Father Paul Donison hosts an online service of evening prayer with an inspiring story from the life of a Christian saint, followed by a pastoral reflection.
Father Paul tells the story of a man who matched his immense education with even greater humility.
Saint Nicholas of Myra
Father Paul tells the true story of a bishop who inspired our Santa Claus legends.
Channing Moore Williams
Fr. Paul tells the story of a man who devoted his life to preaching the gospel in China and Japan and did so with gentle humility.
C.S. Lewis
Fr. Paul tells the story of a man whose conversion and writings have impacted the English speaking world more than anyone in the last one hundred years.
Albert Luthuli
Fr. Paul tells the story of a modern saint who was one of the first leaders in the fight against apartheid in South Africa.
Father Paul Donison hosts an online service of evening prayer with an inspiring story from the life of a Christian saint, followed by a pastoral reflection.