"Act on your principles, not your moods." A weekly meditation on how Stoic principles can help you be a better human. https://stoic.coffee Follow us on social m...
What if your biggest obstacle in life isn’t a lack of knowledge, but something else? What if this one attribute is the one thing that can help you truly excel in life? In this episode, I want discuss what I think is the greatest attribute that any person should have who wants improve themselves and how to develop it.“I’m am neither clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.” —Albert EinsteinSend us a text My book Stoicism 101 is available! Order here!Find out more at https://stoic.coffeeWatch episodes on YouTube!Find me on linkedIn, instagram, twitter, or threads.Thanks again for listening!
334 - Serious Joy: A Stoic’s Unexpected Superpower
How often to you spend time worrying about everything that is happening in the world? How can you create more joy into your life? Can a Stoic be happy and joyful? Today I want to talk about Stoicism and joy.“A cheerful disposition and serenity of mind are not the result of luck but of wisdom.” — Seneca(Here's the link to the sunshine video!)Send us a text My book Stoicism 101 is available! Order here!Find out more at https://stoic.coffeeWatch episodes on YouTube!Find me on linkedIn, instagram, twitter, or threads.Thanks again for listening!
333 - Do Better, Be Better: Maintaining Stoic Virtue in Times of Turmoil
In times of political division, it’s easy to be swept away by anger, resentment, and fear. But what does that accomplish? Does your anger towards those that disagree with you help yourself or the world? In this episode I want to talk about the importance of maintaining your Stoic principles in times of turmoil.“The essence of good and evil consists in the condition of our character. And externals are the means by which our character finds its particular good and evil.”—EpictetusSend us a text My book Stoicism 101 is available! Order here!Find out more at https://stoic.coffeeWatch episodes on YouTube!Find me on linkedIn, instagram, twitter, or threads.Thanks again for listening!
332 - Creating a Stoic Company: Interview with Geoff Roberts from Outseta
Stoicism is a very personal and practical philosophy. But what would a company look like that implemented some of the ideas from Stoic philosophy? In this episode, I interview Geoff Roberts the CEO of Outseta. Many of the operating principles run counterintuitive to the conventional wisdom of how most companies are managed, and they've been quite successful. While Geoff isn't a deliberate Stoic, Outseta operates incorporates a lot of Stoic ideals which leads to a healthier work culture built on trust, transparency, and working towards the common good of all the employees.Send us a text My book Stoicism 101 is available! Order here!Find out more at https://stoic.coffeeWatch episodes on YouTube!Find me on linkedIn, instagram, twitter, or threads.Thanks again for listening!
331 - How We Make Ourselves Unhappy
Are you happy? Do you struggle when life doesn’t go the way you want? Today I want to talk about why we as humans are great at making ourselves unhappy, and some ideas the Stoics gave us to make our lives better. “Man is not disturbed by things, but by the views he takes of them.” — EpictetusSend us a textMy book Stoicism 101 is available! Order here!Find out more at https://stoic.coffeeWatch episodes on YouTube!Find me on linkedIn, instagram, twitter, or threads.Thanks again for listening!
"Act on your principles, not your moods." A weekly meditation on how Stoic principles can help you be a better human. https://stoic.coffee Follow us on social media: https://instagram.com/stoic.coffee https://twitter.com/stoiccoffee https://facebook.com/stoiccoffee