EP 75 Cultural appropriation
I am doing a proper episode on cultural appropriation because I have come across a couple of spiritual influencer in the UK that have recommended “sageing” as a practice to cleanse one’s aura and I am annoyed that this is still happening, more than twenty years after I embraced my spiritual journey. It seems that nothing has changed. Maya Angelou says: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” But I feel that in this context, we need to know better. The excuse of not knowing is no longer valid. What is cultural appropriation? I refer to the definition from Wikipedia: “The adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture in a manner perceived as inappropriate or unacknowledged.” It is particularly controversial when done by members of a dominant culture. If you are part of the dominant race of a country that has colonialist roots: be incredibly careful of what you do. You are in the hot seat. But this also applies to minorities in your country so for people in the UK: the Roma people and people who practice Wicca. It also ties into the commercial exploitation of that culture, be it religion, tradition, customs, dance steps, fashion, symbols, language, history or music. Cultural appropriation is harmful. In doubt, don’t do it. In the episode I talk in particular about the use of white safe to cleanse energy. But there are hundreds of other examples, not all linked to spirituality. Using the word “chakra”, turning yoga into a workout, medicine wheels, use of Chinese characters or Celtic symbols as tattoos, sweat lodges, vision quests, ayahuasca ceremonies, cacao ceremonies, kahuna magic, spells, feng shui, qi gong, tai chi, evil eye, hamsa, dreadlocks, and so much more. Cultural appropriation is intimately linked to colonisation and oppression of marginalised groups. It fuels inequality, social injustice and racism.