Episode 2 - Number 9, Man of Science, Man of Faith (S2E1)
Down the hatch! On the second episode of Lost Within Lost, the podcast where we’re re-rewatching the 10 best episodes of the show, we move onto the 9th best episode, the season 2 premiere, Man of Science, Man of Faith.
Dan and Chris discuss everything about that season 2 opener, in which we finally learn what is in that bloody hatch!
Regular Segments
List Within A List - best Lost characters who were never on the islandChecking In With Fiona - we check in with friend of the podcast, Fiona, for her thoughts on Season 1 of Lost
Email us: [email protected]: https://x.com/lostwithinlostBlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/lostwithinlost.bsky.social
Episode 1 - Number 10, Pilot Part 1 & Part 2 (S1E1 & S1E2)
It’s 20 years since the television show Lost first aired on Australian television. On the first episode of Lost Within Lost, the podcast where we’re re-rewatching the 10 best episodes of the show, we start with the 10th best episode, which is, fittingly, the pilot.
Dan and Chris discuss that first double episode, how they first saw it, and the impact it had on them at the time.
Regular Segments
List Within A List - the most terrible depictions of Australia and Australians in television or moviesChecking In With Fiona - we introduce you to friend of the podcast, Fiona, who we convince to break a 20 year old vow and embark on a first time binge of Lost
Email us: [email protected]: https://x.com/lostwithinlostBlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/lostwithinlost.bsky.social
Episode 0 - Teaser
An introduction to Lost Within Lost, the podcast where we are re-rewatching the 10 best episodes of Lost.
Dan has a controversial Lost opinion: 'The Constant', while an entertaining piece of television, is not even in the top ten of LOST episodes. (Put that in your pipe and smoke monster it!)
Chris has a response to that: I’m going to need to see that list.
And that’s what this podcast will explore. Subscribe now!
Our first episode, in which we discuss the two-part pilot, will drop on February 3rd, 2025, the 20th anniversary of when Lost debuted on Australian television.
The rest of the countdown (along with our alternative top ten lists) will drop weekly after that.
The official Top Ten list
10. Pilot, Part 1 & Part 2 (S1E1 & S1E2)9. Man of Science, Man of Faith (S2E1)8. The Incident, Part 1 & Part 2 (S5E16 & S5E17)7. The Man Behind The Curtain (S3E20)6. There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 (S4E12, S4E13 & S4E14)5. Ab Aeterno (S6E9)4. Exodus, Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 (S1E23, S1E24 & S1E25)3. Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1 & Part 2 (S2E23 & S2E24)2. Through The Looking Glass, Part 1 & 2 (S3E22 & S3E23)1. The Constant (S4E5)
Email us: [email protected]: https://x.com/lostwithinlostBlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/lostwithinlost.bsky.social