Twenty Reasons NOT to Garden and WHY I IGNORE THEM ALL with Garden Humorist Luke Ruggenberg
Luke Ruggenberg is on the show today. Luke is the author of Twenty Reasons Not To Garden (And Why I Ignore Them All) and it was that clever book title that lead me to buy Luke’s book and then track him down on Twitter and get him to be a guest on the show. Luke…
Author information
Jennifer Ebeling
Producer & Host at Still Growing... Gardening Podcast
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers!
Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota.
P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
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Stoneleigh: America’s Newest Public Garden, PLUS an in-depth chat with Ethan Kauffman about his vision and the plants he loves most in the garden
Ethan Kauffman is on the show today. Ethan’s the director at Stoneleigh - America's newest public garden. I got the chance to talk plants with Ethan (that was exciting!) and not surprisingly, I learned a ton from him, and hopefully, you will, too. You’re going to love hearing his thoughts on favorite plants, using natives, and his choices for perennials that shine in different seasons. Stoneleigh is an impressive role model for home gardeners; showing how a native garden can be created to stunning effect.
Author information
Jennifer Ebeling
Producer & Host at Still Growing... Gardening Podcast
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers!
Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota.
P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
The post Stoneleigh: America’s Newest Public Garden, PLUS an in-depth chat with Ethan Kauffman about his vision and the plants he loves most in the garden appeared first on 6ftmama.
Practical Organic Gardening Explained, Plus How to Solve Garden Challenges Naturally with Mark Highland
Brand New Podcast - Just in time for Spring! Practical Organic Gardening Explained, Plus How to Solve Garden Challenges Naturally with Mark Highland.
Author information
Jennifer Ebeling
Producer & Host at Still Growing... Gardening Podcast
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers!
Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota.
P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
The post Practical Organic Gardening Explained, Plus How to Solve Garden Challenges Naturally with Mark Highland appeared first on 6ftmama.
Growing Money: Calculating The Real Value of Trees with Al Zelaya
Al Zelaya is on the show today and we’re talking about the real value of trees. You know the old saying, "money doesn’t grow on trees”? Well, Al Zelaya might beg to differ. He's been working on tree valuation for quite a while and he’s about to show us just how to value a…
Author information
Jennifer Ebeling
Producer & Host at Still Growing... Gardening Podcast
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers!
Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota.
P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
The post Growing Money: Calculating The Real Value of Trees with Al Zelaya appeared first on 6ftmama.
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Composting Solutions: Cleaner, Faster Methods to Redefine Rotten with Michelle Balz
Michelle Balz (pronounced Balts) is on the show today and she’s the author of Composting for a New Generation: Latest Techniques for the Bin and Beyond . A long-time backyard composter with a passion for reducing our impact on the planet, Michelle offers laid-back advice for home composters in the Confessions of a Composter blog, teaching classes on…
Author information
Jennifer Ebeling
Producer & Host at Still Growing... Gardening Podcast
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers!
Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota.
P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
The post Composting Solutions: Cleaner, Faster Methods to Redefine Rotten with Michelle Balz appeared first on 6ftmama.
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