Dusan Kwiatkowski of Live Oak Brewing Co. interviews Josh Brengle of Compañía Cervecera HérculesThis Episode is Sponsored by:Firsd TeaFirsd Tea offers more than tea, bringing herbs and botanicals from across the globe to your doorstep. Be it flower, root, or leaf, contact Firsd Tea to find colorful, fragrant, flavorful botanicals. Email
[email protected] to find out more.Stomp StickersStomp Stickers is a proud member of the Brewers Association that produces a wide variety of printed brewery products such as beerlabels, keg collars, coasters, beer boxes and much more. Stomp’s website features an easy-to-use design tool, low quantity orders, fast turn times, and free domestic shipping. Visit StompStickers.com and use code BREWER for 15% off your first order.Malteurop Malting CompanyMalteurop Malting Company (MMC) is based in North America—specializing in growing and producing quality malts for the craft beer and distilling industries. With local farms and Malthouses spread across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, MMC's commitment to excellence is fully ingrained into every batch it produces, ensuring breweries and distilleries of any size can create the finest beverages on the planet. Visit www.malteuropmaltingco.com to learn how MMC can support your malting needs. Contact MMC at
[email protected] or (844) 546-MALT (6258) for questions or to place your order.Host: Dusan KwiatkowskiGuest: Josh BrengleSponsor: Firsd Tea, All About Beer, Stomp Stickers, Malt EuropTags: Brewing, Lager, Travel, Mexico, RauchbierPhoto Credits: Courtesy of Dusan Kwiatkowski and Josh BrengleThe following music was used for this media project:Music: Hip Hop Intro 06 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9533-hip-hop-intro-06License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseArtist website: https://linktr.ee/taigasoundprod
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