Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model and author of The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human ...
Two mothers share their stories about their children's experience with restraint and seclusion in schools to raise awareness and offer hope - there is a different way...
Skills That Foster The Better Side of Human Nature
Perhaps especially now, we think it's important to get back to skills -- empathy, appreciating how one's actions are affecting others, taking another person's perspective, resolving disagreements without conflict, and honesty -- that bring out the better side of human nature, and to be helping kids develop those skills as early as possible. Dr. Greene especially homed in on the honesty dimension...for the unfamiliar, here are two links to bring you up to speed on what he was talking about:https://cpsconnection.com/why-the-name-change/https://cpsconnection.com/disinformationormisinformation/
Passion, perseverance…and problem solving
Dr. Ross Greene and Kim Hopkins explore the definition of grit and the fact that a lot of literature explaining how to teach grit leaves out the important role of problem solving first...
US Dept of Ed's Words of Wisdom: Do More of the Same
The US Department of Education recently released guidance suggesting that FBAs should be completed on all students. Dr. Ross Greene and our Director of Legal & Policy Initiatives, Ben Jones, J.D., discuss where this idea falls short, what can be done instead, and how the USDOE became so wedded to PBIS. We also have time to address one parent's email regarding a 4-year-old who is having difficulty with the word "stop."
The CPS Podcast: School Safety
Don't be late...ask the kid...developmental variability...safety - all key themes of this month's episode tackling the topic of school safety. Listen now!
Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model and author of The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human Beings, provides guidance to parents on understanding and helping kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges...along with his co-hosts Kim Hopkins-Betts (Director of Outreach at Lives in the Balance) and parents Jennifer Trethewey, and Stella Hastings.