The only podcast that covers all aspects of the pigeon fancy, whether racing, high flyer, showing, rollers, pigeons as pets etc... Many topics are covered such ...
85. Characteristics of a good racing pigeon with Ken Easley
Racing pigeon champion and champion breeder Ken Easley From Ken Easley and Son Racing Lofts provides very detailed traits and an features to look for when selecting a high-quality racing pigeon.
84. Lahore Pigeons with Cadin Jaessing
Certified Rare Breeds Judge and the Eastern District Director of the North American Lahore Club Cadin Jaessing joins us to talk about the breed of pigeon breed known as the Lahore giving the full breakdown of what raising this unique breed is all about.
83. Promoting Pigeons with Cam Datanagn
National Pigeon Association Director and longtime pigeon fancier Cam Datnagan has a long list of ways he has been involved with the promotion of our hobby and shares how we can all do the same. We also talk about all the events at the big N.P.A Grand National Show coming up very soon in Oklahoma, see you there!
82. Roller Breeding Season with Gabe Glenn
Champion Birmingham Roller flyer and president of the All Ohio Roller Club Gabe Glenn describes his own process of prepping for the breeding season and his methods during the breeding season for his rollers.
81. "How to Train Your Pigeon" with Daniel SB
Creator of the You Tube Channel "How to Train Your Pigeon" Daniel SB shares with us his own journey into the world of pigeon racing in the UK, some behind the scenes of his You Tube channel as well as another venture he has started to further promote the hobby.
The only podcast that covers all aspects of the pigeon fancy, whether racing, high flyer, showing, rollers, pigeons as pets etc... Many topics are covered such as health, nutrition, competition, breeding and much more. We do interviews with leaders in the pigeon fancy and beyond answering questions from the listeners.