If we're going to try to help reform the broken system of the church, we have to unpack the trauma that is created by fear - issues like the rapture, the devil, spiritual warfare, hell, judgment, and wrath.
216. Church Trauma And Responses To It
We're talking about it because we must! The power that comes from religion shapes us, some for better, others for worse. We want to be a part of the organizational side of church that helps bring healing - giving time and space for people to process their pain and deal with bitterness and resentment.
215. How To Thrive In Marriage Part 4
According to 1 Corinthians 13 - love is patient and kind. How do we live more patient and kind within our marriages? We believe the answer lies in four "knowings." This week we discuss the last one.
214. How To Thrive In Marriage Part 3
According to 1 Corinthians 13 - love is patient and kind. How do we live more patient and kind within our marriages? We believe the answer lies in four "knowings." This week we discuss the third one.
213. How To Thrive In Marriage Part 2
According to 1 Corinthians 13 - love is patient and kind. How do we live more patient and kind within our marriages? We believe the answer lies in four "knowings." This week we discuss the second one.