Hey there, it's been a minute. We've been struggling to hit a consistent schedule recently and we wanted to talk to you, our listeners, about this and how we'd like to update the show going forward to better fit in with some of the changing aspects of our lives.We still love to read and react to these books together, and we want you to be a part of that, but we're going to shift some of our focus away from regular releases, and follow a bit more of our passions, which hopefully will include the ability to do more author interviews, like the one at the end of this episode with Intisar Khanani who we met at GenCon!If you want to chat with us and recommend books or tell us your reaction to book we've covered on the show, please email us at
[email protected] by Russian Baths: https://open.spotify.com/artist/07N9Lr8AIzUbDzjPXUXTLr?si=vegRwDLXSF-IpupxjuEPJQ