A day late and many dollars short, welcome back to the BRK Monday Morning Minute! Join Evan and Nick as they discuss what's been happening in our wonderful word of make believe.
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Monday Morning Minute (02/24)
A hearty and healthy good morning to you, wonderful listener! Join Evan and Nick for a discussion on all things other worldly on this, the top of your week.
If Evan's voice sounds blown out, he has no idea why it sounds that way. He didn't mess with any EQ stuff and his interface was at the same gain level it's always at. Maybe there's a troll living in his microphone. Hopefully the troll isn't there next week.
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Monday Morning Minute (02/17)
Good morning all you wonderful nerds. Sip on some coffee, scroll through some cute animal videos, and show up ten minutes late for work as Evan and Nick discuss the current happenings in the world of make believe.
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Monday Morning Minute (02/10)
Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of Book Reviews Kill! Grab yourself some coffee or matcha or tea or a nice big glass of water and join Evan and Nick for the Monday Morning Minute!
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Monday Morning Minute (02/03)
We're so back! Welcome, dear listeners, to another exciting episode of the Monday Morning Minute! Please welcome the new co-host of the Book Reviews Kill podcast, Nick Parry from @booksaresick!
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