The Creative Process - Arts, Culture, Society - 2021-2022
The Creative Process - Books, Film, Music, TV, Art, Writing, Education, Environment, Theatre, Dance, LGBTQ, Social Justice, Spirituality, Feminism, Technology, AI
Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists, and creative thinkers across the Arts and STEM. We discuss their life, ...
Science and Service - DR. LINDA BIRNBAUM on Public Health, Environmental Science - Highlights
“Is this true that we test for fewer than 100 chemicals in water, but in fact, there are thousands that go untested?”“There are thousands just like there are in air, just like there are in food. We sometimes compartmentalize too much. We forget, but what is food? Food is made up of chemicals. And I think we need to be broader in our understanding because, for example, we all have on us and within us our Microbiomes and we think about the GI bacteria and we now know that if people are obese they have very different microbial content in their gut compared to people who are not obese. And we know that a baby born by C-section section has a different position than a baby born vaginally. And we know that these things have impacts. We know that many of the bacteria have the ability for example to metabolize the contaminants as well as things in our food. And we know that you can have a different response depending upon what people are eating.”Dr. Linda Birnbaum is a scientist emeritus and former director of the National institute of Environmental Health Sciences and of the National Toxicology Program. She is also a Scholar in Residence at the Nicholas School of the Environment of Duke University, and an adjunct full professor at Duke, University of North Carolina, and Yale University School of Public Health. She is the author of more than 1000 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and reports. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, has multiple honorary doctorates and awards. Best of all, now that she is retired after 40 years of government. · ·· ·
Environmental Health Vanguard - The Career of DR. LINDA BIRNBAUM - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. Linda Birnbaum is a scientist emeritus and former director of the National institute of Environmental Health Sciences and of the National Toxicology Program. She is also a Scholar in Residence at the Nicholas School of the Environment of Duke University, and an adjunct full professor at Duke, University of North Carolina, and Yale University School of Public Health. She is the author of more than 1000 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and reports. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, has multiple honorary doctorates and awards. Best of all, now that she is retired after 40 years of government. · ·· ·
The Business of Less: The Role of Companies & Households on a Planet in Peril - ROLAND GEYER - Highlights
“So, if we study transportation, then we need to study urban development and infrastructure. Suddenly, we need to think about housing. We need to think about the co-location of jobs and shops, and you realize it's all connected.That might be one of the challenges of urban sustainability. It's all connected. So the way we move around is connected to the way we built the city. And I think the intrinsic sustainability or non-sustainability in urban areas seems to be designed in. Especially in the United States where there are just so many places where, if you don't have a car, you're basically stranded. You can't go anywhere. The European model is to have co-located things, and I miss that. I think it has some intrinsic sustainability built-in.”Roland Geyer is a Professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara, and the author of The Business of Less. Since 2000, he has worked with a wide range of governmental organizations, trade associations, and companies on environmental sustainability issues. His overarching goal is to help develop the knowledge, tools, and methods necessary to reduce the environmental impact from industrial production and consumption.···
ROLAND GEYER - Professor at Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, UC Santa Barbara - Author of The Business of Less
Roland Geyer is a Professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa Barbara, and the author of The Business of Less. Since 2000 he has worked with a wide range of governmental organizations, trade associations, and companies on environmental sustainability issues. His overarching goal is to help develop the knowledge, tools, and methods necessary to reduce the environmental impact from industrial production and consumption.···
DAVID AUBURN - Pulitzer & Tony Award-Winning Playwright, Screenwriter & Director
David Auburn's plays include Proof (Pulitzer Prize, Tony Award®, New York Drama Critics Circle Award), An Upset and Amateurs (EST Marathons) and Skyscraper. Films include The Girl in the Park (writer/director) and The Lake House. Recent directing credits include A Delicate Balance for BTF. His short plays have been collected in the volume “Fifth Planet and Other Plays” (DPS). His work has been published in Harper’s, New England Review, and Guilt and Pleasure; and he was a contributing editor to the Oxford American Writers Thesaurus. A former Guggenheim Fellow, he lives in New York
About The Creative Process - Arts, Culture, Society - 2021-2022
Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists, and creative thinkers across the Arts and STEM. We discuss their life, work, artistic practice. Winners of the Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer, Nobel Prize, leaders and public figures share real experiences and offer valuable insights.
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