Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and … Continue reading →
The post Ep. 803 – Super Bowling appeared first on TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games.
Ep. 802 – Riddick Bowe Boxing
Riddick Bowe Boxing big daddies its way onto TADPOG shores, courtesy of the revitalized Randomizer (now back with full otherworldly powers). We bring on our foremost Boweologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We sample some burgers, ala Good Mythical Morning style, while blindfolded. We discuss the merits of fast food, the history of Nosferatu, the … Continue reading →
The post Ep. 802 – Riddick Bowe Boxing appeared first on TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games.
Ep. 801 – The Untouchables
The Untouchables somehow was missed in our movie games line-up (we eventually figure out why) so we agitate that gravel back to old haunts (a one week break) to the old movie and game plan! Before we talk about this Oscar award winning movie we discuss some Overwatch 2, a little Marvel Rivals, some Final … Continue reading →
The post Ep. 801 – The Untouchables appeared first on TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games.
Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball
Looney Tunes B-Ball has more dunks than a donut shop all over TADPOG studios! This week we take a brief respite from movie games to fit in what we all heard was a hidden gem. Is it? We’ll get there. But first we talk about Police Story, Final Fantasy XIV, Cunk, and Sonic 3. Tyler … Continue reading →
The post Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball appeared first on TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games.
Ep. 799 – All Calls Go To Heaven
All Calls Go To Heaven! Just like all dogs. That’s right. Calls. We needed do some some calls this week because life always happens and our hearts go out to Ian. We’ll get back to Looney Tunes B-Ball next week, we promise. I’ll (Tyler) be straight with you this week. All Calls isn’t everyone’s thing, … Continue reading →
The post Ep. 799 – All Calls Go To Heaven appeared first on TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games.
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