Send us a textWe get even more boggled than usual tackling three head-scratchers by American modernist Wallace Stevens (1879-1955).Domination of BlackThe Emperor of Ice Cream13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
A Very Merry Versify Christmas
Send us a textRobert Frost, Alfred Lord Tennyson and William Carlos Williams hang their Christmas stockings and get a full serving of Versify rambling. Shorter than a usual episode. It's a Christmas miracle!
Thomas Hardy - Live in Alfriston
Send us a textVersify record their first live podcast in the beautiful Sussex village of Alfriston, tackling the poetry of British literary titan, Thomas Hardy (1840-1928).Poems: The Voice, The Convergence of the Twain, At Castle Boterel.
Rainer Maria Rilke - Part 02
Send us a textWe cautiously dip our toe in Rilke's 'Duino Elegies' and get immediately swept out of our depth.
Rainer Maria Rilke - Part 01
Send us a textWe blunder our way through our first ever poet in translation with predictably confused results. Our victim this time is revered Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926).Poems:EveningThe PantherArchaic Torso of Apollo