Episode 16 - Deacon Noel Ryan, Understanding The Deaconate
After a couple of weeks' hiatus, Episode 16 of the podcast brings John Quinn into conversation with Deacon Noel Ryan of Balinteer Parish in Dublin.
Part personal testimony, part demystifying the ministry of the Permanent Deaconate, this chat sheds light into this historically important ministry, and looks at the role Deacons have to play in the Irish Church today.
Music by www.BenSound.com
Episode 15 - Fr Paddy Byrne, Communicating The Gospel
Episode 15 of the podcast brings John Quinn into conversation with Fr Paddy Byrne of Portloaise Parish. This bumper episode features lots of insight, some challenging thoughts and many thought-provoking questions - so grab a cup of tea and settle in!
Looking at how we can communicate the Gospel today, Fr Paddy and John look at how to tackle the hot-button issues of the day with the Gospel message in your heart; communicating the Gospel with your life by living the Creed; and how creativity in worship is a vital compontent to a positive parish life today.
Music by www.BenSound.com
Episode 14 - Frank Brown, Sharing The Faith Without Being Annoying
Ahead of Ecumencial Bible Week, which starts this Sunday, John meets Frank Brown, Parish Pastoral Worker of the Combined Catholic Parishes of Clondalkin, in Episode 14.
John asks Frank about how Ecumencial Bible Week started, and they get to grips with whether it's possible to share the faith without being annoying, before Frank gives an insight to an excellent new understanding of The Road to Emmaus story.
For more on EBW, check out https://www.bibleweek.ie/, and you can see Frank give his talk on Tuesday, 22nd May at 8pm in Arklow. Meanwhile, Clondalkin hosts Cathy Burke's talk on Monday 21st at 7.30pm.
Music by www.BenSound.com
Episode 13 - Jasper Rutherford, Finding Faith In Ireland
In this episode, John Quinn meets Jasper Rutherford of Christ in Youth, to delve deeper into the research they commissioned, Finding Faith in Ireland.
Many issues arose from the research, where young people in Ireland got to speak honestly and sincerely about their attitudes to faith today. Many of the findings offer challenges to the Irish Church, with John and Jasper looking at some realistic ways of meeting the issues head-on.
Music by www.BenSound.com