A horror movie podcast for all horror fans, not just know-it-all nerds (and also for know-it-all nerds). Part of the Bloody Disgusting Podcast Network.
In this week's episode, The FM3 dig into the 2011 Survival Horror film "The Grey". This was picked by a top level Patreon Patron and is one that Jef, Josh and Brian did not have on their planes radar. That said, they happily welcomed a film with some top shelf actors and a story that Chuck Band didn't produce! So gather round the fire cause this is gonna be a cold couple nights. The crew is hunkered down amidst the wreckage of a downed plane and of course there is a pack of wolves just waiting to snack on a group of frozen dude-sicles. As the wolves' bellies are filling up on man meat, it's time to decide to keep hangin' around the plane or to venture off yonder into the deep dark forest. What would you do? How would you survive? Would you eat a dude? Asking for a friend...
Ep -321: Silence Of The Lambs.
In this episode the FM3 get into some lesser known territory, that of an Academy Award winning horror film. One of Forever Midnight's Top Dawg Patreon Patrons paid the big bucks and made Jef, Josh and Brian watch and review 1991's Silence Of the Lambs. Historically the crew rarely watch any movie with an IMDB rating above a 6, but holy Hannibal shit, this baby is an 8.6 on IMDB and even that seems low for this beloved fan favorite. So get ready, The boys are finally hopping in a jacuzzi filled to the tippy top with fava beans and Chianti just marinating and talking about what is arguably one of the most loved horror films of all time.
Ep -320: SYNGENOR.
In this episode it is Josh's pick and he finally suggested a movie the crew has talked about watching for forever, 1990's "SYNGENOR"! This kinda sideways sequel to the 1980's "Scared to Death" shares the same monster design and lack of money as the original but that is about it. Josh was so excited and couldn't wait to talk about this one so Jef and Brian took the elevator all the way down to the tippy bottom of the Norton Cyberdyne building to join Joshenor for this reunion of sorts. Can this movie be better than the OG? Can the mouth move on the monster mask this time? Can there be some connection from this movie to a ton of other genre flicks that the FM3 love? Find out as Josh, Jef and Brian chat about all things Synthetic, Genetic and Orgasmic!
Ep -319: Night Of The Demons 2.
In this episode Jef picked a flick for the crew that he has been wanting to check out forever, 1994's "Night Of The Demons 2"! The FM3 talked about the original Night Of The Demons way back on episode #73: Halloween Quig-out! (Night Of The Demons & The Barn), so check that one out if you are curious, the guys may have talked a lot of shit but at the end of the day they all agree that the original is at the very least a classic or at the very very least a "classic wank"! So getting to go back to party with Angela for Halloween was very exciting! While the spirit of the first film definitely haunts this sequel, Jef, Josh and Brian talk at length about its laundry list of shortcomings and try their HARDEST to fill an old stiff sock with all the things they loved about this straight to video mess-terpiece. Sit back, grab an ice cold holy water and get ready to battle some demons with Forever Midnight!
Ep -318: Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf.
In this episode Jef, Josh and Brian decide to keep riding the Werewolf train and pull Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf off the VHS shelf at the studio. What better way to enjoy a sequel to one of the all time classic werewolf flicks than on videocassette with your buds?! Soon after the FM3 realized something was off, everything went dark - Is it the VCR? Could it be a bad duplication? Maybe the Forever Midnight crew is having a collective stroke and everything is hairy!? Whatever is happening, it doesn't matter if the moon is full or if you have your pockets filled with garlic, Your sister is a werewolf and there's nothing you can do about it except to sit back and enjoy this brand new episode of Forever Midnight!
A horror movie podcast for all horror fans, not just know-it-all nerds (and also for know-it-all nerds). Part of the Bloody Disgusting Podcast Network.
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