Embark on this two-part transformative journey with Rabbi Schneider as he presents the story of Jesus Christ. Step into a world where each episode offers a uniq...
Often heralded as THE prophet of Israel, Elijah boldly faced the wickedness of Israel. His mission was ultimately fulfilled through Jesu, who was the greater prophet. Sign up for special devotionals at StoriesoftheMessiah.com. As we dive deeply into iconic Bible heroes' enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus Christ, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history. For more Bible stories download the Pray.com app. To learn more about Rabbi Schneider visit https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Jesus Is The Greater Solomon
Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, gave us treasured knowledge and proverbs to last a lifetime. But he didn’t abide by any of them. Jesus, however, embodied all the wisdom of God and overcame what Solomon could not. Sign up for special devotionals at StoriesoftheMessiah.com. As we dive deeply into iconic Bible heroes' enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus Christ, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history. For more Bible stories download the Pray.com app. To learn more about Rabbi Schneider visit https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Jesus Is The Greater David
Born in Bethlehem, raised as a shepherd, and slew a giant. David’s story foreshadows the story of Jesus, born of Bethlehem, shepherd of our souls, who slew the greatest giant of all - sin. Sign up for special devotionals at StoriesoftheMessiah.com. As we dive deeply into iconic Bible heroes' enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus Christ, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history. For more Bible stories download the Pray.com app. To learn more about Rabbi Schneider visit https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Jesus Is The Greater Boaz
The Kinsman Redeemer, who married a foreign widow to redeem her from a life of struggle. Another redeemer does the same to us - an offers us a promise of peace with him. Sign up for special devotionals at StoriesoftheMessiah.com. As we dive deeply into iconic Bible heroes' enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus Christ, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history. For more Bible stories download the Pray.com app. To learn more about Rabbi Schneider visit https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Jesus Is The Greater Samson
Deeply flawed in his life, Samson’s greatest act was accomplished in sacrificing himself. He is a broken and flawed image of another who would sacrifice himself on a cross. Sign up for special devotionals at StoriesoftheMessiah.com. As we dive deeply into iconic Bible heroes' enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus Christ, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history. For more Bible stories download the Pray.com app. To learn more about Rabbi Schneider visit https://discoveringthejewishjesus.com/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Embark on this two-part transformative journey with Rabbi Schneider as he presents the story of Jesus Christ. Step into a world where each episode offers a unique blend of historical accounts and spiritual revelations, guiding listeners to rediscover the timeless tales of faith and their profound connection to the Messiah.
Part 1: Biblical Legends and their Messiah Connection (Starting November 1st)
Experience the intricate tapestries of iconic Bible figures - from Noah's steadfastness amidst a world in chaos, Moses' leadership against the mighty Pharaoh, Samson's unparalleled strength, to David's legendary valor against Goliath. As we dive deeply into their enthralling narratives, we find more than just stories of faith and miracles. We discover a recurrent theme, a spiritual undertone that connects each tale to the grandeur of the Gospel. These heroes, with their individual triumphs and tribulations, consistently point us towards a larger narrative. They're not just standalone legends; they're threads in a divine tapestry, weaving a story that foreshadows Jesus, the ultimate hero, the promised Messiah who brings light to the darkest corners of history.
Part 2: Nativity - *A Christmas Series* The Birth of Hope and Redemption (Starting November 27th)
Transition from the tales of old to the most pivotal moment in biblical history with "Nativity: Hope is Born." This isn't just another retelling of the Christmas story. It's a rich, immersive journey that takes listeners through ancient prophecies echoing with hope, geopolitical upheavals shaking nations, and the passionate anticipation of a people yearning for their promised Savior. This story, deeply rooted in love, devotion, and divine promise, serves as a testimony to God's eternal plan for humanity. As we revisit that silent night in Bethlehem, we're not merely recounting events but reigniting the profound wonder and divine love encapsulated in the birth of Christ. Join Rabbi Schneider as he paints this celestial story with fervor, highlighting the profound implications of that first Noel for all of mankind.
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