Visiting Schmedt in Hamburg - The Producers of Many Amazing Bookbinding Tools! [iBB Podcast #29.1]
Aspects of running a bookbinder's supplies company as a family business
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This summer, we had a chance to visit the headquarters of @Schmedt - The World of Bookbinding -- a well-known German producer and distributor of all things related to book craft!
One of the reasons for our visit was to kickstart a partnership between iBookBinding and Schmedt. From now on, you can buy a selected line of iBookBinding tools in Schmedt's webshop. Specifically printed in the colors the customers of this German company are quite used to! =)
In this video, we discuss the company's history, aspects of running a family business for several generations, finding a balance between selling to artisans and larger companies, and much more!
In the second part of our talk, we continue this discussion and are invited for a tour of Schmedt's showroom and warehouse.
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iBookBinding's tools in Schmedt's webshop:
00:00 – Beginning
01:22 – How is it all begin - the history of the Schmedt family business
04:06 – Developing of The PräGnant machine - manual blocking press for one-off titles and name embossings
06:03 – Machine building’s part of the Schmedt’s business that started from a little workshop in the former stable
07:59 – Focus on the small bookbinders
09:35 – About trade binderies in Germany and other countries
11:37 – The International side of Schmedt’s business, participation in the printing equipment exhibition in Dusseldorf (The Drupa)
15:18 – The material part of business, starting webshop in 1997
17:20 – Modernization of the web shop nowadays
20:00 – Importance and advantage of personal presence in your own business processes
21:04 – The opportunities offered by the market in united Europe and worldwide
26:10 – Selling in small quantities of materials, the “hobby side” of the bookbinding market
27:34 – Business processes during the pandemic, the start of presenting machines via video calls
34:23 – Changes in perception and expectations from communication between sellers and clients nowadays
40:38 – Schmedt’s Machine’s display space in Hamburg
42:18 – Examples of digitally printed book edges
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We discuss the upcoming International Competition with two people in charge of it: Amy Kitcherside and Talitha Wachtelborn, book professionals from the UK. You still have time to make a book and join the competition until the beginning of May.
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More info:
00:00 – Beginning
00:16 – The International Bookbinding Competition of The Society of Bookbinders
02:24 – What are the Competition categories, and who are the Judges?
06:40 – Delivery of books, catalog
08:01 – Will the public be able to see books from the Competition?
09:02 – The periodicity of The Society of Bookbinders Competition and desynchronization with the Designer Bookbinders Competition, the difference between two competitions
10:55 – More about book categories: what is the book or the book arts?
14:49 – Is there a size criteria of the book for the Competition, few words about the cases
17:19 – If Talitha and Amy wanted to enter the Competition, which category did they choose?
18:16 – More about the Restoration category
19:42 – Will be in the Competition something that fits with the Tomorrow's Past concept (modern conservation bindings for antiquarian books)?
21:45 – How many books are expected?
22:41 – The Geography of participants
26:06 – More about Historic Binding category
April 2022: Bookbinding Fair in Belgium - Talking to Tanja Rakic [Bookish Talk #30]
Come over to Sint-Niklaas on the 10th of April!
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This time on Bookish Talk, we discuss the upcoming Boekbindbeurs België with Tanja Rakic from the Dutch seller of all sorts of bookish stuff Boektotaal. They have picked up the bookbinding fair in Sint-Niklaas from the previous organizer late in 2019 but haven't had a chance to run it since. So that's the first time for them and the 24th time for the Belgian fair!
Please come over to Sint-Niklaas on the 10th of April if you are anywhere near. And even if not, while most of the visitors come from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the UK, there always are people coming from even further away!
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Fair's website:
00:00 – Beginning
00:38 – How Boektotaal (store for bookbinders in Steenwijk, The Netherlands) become the organizer of the Bookbinders' Fair in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
02:35 – Stepan's tour around Fair (April 2019)
06:06 – What is planned at the Fair this year?
07:25 – How many sellers would normally participate, and how many participants are expected this year?
08:26 – How long is the Fair, and how many people usually come?
10:03 – Boektotaal's representation at the Fair
10:40 – Who else will participate? Some names
13:03 – What was it like – organizing a Fair like this?
16:16 – The future plans for Boektotaal, a workshop for students in The Netherlands
History and Modernity of Russian Artist's Books - Valerij Ledenev [iBB Podcast #28.1]
Clay book, book on wheels, a book inspired by Andrei Sakharov, and more!
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Pavel and I had a great opportunity to visit the library of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and talk to its director Valerij Ledenev. He showed us some of the objects related to the history of the artist's books in Russia and walked us through the library's collection of modern artist's books. Including the objects from their Single Copy project, which aims to foster the development of the artist’s book.
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Garage Museum of Contemporary Art:
00:00 – Beginning
00:33 – Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Library's project "Single Copy"
01:50 – "Catalog of projects of art works in outer space. Planetary nebulae" by Rostan Tavasiev
06:59 – How the Collection of artistic books is displayed in the Museum's Library
07:45 – Book of the "DVR" Movement "The Age of Freedom"
12:14 – "The Whales inventory book of Bespamyatnykh S." by Sergey Bespamyatnykh
17:52 – Archives of the Garage Library
20:08 – What is the archival material and should be preserved
22:18 – One of the documents from the archive: the "Needle chair" made by the father of an artist Alexey Shchegolev with using son's old spray cans
24:24 – "The Fjord" by Ludmila Baronina – the "micro-museum" of an Artist in a book
28:32 – "The Journey of a red square" – the Leporello artistic book by Natalia Smolyanskaya
30:06 – Anton Gudkov's books with graphical works, "The Siberian mantra," "mail book"
37:18 – The book of street-art artist and Urban art researcher Igor Ponosov with fragments of advertising banners
41:10 – Evgeny Strelkov's book with the silk-screened prints on paper, onion skin paper, plastic, etc. referring to the Soviet atomic project and to the figure of Andrei Sakharov
45:35 – Six-meter hand drawn leporello book by Uliana Podkorytova
51:40 – Ceramic book by Mayana Nasybullova
55:25 – Musings about what we will leave as a legacy to the archaeologists of the future
01:02:46 – Curved book with wooden cover and star-shaped book by Andrey Olenev from "The Silence Workshop"
01:06:25 – What are Valery's ambitions and plans for this project?
Angaea Cuna: Working In a Makeshift Manner [Bookish Talk #29]
We return to Angaea Cuna for a workshop tour and to talk about more bookish things!
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We have already published two videos with our talks with Angaea Cuna, a bookbinder of Filipino descent who's residing and working in Hawaii. In this video, we discuss chemicals, bioarchitecture, the balance of life and death, and, yes, Angaea takes us for a tour of her studio.
You can find this and the previous episodes here:
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Follow Angaea's projects:
00:00 – Beginning
00:28 – Short tour around Angaea’s studio
05:07 – Working in a makeshift manner
05:53 – Palm leave books
09:59 – Angaea’s videomaking and other art
13:04 – Bookbinding’s lessons for kids and comparison this experience with teaching adults
23:16 – Angaea’s bioarchitectural classes for kids
28:11 – Changes in book conservation: using less invasive materials and chemicals
30:08 – Mummies and use of chemicals through the history
38:06 – Understanding the balance of life and death that comes from connection with nature