Exercise is one of the most powerful tools for both prevention and treatment of disease, and just like a drug, it can be prescribed. This podcast series will ed...
Episode 2: Cardio - Exercise for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Episode 2 focuses on exercise for patients with coronary artery disease, with information based off of the most recent guidelines from the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. You'll be led through a cardiovascular interval based workout while you listen, so make sure you’re wearing some comfortable clothes and choose a modality that works for you based on what you have available.
INTRO: 0:18
WARM-UP: 0:57
INTERVAL 1: 13:46
INTERVAL 2: 17:50
INTERVAL 3: 22:14
INTERVAL 4: 26:24
INTERVAL 5: 30:34
COOL-DOWN: 31:35
This is A Doctor's Guide To Exercise Prescription!
Episode 1: Exercise Prescription- The Basics for Family Medicine
The first episode will cover the health benefits of exercise, exercise screening, and how to create an exercise prescription. This episode includes a HIIT workout.
Exercise is one of the most powerful tools for both prevention and treatment of disease, and just like a drug, it can be prescribed. This podcast series will educate medical learners and physicians on how to prescribe exercise, with each episode focusing on a specific patient population. You can also get moving with us as we take you through various workouts. This is A Doctor's Guide To Exercise Prescription!