Episode 32: Halloween Mix V
After a long hiatus, we're back! We don't have anything specific to announce or regular content on the way just yet, but stay tuned for more. RGA will resume in some capacity, with Jeffrey Roberts joining as a permanent member.
Intro-less version of this episode can be found here, and as always downloads are enabled to be able to listen outside of soundcloud:
Steve, Patrick, and Jeff each picked 10 tracks, so we're doing the usual 30-tracks format, divided 3 ways this time instead of 2.
Patrick would like to thank Alex Menchi again for providing most of the Amiga rips used in this playlist; His archive has been incredibly helpful in discovering more Amiga tunes we weren't previously familiar with.
1:39 Galactic Empire (Amiga) - Original Theme, composed by Frédéric Motte (Moby)
5:20 Otto's Ottifanten - Baby Bruno's Nightmare (GB) - Ghostphobia, composed by Alberto Jose González
8:09 SaGa Frontier (PS1) - Ancient Tomb of Sei, composed by Kenji Ito
10:09 Nitro Ball (Arcade) - Field 3: Ghost Town, composed by Hiroaki Yoshida; Akira Takemoto
11:18 Turrican 3 (Amiga) - Slimy Mutants & Alien Disaster, composed by Chris Hülsbeck
13:05 Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (3DS) - Madman's Reign - Greyfield, composed by Yoshito Hirano
15:13 Warlock (SNES) - Terror Awaits..., composed by Eric Swanson
16:54 Lemmings (PC/DOS) - Beast II, composed by Tim Wright
18:30 Awesome (Amiga) - Game Over, composed by Timothy Brian Wright & Lee Wright
20:37 Akumajou Densetsu (Famicom) - Overture, composed by Konami Kukeiha Club
22:50 Addams Family Values (SNES) - Sea of Cursed Trees, composed by Keith Tinman
25:32 T-Racer (Amiga) - Theme, composed by Pierpaolo Di Maio
29:49 Murders in Space (Amiga) - Murders in Space, composed by Stéphane Picq
31:49 Demon's Crest (SNES) - Beyond the Colosseum, composed by Toshihiko Horiyama
34:00 Garfield: Caught in the Act (PC) - Count Slobula's Castle, composed by Tristan Des Pres
35:38 Dead of the Brain: Shiryou no Sakebi (PC-9801) - BGM 1, composed by Ryu Takami; Marina
37:49 Death Stalker (ZX Spectrum) - Title Screen, composed by David Whittaker
40:48 Wings of Death (Amiga ) - Title Theme, composed by Jochen Hippel
46:31 Xak: The Tower of Gazzel (PC-9801) - Gazzel, composed by Tadahiro Nitta
48:56 Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64) - Bats, composed by Robin Beanland
52:20 Secret of Mana (SNES) - Ceremony, composed by Hiroki Kikuta
54:08 King's Valley 2 (MSX) - Demo Between Pyramids, composed by Kazuhiko Uehara, Kinuyo Yamashita, Masahiro Ikariko, Michiru Yamane, Motoaki Furukawa, Yasuhiko Manno
54:53 Duck Tales (prototype) (NES) - Ghost House, composed by Hiroshige Tonomura
56:31 Gauntlet III (Atari ST) - Title Screen, composed by Tim Follin
58:44 Invasion from Beyond (PS1) - Track 9, composed by Jolyon Myers
61:12 Nosferatu (SNES) - Creature of the Night, composed by Masanao Akahori
62:38 VergeWorld: Icarus (Amiga) - Theme, composed by Szudizlav
65:16 Devilish (Genesis) - Stage 7 - Prarie , composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto
67:54 Ilusion of Gaia (SNES) - Threat of Dark Gaia, composed by Yasuhiro Kawasaki
71:01 Journey to Silius (NES) - Intro, composed by Naoki Kodaka