Distinguished speakers from government, academic organizations, and the business community present timely lectures on international events affecting our lives. ...
A conversation with Liza Tobin on the strategic economic competition and rivalry between the U.S. and China as we transition to a new administration.
Putin's World
A leading expert on Russia shares a unique insight into Vladimir Putin's perspective on Russian history, its place in the world, and how he thinks about other great powers.
The Next President's Foreign Policy Inbox
The next President faces extraordinary international challenges, including regional conflict, great power jockeying, and decisions about America's place in the world. Council members with distinguished foreign service careers provide a unique perspective.
Bruce Hoffman on Terrorism
One of the world's leading experts on terrorism and insurgency provides an insightful update on this global threat.
Global Population: Myths & Misconceptions
One of the world's foremost experts in demographic trends explores the changing nature, shape, size and movement of global populations, one of the vital questions of our time.
Distinguished speakers from government, academic organizations, and the business community present timely lectures on international events affecting our lives. For more information: www.waccharleston.org