Trusted ER doctor Brian Goldman brings you honest and surprising stories that can change your health and your life. Expect deep conversations with patients, fam...
A growing number of young people in Canada are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and their needs often differ from older patients. Melissa Groff was diagnosed at age 34, with three small kids, in the prime of her career. She says she would have benefitted from more age-appropriate care. Sunnybrook's Young Adult Colorectal Cancer Clinic offers this care including support for mental health, sexual health, body image issues and family planning.
What if palliative care was about living better?
Palliative physician Dr. Samantha Winemaker says her line of work has a branding problem. Instead of thinking of it as "the Grim Reaper service" to be called in at the 11th hour, she says patients benefit from a palliative approach as soon as they're faced with a life-limiting illness. "Dr. Sammy" meets a new patient and his family for the first time - showing how her person-centered care treads the fine line between honesty and hope.
Primary care lessons: What the Netherlands can teach us
Dr. Tara Kiran knows primary care in Canada can be better. That's why the Toronto-based family physician and researcher went to the Netherlands, a world leader in health, to see what we can take away. What she found is a system that provides around-the-clock care and primary care teams who can see patients when they need it most.
ENCORE: The high cost of sick notes
Patients don't like asking for them, doctors hate writing them, and yet, some employers continue to demand notes when a worker calls in sick for a minor illness like the flu or a cold. More and more doctors and other health-care providers says that sick notes shouldn't be required for minor illnesses, tying up an already overloaded system. Some provinces have now updated their sick note policies.
Primary care for all: Lessons from Denmark
We know there are problems with our country’s health-care system, with millions of Canadians going without a family doctor or nurse practitioner. But Denmark, a country where more than 98 percent of its population is attached to a primary care provider, could have some lessons for us. We travelled to the Scandinavian country to see how the Danish system works for patients and doctors. The differences are startling.
Trusted ER doctor Brian Goldman brings you honest and surprising stories that can change your health and your life. Expect deep conversations with patients, families and colleagues that show you what is and isn't working in Canadian healthcare. Guaranteed you’ll learn something new. Episodes drop every Friday.