Happy New Year! In this first channeled message of 2025, the Council of Light and Source remind us that we are a Soul first and an Ego second. Enjoy!
Episode Show Link: https://divinelotushealing.com/soul-first-ego-second-channeled-message/
Have a takeaway from this episode? Visit the blog to leave a comment or take a screen shot and tag #divinelotushealingshow on social media. Also, be sure to leave a positive review on your podcast platform to help these episodes reach more great people just like you. It also helps me know what you're enjoying most from my show!
Hello From Source Channeled Message
Welcome to December and an introduction to Source, via the Council of Light. Enjoy!
Episode Show Link: https://divinelotushealing.com/hello-from-source-channeled-message/
Have a takeaway from this episode? Visit the blog to leave a comment or take a screen shot and tag #divinelotushealingshow on social media. Also, be sure to leave a positive review on your podcast platform to help these episodes reach more great people just like you. It also helps me know what you're enjoying most from my show!
Your Soul Knows What To Do Channeled Message
Welcome to November and a powerful, chiding message from the Council of Light. Be forwarned, it is intense, in the best, most Source loving way possible. Enjoy.
Episode Show Link: https://divinelotushealing.com/your-soul-knows-what-to-do/
Have a takeaway from this episode? Visit the blog to leave a comment or take a screen shot and tag #divinelotushealingshow on social media. Also, be sure to leave a positive review on your podcast platform to help these episodes reach more great people just like you. It also helps me know what you're enjoying most from my show!
You Get One Shot Channeled Message
In this October channeled message the Council of Light tell us about making the most of this lifetime because most of us won't remember it after it is over. They speak for quite a while on this and include an energy exercise at the end. Enjoy!
Episode Show Link: https://divinelotushealing.com/you-get-one-shot-channeled-message/
Have a takeaway from this episode? Visit the blog to leave a comment or take a screen shot and tag #divinelotushealingshow on social media. Also, be sure to leave a positive review on your podcast platform to help these episodes reach more great people just like you. It also helps me know what you're enjoying most from my show!
The Yes Vibe Channeled Message
Welcome to September and a YES vibe! The Council of Light have a two fold message for us this month. First they give us information, next they clean our energy field. Enjoy!
Episode Show Link: https://divinelotushealing.com/the-yes-vibe-channeled-message/
Have a takeaway from this episode? Visit the blog to leave a comment or take a screen shot and tag #divinelotushealingshow on social media. Also, be sure to leave a positive review on your podcast platform to help these episodes reach more great people just like you. It also helps me know what you're enjoying most from my show!