Kia Whakanuia te Whenua - The Landscape Foundation
Landscape Foundation Aotearoa
Kia Whakanuia te Whenua | People, Place, Landscape is the Landscape Foundation's first book. In this podcast series we interview the book's authors, exploring t...
S2 E10: Nicole Thompson (& Megan Wraight) – Mitigation measures or good design?
Marcus, Carolyn and Sarah talk with Nicole Thompson, where we honour the memory of Megan Wraight and discuss Nicole and Megan's critique of 'mitigation' approaches to landscape architecture and positive new directions in this space.
S2 E8: Brendan Dunford – The Burren, a land of paradox
Marcus hosts a conversation with Brendan Dunford about the inspiring work in sustaining the deep bonds between people and place in the Burren, Ireland through environmentally-responsive farming.
S2 E7: Becky Kiddle – Aotearoa towns and cities have always been Indigenous places
Marcus, Sarah and Carolyn talk with Becky Kiddle on her incisive work about what urban design means when seeing cities as Indigenous places.
Marcus hosts a kōrero with Shaun Awatere and Nikki Harcourt on their innovative mahi in creating a kaupapa Māori decision-making framework for land use assessments - empowering mana whenua to step beyond Western economics-driven norms.
S2 E5: Te Kerekere Roycroft – Identity through whenua
Marcus hosts a kōrero with Te Kerekere Roycroft, unpacking how identities are shaped in many ways that link to place(s) in a web of relationships.
About Kia Whakanuia te Whenua - The Landscape Foundation
Kia Whakanuia te Whenua | People, Place, Landscape is the Landscape Foundation's first book. In this podcast series we interview the book's authors, exploring their views on the complex challenges of te ao hurihuri - a world in change. These conversations offer new ways of thinking about the whenua, land, and our relationship with her - we confront the pain of Indigenous alienation, biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change, and sound a global call for action to together protect and care for our places.
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