Welcome to the home of forgotten films. Each week, Joe Devine & Adam Richmond discuss a different film that they’ve seen before, but forgotten existed. They dis...
Paul Thomas Anderson's 1998 film Boogie Nights is the topic for today's conversation. Unsaucy films set with a saucy backdrop, found families and prosthetics: Joe & Adam dive into PTA's second feature film.
76: The Matrix, Fake Purpose & His Majesty's Voice
The Matrix (1999) is clearly not a forget you forgot film, but it's two trilogy-sequels very much are. In today episode, Joe & Adam dig into what made the first film iconic, what spoilt the second two, and why all films split into the two categories of 'Cod Purpose' or 'Fake Purpose'.
75: Closer, Julia Roberts, and very rude words
Joe & Adam take a long hard look at the film Closer, based on the play of the same name, by Patrick Marber.
Released in 2004, the MYFYF duo ponder if it translates to screen, the brutal language of love, and the Julia Roberts of it all - is she just too damn powerful to be believable?
They keep singing that Damien Rice song too. Content warning: the film is bracingly frank with its use of rude language, and it gets quoted. A lot.
Send us an email at [email protected] with any cinematic thoughts you have, along with suggestions for future episodes. There is a ‘communal list’ of films people forgot they forgot - add one to the tally.
Follow Adam on Letterboxd, it’s fun over there. He might follow back - depends on your numbers and if you review the films you log.
74: Swingers, On a Night Out movies & Answer-machines
The fantastic John Favreau/Vince Vaughn indie buddy comedy Swingers (1996) gets the Forgot You Forgot treatment. It’s a real gem of a flick, lightening in a bottle - Joe managed to forget it though. Topics on the docket: male friendship, the creative daring that got the film made, and the sad demise of the answerphone in life (and its dramatic use in films). It’s a ruder episode than usual - you have been warned.
Send us an email at [email protected] with any cinematic thoughts you have, along with suggestions for future episodes. There is a ‘communal list’ of films people forgot they forgot - add one to the tally.
Follow Adam on Letterboxd, it’s fun over there. He might follow back - depends on your numbers and if you review the films you log.
73: Best Films of the Year
Joe and Adam conduct the annual Movies You Forgot You Forgot awards, including best film of the year, best new film to you, and others!
Welcome to the home of forgotten films. Each week, Joe Devine & Adam Richmond discuss a different film that they’ve seen before, but forgotten existed. They discuss cinema, memory, culture and history - as well as play silly games about cheese, budgets, and re-casting.
Listeners needn’t have seen the film, but are welcome to watch (or re-watch) before episodes for a different perspective. And at the end of each show, Adam & Joe read out forgotten film lists to each other, to find the film that becomes the focus for next week’s episode.