08. Graphic Design. "HARD to explain in a non-visual medium!"
Someone let Johan, Christian P and Dan get an hour to discuss increasingly nerdy and specific graphic design thoughts and practices. Like the process of turning a text file and an image folder into a finished book, knowing when the work is done, the details of trapping, when graphic design merges with art, picking a typeface, minimalist design, hyperlinked page references, etc, etc.
We were allowed to geek out. And so we did.
Comments, suggestions, questions, praise or vitriol; send it to [email protected] and we'll try to address them in future episodes.
07. (Dragonmeet Special) Magic Items, with guests
This is a special episode, impromptu recorded late at night at the Dragonmeet Convention in the UK. Not only do we sit together in the same room, we're also joined by five esteemed guests: Chris Bissette (Loot the Room), Zach Cox (SoulMuppet Publishing), Chris McDowall (Bastionland Press), Matt Sanders (Sealed Library) and Andre Novoa (Games Omnivorous). Joining from Stockholm Kartell are Johan, Christian S, Carl and Dan.
We decided in what can only be described as a split-second decision to spend the episode talking about MAGIC ITEMS. What makes a good magic item and how do we use them in our games?
Bare in mind that because of the conditions this episode was recorded in, the audio quality is a bit rougher than usual.
Comments, suggestions, questions, praise or vitriol; send it to [email protected] and we'll try to address them in future episodes.
06. CY_BORG Campaign Structure: "All of a sudden, we had to pick sides!"
Forget one-shots!
Carl, Christian S and Jonas get together to talk about creating and running dynamic campaigns using the tools and generators in CY_BORG. The generators are based on Christopher Cale's Backswords and Bucklers, but expanded upon and adapted for a cyberpunk setting.
Ten rooms to a dungeon. Ten sessions to a campaign.
Comments, suggestions, questions, praise or vitriol; send it to [email protected] and we'll try to address them in future episodes.
05. Dungeon Design: "Does every toilet need a dungeon?"
Christian S, Christian P, Carl, Karl (Skullfungus) and Johan sit down for a passionate discussion about one of the central building blocks or the type of games we usually create and run; DUNGEONS. In particular, designing och writing them. As this is a pretty big topic and we couldn't cover a fraction of it, we'll probably revisit it in some form or another down the line.
We also have an e-mail address! If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, praise or vitriol; send them to [email protected] and we'll try to address it in future episodes.
04. Gen Con: "Downtown Indianapolis, what a gem"
Another special episode where Christian S, Johan, Carl and new Kartell member Pelle Nilsson talk about our trip to Gen Con and the things we did and the people we hung out with there. We also managed to hunt a couple of brilliant game designers, publishers and similar industry people for some short interviews. Hear them at the end of the episode.
Andreas Walter, Metal Weave Games
Fredrik Malmberg, Conan Properties
AC, Indie Press Revolution
Brian Colin, Infinite Black/Vast Grimm
Thomas Pike, Themeborne
Jarret Crader, Exalted Funeral Press
Walton Wood, Līber Lūdōrum/Ex Libris MÖRK BORG
Chris Bissette, Loot the Room
Kenneth Hite, Trail of Cthulhu, Night's Black Agents etc.
Mattias Johnsson Haake, Free League Publishing