Brendan O'Connor has all you need for the weekend with time to pause and reflect on the week just gone. Featuring a selection of human interest, consumer and li...
Joining Brendan to discuss the stories of the week were Mick Clifford, Special Correspondent, the Irish Examiner; Lorna Fitzpatrick, Public Affairs Accounts Director at Instinctif Partners; Mary Hanafin, barrister and former Fianna Fáil Minister for Education; and Scott Lucas,Professor of US and International politics at the Clinton Institute UCD.
Grieving a complicated relationship - Dr Katriona O'Sullivan
"If the relationship is unresolved and they die, it's ok to feel sad that they're gone" - so says Dr Katriona O'Sullivan, Psychology lecturer at Maynooth University, who talked about grieving the people in our lives who die with whom we had complicated relationships in life.
“Joan Didion was so cool, she was so unknowable"
A private diary of writer Joan Didion is due to be published in April under the title Notes to John. It will be the first publication of new material by Didion since she stopped releasing new work in 2011, a decade before her death. But should this raw account even be published? Writer and Didion fan, Edel Coffey, joined Brendan for more.
The Watchlist
Michael Doherty, Movies Editor of the RTÉ Guide and Grainne Humphries, Executive Director of the Dublin International Film Festivalgive Brendan their watchlist for the week ahead.
Francis Brennan – My Life in Five Songs
Francis Brennan guides Brendan through his life in Five Songs. From the stirring power of Mise Éire, to booking 'Tin' Lizzy for the school dance, Francis speaks about his attitude to hard work and maintaining a positive outlook on life.
Brendan O'Connor has all you need for the weekend with time to pause and reflect on the week just gone. Featuring a selection of human interest, consumer and lifestyle stories, as well as keeping you up to date on the news stories that matter. Listen live Saturday and Sunday at 11am - 1pm on RTÉ Radio 1.