Minimal-ish is a podcast hosted by Desirae Endres about striving to live with less of the things that don't matter, more of what does, and pursuing intention in...
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264: Disconnecting to Reconnect with Carlos Whittaker
In this episode, I am honored to sit down and speak with author and speaker Carlos Whittaker to chat about his latest book, Reconnected, and his eye-opening 7-week experiment living in a monk community—completely off screens. We dive deep into what he learned about solitude, slowing down + savoring, being present, and finding true connection (and balance) in a digital world, but also shares so many quick and practical takeaways that he’s implemented since this experiment.
As we kick off a new year filled with resolutions and the pressure to “do it all,” this conversation is such a timely reminder to prioritize intentionality, step away from the noise, and embrace a simpler way of living + connecting with our family.
Links from this episode:
Carlos on Instagram
Order ‘Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human (his newest book that launched Fall 2024)
The Carlos Whittaker Podcast
Carlos' Website
Desirae on Instagram
Minimal-ish Podcast Website
More episodes on less screens:
Ep 261: Minimalism Story: Smart Phone to Flip Phone with Abby Brennan
Ep 235: A Life More Engaging Than The Algorithm - Living a Low(er) Tech Life with Erin Loechner
Ep 205: Change Your Relationship with Your Phone and Connect More with Your People with Joey Odom
Ep 191: Unplugging: Digital Minimalism, screen-free activities, prioritizing in-person community, and modeling phone habits with Claudia Erickson
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263: Change Your Relationship with Your Phone with Joey Odom (January Replay)
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262: A 2025 Preview + Monthly "Experiments"
In today's episode, I'm bringing you a quick preview of what 2025 will look like on Minimal-ish, plus letting you in on an extended solo episode series I'm excited about. I hope you'll join me in some monthly "experiments!"
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261: Minimalism Story: Smart Phone to Flip Phone with Abby Brennan
Today on the podcast, we’re diving into another Minimalism Story with special guest Abby Brennan. Abby is a mom of two, wife, writer, and project manager who has embraced simplicity and sustainability in both her home and digital experiences. She talks about her transition from smartphone to flip phone and the impact of reducing screen time on her creativity and family life.
If starting or continuing to pursue minimalism is on your list for 2025, or you’ve just been curious about a simpler + more intentional life with less screens, this episode is for you.
Links from this episode:
Abby on Instagram
Abby’s Website
Desirae on Instagram
Minimal-ish Podcast Website
More Episodes on Screen Time:
Ep 235: A Life More Engaging Than The Algorithm - Living a Low(er) Tech Life with Erin Loechner
Ep 191: Unplugging: Digital Minimalism, screen-free activities, prioritizing in-person community, and modeling phone habits with Claudia Erickson
More Minimalism Stories:
Ep 252: Minimalism Stories with Sami Townsend
Ep 220: Minimalism Stories with Jordan Jones
Ep 201: Minimalism Stories - From Extreme Minimalism (+ tiny house living) to Minimal-ish with Korie Veidel
Ep 192: Minimalism Stories with Leah Franklin
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About Minimal-ish: Minimalism, Intentional Living, Motherhood
Minimal-ish is a podcast hosted by Desirae Endres about striving to live with less of the things that don't matter, more of what does, and pursuing intention in every area of our everyday lives and motherhood. We'll talk about a realistic version of minimalism, family life, motherhood, work, caring for ourselves, budgeting and intentional finances, and everything in between.
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