MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE & ALL! - Immaculata Productions
“We celebrate the birth of our Lord in winter, and what’s that say to us as we come into Christmas: This Doctrine is a Person. This is relevant to all experiences of darkness”.
Join Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne for episode 160 of 'The Brendan Option' where he discusses King Herod and what it must have been like to be born under such a wicked Emperor.
“He came into a world inflicted by darkness, which only knows the light by contrast & sporadically…so if you suffer from grief at the moment, and grief is a terrible darkness hurting you. Christ then must be born at the very centre of that darkness”.
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There's the Benedict option, the Dominic option, and now we have the Brendan Option! Whilst you would have found St. Brendan voyaging the seas, our very own Brendan can be found as you surf the net. ⛵️
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