Welcome. Khushaamdeed. Let's change how you see poetry. Orbit on a loop and in wavelengths. It's your favourite Urdu podcast.
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Definitely one of my most favourite Indian Urdu poets. One of his famous couplets is -
Hoshyaari dil e nadaan bohot karta hai
Ranj kam sehta hai ailaan bohot karta hai
If you have suggestions or criticism, write to me at [email protected]
Noon Meem Rashid - Andha Kabadi (Nazm)
Andha Kabadi paints a grim picture about dreams. How a hawker collects them, prepares them and tries to sell them. But the people around are wary. Just as they are about other things in the market. Sit and enjoy this rather abstract poem by Rashid. Let me know your thoughts at [email protected]
Mustafa Zaidi - Tanha (Nazm)
Mustafa Zaidi talks about loneliness or solitude, whichever you choose. He talks about how he's been cut off from the source, that has led him to be tanha or lonely. the nazm reaches a crescendo when he mentions Jesus, and especially his humanity that is not found in places of worship anymore. This is definitely a nazm to ponder over. Feel free to discuss it. I am [email protected]
take care
A-Z ep 2
Hey people. I and Zoya have rekindled our Urdu conversations, and we intend to make it a regular thing on the Urdu daan podcast.
The conversation is divided into three parts, One - an introduction, two - Talaffuz or pronunciation and three is a special segment for those of you living in the west yet you are connected to your roots in South Asia.
Let us know what you think, and please shower me with your prayers that i remain consistent with this.
You can send me your feedback on [email protected]
Khuda Hafiz
Obaidullah Aleem - Azeez itna hi (Ghazal)
The matla of this ghazal is an oft quoted one. let me know your thoughts.
[email protected]
Welcome. Khushaamdeed. Let's change how you see poetry. Orbit on a loop and in wavelengths. It's your favourite Urdu podcast.
Visit www.urdudaan.in
Contact me at [email protected]