of maps, the River Fleet, hidden waterways and street names plus much more. The transcript is available on Substack together with a second short interview about the John Rocque map of 1746.
Bermondsey with Geoff Fairbairn
Geoff talks about the long history of Bermondsey, London from Bermondsey Abbey in medieval times, through tanneries, the start of canning, famous food factories such as Peak Frean's and the development of "Biscuit Town" and where to find local records. An interview transcript is available on Substack together with a short second interview on fame and infamy in Bermondsey.
RootsTech 2025 with Ariel McDonald-Smith
RootsTech 2025 is nearly here. Ariel McDonald-Smith of Family Search is sharing some of what's in store for us and how to make the most of the show which runs from 6-8 March 2025. The transcript (available on Substack) contains links to keynote speakers, famous relatives and how to sign up for the event itself.
Celebrating 4 years and 100 episodes of Journeys into Genealogy plus what's in store for 2025
A short episode with the roundup of 2024 with what's ahead for 2025...
The Prize Papers with Anne Ramon
The Prize Papers is a treasure trove of documents captured by English naval ships and privateers in the 1700s. Anne Ramon talks about the project and some of the papers captured during the American War of Independence. From crew lists to poetry and the letters which never reached their intended destinations, it's a fascinating insight into 18th century life. The image of Mrs John Deas is used with permission of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Museum Purchase. Mark and Loretta Roman and The Friends of Colonial Williamsburg Collections Fund.
Genealogy podcast covering family history, research, tips, stories, interviews and more. Stories and interviews with people from the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa amongst others.