Hot For Creature Bonus-sode: Your Vice Is A Locked Room And Only I Have The Key (1972) [Black Cat Strut Miniseries]
The creatures dive into the lurid and wonderful world of Sergio Martino with his Black Cat adaptation Your Vice Is A Locked Room and Only I Have The Key. They discuss the masters of Italian film and adaptive screenwriting, as well as cats who eat eyes. cw: SA
Hot For Creature Bonus-sode: Kuroneko (1968) [Black Cat Strut Miniseries]
The creatures are back in Japan for the Gothic B&W classic Kuroneko. They discuss the term "Lynchian", touch on the Oscars and hash out editing techniques across cultures. cw: SA
Hot For Creature Bonus-sode: Cat People (1942 & 1982) [Black Cat Strut Miniseries]
The cats are back to tackle a double-feature: one shadowy classic of psychological horror and one erotic fantasy set to incendiary David Bowie tunes. And they're both called Cat People! Black Cat Strut continues here on HFC. cw: incest
Hot For Creature Bonus-sode: The Black Cat (1934) [Black Cat Strut Miniseries]
In this brand new non-canon miniseries, the creatures are paying tribute to their nocturnal feline friends with nine monumental cat movies. The first insallment is an analysis of Edgar G. Ulmer's The Black Cat, starring legends Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. The creatures also tackle Flash Gordon, Argylle and Profondo Rosso as they streeeetch out and watch a Universal classic.
Hot for Creature Holiday Special - Black Christmas (Through The Ages)
The creatures are once again stirring to bring a triple-feature of Christmas fear. The call is coming from inside the podcast. cw: SA, r*pe culture