Security Slice – Sweet Security: Building a Defensive Raspberry Pi
In June, Tripwire security researcher Travis Smith conducted a presentation at InfoSecurity Europe 2016 on how open source and other free tools can monitor, protect and mitigate threats in IoT environments. In addition, Smith explained how these tools and methodologies can be deployed on inexpensive hardware, such as the Raspberry Pi. In this special security slice podcast hosted by Tyler […]… Read More
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Security Slice: The Zero-Day Arms Race
According to a recent report by Symantec, attacks exploiting previously unknown (or zero-day) software vulnerabilities more than doubled last year. Researchers believed this spike may be caused by the Hacking Team breach, which forced several zero-day exploits into the wild. Was the recent increase in zero-days a onetime occurrence, or should we expect disclosure of […]… Read More
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Security Slice: The Bug That Cried Wolf
In the beginning of April, the Badlock vulnerability was everywhere. It had its own logo and website, along with an announcement stating security updates would only become available as part of the April Microsoft Patch Tuesday. But when the details were revealed, many security experts felt Badlock’s marketing was not consistent with the severity of the […]… Read More
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Security Slice: The Resurgence of Ransomware
Ransomware seems to be everywhere. According to Blue Coat Systems’ 2015 Mobile Malware Report, ransomware is now the top malware threat targeting mobile devices, and it has even begun to infect Apple’s Macintosh computers. Hospitals across the nation have been significantly impacted by ransomware campaigns. What factors are driving this dramatic rise in ransomware? Listen to our […]… Read More
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Security Slice: The Apple Encryption Debate
After weeks of controversy, the FBI announced it successfully cracked the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter. The FBI’s method did not require Apple’s assistance, but the discussion surrounding encryption and law enforcement is far from over. This special security slice podcast was recorded several days before the FBI dropped its legal case against Apple. […]… Read More
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